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研究生: 張豐麒
Feng-Chi Chang
論文名稱: 開放性無線接入網路電信伺服器設備研發經營策略之個案研究
Product Development Strategic Plan of Open Radio Access Network in new 5G Telecom Market- A Case Study of Network Communication Company
指導教授: 周碩彥
Shuo-Yan Chou
Shao-Ju Shih
口試委員: 周碩彥
Shuo-Yan Chou
Shao-Ju Shih
Po-Hsun Kuo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 高階科技研發碩士學位學程
Executive Master of Research and Development
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 95
中文關鍵詞: 5G開放式接入網設備Open RANO-RAN
外文關鍵詞: 5G, Open access network equipment,, Open RAN, O-RAN
相關次數: 點閱:557下載:0
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5G的通訊新技術改變了連接性,該技術可實現更快的數據傳輸速度,相較於4G標準可達到的速度快 10 倍、因有更低的延遲與更大的網路容量。 因此,5G 為眾多行業創造了巨大機遇,但也為大規模顛覆奠定了基礎與加速了產業的數位數型而影響廣泛的行業,從醫療保健到金融服務、智慧零售、智慧製造、智慧城市、甚至進入到Web3.0等,而隨著物聯網設備數量的增加,都將依靠 5G 即時傳輸大量數據,設備量從 2020 年的 12B 未來增長到 2025 年的 30B+,地球上每個人擁有超過 4 台設備。而這些因5G新技術推動產業變革的引領了商機也帶動了電信運營商想要打破傳統設備商的緊箍咒,進而由產業聯盟如Telecom Infra Project (TIP)、O-RAN所提出的將接入網設備的軟、硬體分離的白牌設備新商業模式,進而因5G技術發展而從原本以消費者為主的經營模式,擴增至各垂直產業的新商機領域。



5G new technology transforms connectivity and fastens data communcation; with lower latency and greater network throughput capacity, it speeds up to 10 times faster than what can be achieved by the 4G standard. Therefore, 5G creates enormous business opportunities into various vertical industries and accelerates the digitization transformation at the same time. It affects a wide range of industries, from healthcare to financial services, smart retail, smart manufacturing, smart cities, even into Web3.0, etc. As the number of IoT devices increases, they will all rely on 5G to instantly transmit a large amount of data; it will grow from 12B in 2020 to 30B+ in 2025, until then everyone will have more than 4 devices. These industrial changes driven by 5G new technologies have brought business opportunities and also led the telecom service provider to break the constraints of the traditional telecom equipment manfuactdures, and then to create new business model (seperating hardware and software for whitebox equipments) proposed by industry alliances such as Telecom Infra Project (TIP) and O-RAN. Further, with the development of 5G technology, the new business model can be expanded from consumer-oriented to potential business oriented in various vertical industries.

The case company is a leading hardware provider of Network Security, SD-WAN (software-defined networking in a wide area network) and IoT related equipment. Although the case company still has double-digit compound growth in the past ten years, the growth is apparently stagnant in the recent two years. The main subject of this thesis is to discuss the industrial transformation of access network equipment driven by the new 5G technology, to propose strategies and layouts for case company to enter new product lines, to drive and formulate secondary growth momentum for the enterprise. The case company didn’t build the product line of Open RNA (radio network access) from scratch, but accumulated R&D designs and manufacturing capabilities over the past 30 years. In addition, it has entered the supply chain of many telecom communcation service providers, so it can enter the field of access end from the edge computing of client.

This thesis discusses from the external and internal environment about the industrial development trend and orientation, internal and external key factors of the enterprise, and the product classification driven by 5G technology of the case company. It insights the key factors required by the industry through the business canvas model, and the value proposition that the case company can provide; furthermore, it proposes the technology blueprint of future product plan through this key factor. Through the discussion of this thesis, the process from product planning to market is finally derived, which provides a check point for future planning products. Through this model, it can be re-examined in response to industrial development and changes, and the result can be used to formulate the basic structure of sustainable management of enterprises.

摘 要 I Abstract II 目錄 V 表目錄 VII 圖目錄 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究對個案公司介紹 3 1.3 研究目的 4 1.4 論文架構 5 第二章 產業技術分析探討 7 2.1 移動通訊演進 7 2.2無線接入網路概述 9 2.3開放無線接入網路架構說明 12 2.3.1 Open RAN架構 13 2.3.2 5G基站部署與關鍵應用 18 2.4 Open RAN 標準化推動聯盟 22 2.4.1 Telecom Infra Project (TIP) 聯盟 22 2.4.2 O-RAN聯盟 24 2.5開放性無線接入網路商用化的挑戰與缺口 27 第三章 產業市場分析 31 3.1 全球市場趨勢 31 3.1.1 5G市場趨勢 31 3.1.2 全球 RAN 規模預估 33 3.1.3 Revenue Forecast for RAN and Open RAN 33 3.1.4 全球預估5G RAN的市場區隔分析 34 3.1.5 Hype cycle for Emerging Tech, 2020, Gartner Report 36 3.2 主要Open RAN 推動組織 37 3.3 主要5G電信設備供應商分析 39 3.3.1 市場領導者: 40 3.3.2遠見視野者(Visionaries) 42 3.3.3利基市場領域者 43 3.4 主要晶片方案分析 43 3.4.1 INTEL晶片方案 44 3.4.2 NVIDIA晶片方案 46 第四章 策略與佈局 48 4.1 PEST 產業內外部總體產業環境分析掃描 48 4.1.1 PEST 分析方法簡介 48 4.1.2 5G Open RAN PEST分析 49 4.2麥可‧波特五力分析 52 4.2.1 五力分析方向簡介 52 4.2.2 波特五力分析說明 53 4.3 強弱危機分析(SWOT)分析 58 4.3.1 強弱危機分析(SWOT)簡介 58 4.3.2個案公司強弱危機分析(SWOT) 60 4.4 BCG 矩陣分析 63 4.4.1 BCG矩陣分析簡介 63 4.4.2 個案公司BCG矩陣分析 64 4.5 價值主張(Value Proposition) 66 4.6.1商業模式畫布簡介 70 4.6.2個案公司商業模式畫布 71 4.7產品規劃藍圖(T-PLAN) 73 4.7.1 產品規劃藍圖簡介 73 4.7.2 個案公司產品規劃藍圖 73 第五章 結論與建議 80 參考文獻 83

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