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研究生: 吳俊霖
Jynu-lin Wu
論文名稱: 摻鉻鎂橄欖石寬頻光源斜線效率的影響因素
Factors affecting the slope efficiency of Cr:forsterite broadband light source
指導教授: 葉秉慧
Pinghui Sophia Yeh
口試委員: 黃升龍
Sheng-lung Huang
Shih-hsiang Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 摻鉻鎂橄欖石晶體光纖自發輻射放大寬頻光源光學同調斷層掃描晶纖的傳輸損耗與吸收係數晶纖長度對於ASE功率的增進激發光源極化與波長的影響環境溫度的改變對ASE斜線效率的影響
外文關鍵詞: Cr-Forsterite Crystal Fiber, Amplified Spontaneous Emission, Optical Coherence Tomography, the propagation loss and absorption coefficient, the length of crystal fiber, the polarization and wavelength of the pump lase, and ambient temperature
相關次數: 點閱:379下載:2
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The emission spectrum of Cr4+:Forsterite covers 1.1 to 1.4μm, with minimal absorption for biological soft tissue and for standard optical fibers having OH- absorption near 1.4μm. Therefore, Cr4 +: Forsterite crystal based broadband light sources have excellent potential.

In this research, the factors that determine the slope efficiency of amplified spontaneous emission(ASE) broadband light source were explored through theory and experiments. They included the propagation loss and absorption coefficient of crystal fiber, the length of crystal fiber, the polarization and wavelength of the pump laser, and ambient temperature. The core size of fiber was limited to 70μm in the meantime.

ASE power of 1mW was obtained from a 10.6cm-long Cr4 +: Forsterite single-clad crystal fiber when pumped with a non-polarized 907nm laser diode of 2.16W. Broadband emission spectrum exhibited a 3dB bandwidth of 200nm and a peak wavelength of 1116nm. The propagation loss of crystal fibers was in a range of 0.006~0.02cm-1 measured with a 1550nm laser diode. The ASE slope efficiency difference between a-axis and b-axis of Cr4 +: Forsterite crystal fiber was 40%~80% measured with a polarized 1064nm laser diode. The temperature sensitivity of the ASE slope efficiency was -0.78%/℃.

致謝 i 中文摘要 ii Abstract iii 目錄 iv 圖片目錄 vi 表格目錄 ix 第一章 緒論 1 第二章 Cr4+:Forsterite 11 2.1 Cr4+:Forsterite晶體之材料特性 11 2.2 Cr4+:Forsterite晶體之光學特性 16 第三章 Cr4+:Forsterite晶體光纖基本製程 22 3.1 晶體光纖生長架構與方法 22 3.2 晶體光纖之金屬包覆 28 3.3 晶體光纖之研模與拋光 34 第四章 光纖原理與設計 37 4.1 光纖波導原理 37 4.2光纖放大原理與自發輻射放大 42 4.3摻鉻鎂橄欖石晶體光纖設計以增進寬頻光源功率 54 4.3.1增加Cr4+濃度 58 4.3.2雙纖衣晶體光纖 60 4.3.3光纖長度最佳化的探討 61 4.3.4極化的影響與生長軸的選擇 66 第五章 光纖光學特性量測架構與結果 73 5.1 Cr4+:Forsterite晶體光纖傳輸損耗 73 5.2 Cr4+:Forsterite晶體光纖吸收係數 84 5.3 Cr4+:Forsterite晶體光纖在不同環境溫度下ASE效率變化 86 第六章 結論與未來展望 93 參考文獻 97

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