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研究生: 李昱賢
Yu-Hsien - Lee
論文名稱: 使用線性提升技術並適合於生醫應用之低功耗可編程轉導電容濾波器積體電路
Power-Efficient Integrated Circuits of Reconfigurable OTA-C Filters with Linearity Enhancement for Biomedical Application
指導教授: 彭盛裕
Sheng-Yu Peng
口試委員: 陳新
Chen, Hsin
Hsiao-Chin Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 90
中文關鍵詞: 轉導放大器電容濾波器低功耗積體電路線性提升技術懸浮閘電晶體
外文關鍵詞: operational transconductance amplifier, OTA-C Filter, Lowpower, linearization, floating gate circuit
相關次數: 點閱:418下載:6
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In this thesis, a low-power high linearity programmable high-order filter is designed and presented that is suitable to be employed in the analog front-end circuitsfor biomedical applications to remove out-of-band signals and interference. This filter consists of a cascade of multiple reconfigurable biquadratic sections that can provide lowpass or bandpass responses.The reconfigurable biquadratic section is composed of four power-efficient linearized operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs) and two capacitors with all filter parameters, such as the natural frequency, gains, and quality factor, orthogonally programmable.
The differential pair in the proposed OTA is composed of six differs and four differential pairs so that nonlinearity cancellation technique can be applied to improve OTA input linear range. To further improve power efficiency, complementary differential pair topology as well as current reuse technique is employed to double the transconductance value under the same condition of current consumption. Floating gate transistors are used to adjust the bias current of the OTA and to implement the common-mode feedback without extra power consumption. To minimize the impact of process variation, common-centroid layout techniques are applied. The transistor dimensions are designed according to the component sensitivity. Each transistor is realized by series or parallel combination of unit size transistors. From simulation, compared with a basic OTA under the same condition of bandwidth requirement, the power consumption of the proposed OTA increases by 57% and the input referred noise increases by 19%. However, the input linear range can be improved by 17.71 times.
A high-order filter chip that is composed of six proposed OTA-C filter is designed and fabricated in TSMC 0.35m CMOS process. The gains, natural frequency, and quality factor of each biquadratic filter can be orthogonally programmed. A serial-peripheral interface circuit with non-volatile memory is used to select the signal path as well as lowpass or bandpass output. From measurements, the input linear range of the OTA can be 216mVpp. The input referred noise from the lowpass output is 86Vrms.When the bandwidth is programmed at 2kHz, the power consumption is 100nW with spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) of 52.6dB. With the same natural frequency, the measured input referred noise from the bandpass output is 72.9Vrms and the measured SFDR is 53.57dB. Besides, to further increase the input linear range, this thesis also propose another linearization technique using capacitive input attenuation technique with programmable high impedance pseudo-resistors. In this manner, the input linear range can be improved to 0.9Vpp with SFDR of 59.42dB.
Finally, this thesis designs a temperature compensation circuit containing a PTAT circuit to reduce the effect of temperature drift. From measurement, the frequency drift can reduced from 1649% to 91.5% when temperature drifts from 27〬C to 80〬C.

摘要 vi Abstract viii 目錄 x 圖目錄 xiii 表目錄 xvi 第一章 序論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機 1 1.3 論文大綱 2 1.4 懸浮閘電晶體介紹 3 1.4.1 穿隧效應 4 1.4.2 熱載子注入效應 5 第二章 生醫應用之高線性度低功耗可重組化轉導電容濾波器電路 7 2.1 研究動機與原理 7 2.2 系統架構與電路介紹 8 2.3 可編程低功耗類比濾波器 9 2.3.1 雙二階轉導電容帶通濾波器 10 2.3.2 雙二階轉導電容低通濾波器 13 2.4 高線性度可編程轉導放大器設計 14 2.4.1 線性化技術 15 2.4.2 線性效率因數 19 2.4.3 高效能線性化轉導放大器 19 2.4.4 懸浮閘電晶體偏壓與回授電路 21 2.4.5 製程變異與架構改進 22 2.5 雜訊分析 24 2.5.1 轉導放大器雜訊分析 24 2.5.2 雙二階轉導電容濾波器雜訊分析 27 第三章 線性提升技術應用於生醫感測類比前端之低功耗可重組化轉導電容 濾波器電路 30 3.1 研究背景與原理 30 3.2 系統架構與電路介紹 31 3.3 電容輸入衰減轉導放大器 32 3.4 可編程虛擬電阻 33 3.5 雜訊計算與動態範圍 35 第四章 溫度補償 38 4.1 研究動機 38 4.2 轉導值溫度補償原理 38 4.3 正比絕對溫度之電路 39 4.3.1 一般正比絕對溫度電路 39 4.3.2 懸浮閘電晶體之正比絕對溫度電路 41 4.4 轉導值和溫度無關電路 43 第五章 量測結果與討論 46 5.1 懸浮閘電晶體之編程與量測 47 5.2 生醫應用之高線性度低功耗可重組化轉導電容濾波器電路量測 48 5.2.1 轉導放大器線性度範圍量測 48 5.2.2 雙二階轉導電容濾波器量測 50 5.2.3 高階濾波器量測 56 5.3 線性提升技術應用於生醫感測類比前端之低功耗可重組化轉導電容 濾波器電路量測 62 5.3.1 高階濾波器量測 62 5.3.2 心音肺音量測 63 5.4 溫度補償量測 67 5.3.1 雙二階轉導電容濾波器量測 67 5.3.2 高階濾波器量測 67 第六章 結論與未來展望 68 6.1 結論 68 6.2 未來展望 69 參考文獻 70

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