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研究生: 羅義雄
Yi-Hsiung Lo
論文名稱: 車用電腦主機之散熱最佳化設計
A Study on Optimal Thermal Design of The Vehicle Computer
指導教授: 林榮慶
Zone-Ching Lin
口試委員: 許覺良
Chaug-Liang Hsu
You-Min Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 71
中文關鍵詞: 車用電腦金屬機殼田口法直交表
外文關鍵詞: vehicle computers, metal chassis, Flotherm, Minitab Taguchi method orthogonal table
相關次數: 點閱:626下載:2
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(T)、鰭片高度(H)及前後開孔率(O) ,並取三個Level 採用田口法
L9 直交表做Flotherm 散熱的模擬分析,並運用Minitab 比較數據找
到四項參數之最佳化組合為A2(熱傳導係數154W/mK)、 B3(機殼厚度
5.5mm)、C3(鰭片高度7mm)、 D3(開孔率30%),再用分析軟體模擬分
散熱效益最佳。本研究利用軟體Flotherm 及Minitab 找到系統散熱

Vehicle computer is the industrial computer which is installed in the
car and could turns the car into a digital device and provide information
to assist the driver. With the camera lens and related detectors, it monitors
and provides self-testing for vehicle safety, vehicle-to-vehicle
communication and remote information monitoring..... etc.
This main objective of this dissertation is aimed at optimizing
thermal design of the vehicle computer. Firstly, we will introduce the
overview of the industry and application of the vehicle computer, and
secondly, discussed the differences between vehicle computer and
general computer architecture. The metal chassis of vehicle computer can
be a good cooling method for heat source on the mother-board. Therefore
in the simulation analysis, we defined the material of top chassis (M),
chassis thickness (T), the fin height (H) and front opening ratio (O), and
took three Levels by using the Taguchi method orthogonal table L9 for
thermal simulation analysis, using Minitab to compare the data to find the
best combination of the four parameters. which are the A2 (material is
AL6061), B3 (chassis thickness is 5.5mm), C3 (fin height is 7mm), and
D3 (opening ratio 30%).Ran the analysis software to verify the
temperature of the cooling efficiency verifiable via four control variables
which obtained from Taguchi method and the result proved it was the
best approach for the optimal system thermal design. In this study, by
using Minitab and Flotherm analysis software to find the optimal system
thermal design, the result served as reference for researchers to evaluate
and analyze thermal solution, making adjustment according to
experiments and the actual situation, we believe researchers can have
more accurate direction of design. the test results provide such referential
materials for researchers to evaluate and analyze the thermal solution, and
making adjustment based on the experiments and the actual situations
accordingly. We believe that this study can provide researchers with more
accurate idea of design.

碩士學位論文指導教授推薦書 ------------------------------- i 碩士學位考試委員審定書 ---------------------------------- ii 摘 要 ---------------------------------------------- iii Abstract ------------------------------------------------ iv 誌 謝 ----------------------------------------------- vi 目 錄 ---------------------------------------------- vii 圖表索引 ------------------------------------------------- x 第壹章 緒論 ---------------------------------------------- 1 1.1 前言 ------------------------------------------------- 1 1.2 研究動機 --------------------------------------------- 2 1.3 研究目的 --------------------------------------------- 3 1.4 論文架構與研究流程 ------------------------------------ 3 1.4.1 本論文的主要架構 --------------------------------- 3 1.4.2 研究流程 ----------------------------------------- 5 第貳章 車用電腦傳導之簡介與文獻探討 ---------------------- 6 viii 2.1 車用電腦傳導之介紹 ------------------------------------ 6 2.2 熱流分析相關文獻之探討 -------------------------------- 8 第章 系統之規劃設計及實驗方法 ------------------------- 10 3.1 熱傳遞三型態之簡介 ---------------------------------- 10 3.1.1 熱傳導 ------------------------------------------ 10 3.1.2 熱對流 ------------------------------------------ 11 3.1.3 熱輻射 ------------------------------------------ 12 3.2 運用3D 繪圖軟體進行系統概念設計 --------------------- 13 3.3 系統散熱模組之設計 ---------------------------------- 16 3.4 確認主機板上主要熱點分布位置及規格 ------------------ 19 3.5 外殼開孔型式及開孔率之設計 --------------------------- 21 3.6 實驗方法之概述 -------------------------------------- 22 3.6.1 實驗方法 ---------------------------------------- 22 3.6.2 直交表定義 -------------------------------------- 22 第肆章 電腦輔助模擬分析與結果討論 ----------------------- 25 4.1 軟體輔助數值分析之功能 ------------------------------ 25 4.2 建立分析圖形及設定模擬環境 -------------------------- 26 ix 4.3 模擬分析之結果 -------------------------------------- 30 4.4 Minitab 分析所得之最佳化條件 ------------------------- 41 4.5 分析結果與討論 -------------------------------------- 49 4.5.1 模擬分析參數設定誤差 ----------------------------- 49 4.5.2 主機板之熱源誤差 -------------------------------- 50 4.5.3 導熱材熱傳導系數影響 ----------------------------- 50 第伍章 結論與建議 --------------------------------------- 53 5.1 結論 ------------------------------------------------ 53 5.2 建議 ------------------------------------------------ 54 參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------ 56

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