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研究生: 吳柏毅
Bo-Yi Wu
論文名稱: 植基於相似度計算與CUDA架構之網路分群
Network Clustering Using Structure Similarity with CUDA Architecture
指導教授: 林昌鴻
Chang-Hong Lin
口試委員: 李佳翰
Chia-Han Lee
Wei-Mei Chen
Chin-Hsien Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 82
中文關鍵詞: 資料探勘重點成員相似程度圖模組化CUDA整合平行技術
外文關鍵詞: Data Mining, Community Structure, Super Node, Similarity Graph, Modularity-based Method, CUDA Parallel Architecture
相關次數: 點閱:290下載:2
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  • 大型資料探勘與分析技術近年來普遍應用於眾多社群網路研究領域。而資料分析最主要的核心目的就是找出一筆資料中彼此關聯度較高的群體,藉由群的概念可以使我們輕易地將單一複雜的問題切割成許多關聯性較高的子問題,進而處理解決之。目前許多方法僅能針對無權重網路有著顯著的效果或者處理結果並不與主觀認知相符。因此本論文結合成員相似度計算與模組最佳化來提供一個實用且快速的資料分析演算法;其憑藉網路中常見的重要特性,如利用重點成員較高的資料連結度與成員之間的相似數值來建構相似程度圖。待相似程度圖產生後,我們利用網絡中模組的特性,將產生的相似程度圖進而拆成許多有意義的群體。最後我們導入NVIDIA的CUDA整合平行技術,將分群演算法中可平行處理的部份利用GPU多執行緒架構的幫忙,進而加快處理速度。根據實驗結果中我們能在無權重網路上獲得較精準的分群結果並同時有效地處理權重網路與較快速的處理時間。

    Over the past decade, large-scale data mining and analysis techniques are commonly used in many research fields of social networks. The central purpose of the data analysis is to identify the community structure, where vertices within a community are strongly connected and vertices between communities have low edge density in the networks. According to the community structure, we can effortlessly split the unitary complex problem into several higher associated issues, and then we can solve it more easily. However, there are many clustering algorithms only can process on the unweighted networks, and some of detected communities do not correspond with the subjective perception. In this thesis, we proposed a method by using the combination of different methods, including the detection of super nodes, similarity-based method and modularity-based clustering. It based on many characteristics in the weighted network, such as using several vertices which have strong influences in the whole network and the similarity measurements between the nodes, in order to construct the similarity graph. After obtaining the similarity graph, we then extract meaningful communities by using the modularity-based method. Finally, we import the integration of CUDA parallel technology to deal with the processes which can be parallel operated. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can not only obtain exact communities against other clustering algorithms on the unweighted networks, but also can efficiently deal with weighted networks. Moreover, we can handle global networks within a reasonable time.

    ABSTRACT...............................................I 中文摘要 ...............................................II 致謝 .................................................III List of Contents ......................................IV List of Figures ......................................VII List of Tables .......................................IX CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ...............................1 1.1 Motivation .......................................1 1.2 Contributions ....................................2 1.3 Thesis Organization ..............................2 CHAPTER 2 RELATED WORKS ...........................3 2.1 Community Structure in a Real-World Network ......3 2.2 Related Clustering Algorithms ....................4 2.2.1 Similarity-based Methods .......................4 2.2.2 Modularity-based Methods .......................5 2.2.3 Clustering Methods on Weighted Networks ........7 CHAPTER 3 CUDA INTRODUCTION ..........................9 3.1 Background .......................................9 3.2 The Specification of CUDA device ................10 3.3 CUDA Software Model .............................13 3.3.1 Function Type Qualifiers ......................14 3.3.2 Grid of Thread Blocks .........................15 CHAPTER 4 PROPOSED METHODS ..........................19 4.1 Preprocessing ...................................20 4.2 Similarity Graph Construction ...................23 4.2.1 Cosine Similarity .............................23 4.2.2 Structure Similarity Calculation ..............25 4.2.3 Finding Local Communities .....................28 4.3 Modularity-base Method ..........................32 4.3.1 The CNM Modularity Method .....................32 4.3.2 Similarity-based Modularity ...................37 4.4 Proposed Clustering Algorithm ...................39 4.5 CUDA Implementation .............................42 CHAPTER 5 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS ......................45 5.1 Developing Platform .............................45 5.2 Experimental Results ............................46 5.2.1 Discussion of Super Node Threshold ............46 5.2.2 Cosine Similarity vs. Jaccard Similarity ......49 5.2.3 Comparison of Different Modularity Algorithm ..50 5.2.4 Experiments with Weighted Networks ............53 5.3 Performance Analysis ............................61 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS ..............64 6.1 Conclusions .....................................64 6.2 Future Work .....................................64 References ..........................................66

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