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研究生: 孫汶宏
論文名稱: 居家照顧經營模式之探討–以行動裝置Hoca媒合系統為例
Business model of Homecare–Examples of Mobile Matchmaking Hoca system
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tain-yi Luor
口試委員: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 73
中文關鍵詞: 行動裝置居家照顧安養機構服務模式狩野模式
外文關鍵詞: Mobile device, Home care, Nursing agency, Service model, Kano model
相關次數: 點閱:362下載:25
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The globalization of the industry and increasing prices have led to a drastic change in the structure of the family today: the structural simplification of the small family. The population group is simplified such that almost all members of the family must work or go to school. The fact that most elderly people do not have access to an assisted-living facility is a matter of independence this situation is due to being separated from their children, and the shortcomings and limitations of existing national health care institutions. Living alone at home or independently means the need to face the needs and dangers of various emergencies.
This study uses the Kano model through a questionnaire survey approach. It explores the integration of the nursing and information industries through mobile devices that caregiver and the elderly use in terms of mobile device applications in elderly home care services, and the motivations and service models. This study determines the ability of the elderly in building a friendlier home care environment through the mobile device home care system. Improvement is needed because the current system cannot satisfy the general life needs or emergency rescue requirements of the elderly. When elderly people need help in their home, their children cannot help them immediately. However, they can use the mobile device system to have the characteristics of being “connected anytime, trusted transmission, and intelligently handled.” Licensed home caregivers in the vicinity are searched and matched to provide friendly home care, reduce the incidence of accidents among senior citizens, and improve the quality of living alone.
In the study, through the basic data of elderly people in home care services, we investigate the following: the living conditions of caregivers and senior citizens; the use of mobile devices by elderly people living in home care services; the cognitive examination of mobile devices used in elderly home care services; the application of the system to the needs of home care services for the elderly; and the application of a mobile device system to the burden of cognition in the home care service for the elderly. We investigate, analyze, and explore the general lack of scientific and technological cognition of mobile devices in elderly people based on six dimensions. The sample data are obtained from the children of the elderly. As a basis for the application of the mobile device system to home care services for the elderly, the six dimensions are used to investigate, analyze, and explore the general lack of scientific and technological cognition of mobile devices in elderly people. The data from the children of the elderly were used as the sample and were investigated and analyzed as a basis for the application of the mobile device system to home care services for the elderly.

摘要 I ABSTRACT III 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 VIII 第一章、 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 2 1.2 研究問題與目的 7 1.3 研究範圍與架構 8 第二章、 文獻探討 11 2.1 獨居老人之定義及成因 11 2.2 獨居老人生活需求與社會福利資源結合 14 2.3 高齡化居家安全與健康照顧現況與因應方式 18 2.4 高齡化結構的衝擊與行動裝置結合商機 22 2.5 行動裝置產業發展趨勢 28 2.6 狩野模式(Kano Model) 34 第三章、 研究設計與方法 37 3.1 研究架構 37 3.2 研究對象與方法 38 3.3 研究工具 40 3.4 設計問卷 40 第四章、 研究結果 42 4.1 操作面分析 43 4.2 服務面分析 44 4.3 功能面分析 45 4.4 實用面分析 45 4.5 Kano二維品質要素分類 46 第五章、 研究結論與建議 47 5.1 結論 47 5.2 建議 50 5.3 研究限制 51 參考文獻 52 附錄一 58   圖目錄 圖 1-1、70~150年 台灣人口年齡分佈概況 6 圖 1-2、老年長者健康照顧資源圖 9 圖 1-3、研究架構 10 圖 2-1、人口數和三階段年齡組圖 13 圖 2-2、本研究整理至老年長者生活需求與台灣社會福利 17 圖 2-3、獨居老人平時之安全問題 19 圖 2-4、老人全人全照顧政策 21 圖 2-5、三階段人口年齡結構變動趨勢 23 圖 2-6、案例:雙連安養中心高優質機構照護模式擴散 25 圖 2-7、行動裝置HOCA系統的基本流程 26 圖 2-8、物聯網架構圖 30 圖 2-9、ICT技術變遷與服務發展趨勢圖 33 圖 2-10、狩野模式 35 圖 2-11、狩野教授之魅力品質創造流程 36 圖 3-1、本研究架構圖 38 圖 4-1、實用面問卷調查整理 45 圖 5-1、KANO二維品質要素示意圖 48   表目錄 表 1-1、台灣地區人居住型態 3 表 1-2、戶籍登記現住人口數按年齡分類 4 表 2-1、65歲以上老人家庭組成情形 14 表 2-1(續)、65歲以上老人家庭組成情形 14 表 2-2、主要國家的物聯網政策 29 表 2-3、雲端運算的進程 31 表 3-1、衡量項目 39 表 3-2、需求要素詮釋表 41 表 4-1、受訪者樣本分佈整理 42 表 4-2、操作面問卷調查表 43 表 4-3、服務面問卷調查表 44 表 4-4、功能面問卷調查表 45 表 4-5、KANO二維品質要素分類表 46

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