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研究生: 李柏翰
Bo-Han Li
論文名稱: 具虛擬實境與外骨骼機構之上肢復健系統設計
Design of an Upper Limb Rehabilitation System with Virtual Reality and Exoskeleton Mechanism
指導教授: 陳羽薰
Yu-Hsun Chen
口試委員: 陳羽薰
Yu-Hsun Chen
Kuan-Lun Hsu
Wei-chen Lee
Biing-Chwen Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 89
中文關鍵詞: 虛擬實境復健醫療輔具遠端運動中心運動分析
外文關鍵詞: Virtual Reality, Rehabilitation, Assistive Devices, Remote Center of Motion, Motor Analysis
相關次數: 點閱:66下載:0
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肩等代償動作之功能。硬體方面感測器測得的角度訊號透過 Arduino 介面
作代償。軟體方面則透過 Unreal 遊戲引擎設計視覺畫面的動作引導與關節
對此利用方程式補正,使最大誤差值降至 8%以下。其後,對兩位受測者進
行相同實驗,以確保方程式和裝置設計的可信度,結果顯示誤差值也在 7%

This research aims to develop an upper limb rehabilitation system that
integrates virtual reality and exoskeleton mechanisms to address limitations in
shoulder and elbow joint mobility caused by conditions such as shoulder adhesion,
shoulder impingement syndrome, or shoulder sports injuries. Due to the high
demand for human resources and time and space constraints in traditional
rehabilitation methods, this system aims to provide patients with a virtual reality
rehabilitation option.
The hardware component includes an upper limb exoskeleton device with
joint motion angle measurement and shoulder shrugging detection capabilities.
The angle signals captured by sensors are processed and controlled through an
Arduino interface, while a string sensor reads hand position and checks for
compensatory movements.
On the software side, the Unreal game engine is employed to design visual
interfaces for guiding movements and providing feedback on joint motion ranges.
The system utilizes a gamified approach to guide patients through rehabilitation
exercises. The games measure shoulder abduction/adduction,shoulder
extension/flexion , shoulder external/internal rotation, and elbow
extension/flexion. These movements are incorporated into three games, with the
measured joint limit angles recorded in backend files for future medical reference.
The game's reward mechanism aims to increase patients' motivation for
rehabilitation while reducing dependence on professional medical personnel. The
collected joint motion data facilitates tracking patient recovery progress and
enhances the flexibility, accessibility, and efficiency of the healthcare system.
In the experimental phase, optical tracking software was used to calculate
human body motion angles and compare them with sensor measurements. It was
found that due to the natural elevation of the shoulder joint during mechanism
movement, error values increased. To address this, a correction equation was
applied, reducing all error values to below 8%. Subsequently, the same
experiment was conducted on two subjects to ensure the reliability of the equation
and device design. Results showed error values below 7%. Additionally, a
relationship between shoulder joint elevation height and motion angle was
incorporated to further improve device accuracy.

摘要 II Abstract VI 致謝 VIII 目錄 IX 圖目錄 XII 表目錄 XVII 1 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 1 1.2 論文架構 4 2 第二章 文獻回顧 7 2.1 RCM機構 7 2.2 復健輔具 13 2.2.1平面機構式上肢復健輔具 13 2.2.2外骨骼式輔具 16 2.3 虛擬實境式復健裝置 18 3 第三章 研究方法 24 3.1 硬體設計 24 3.2 軟體設計 26 23.3 復健動作設計 27 3.4 成效評估 29 4 第四章 機構設計 31 4.1 RCM構型生成 31 4.2 尺寸設計 34 4.3 順向運動學位置分析 38 4.4 機械設計 41 5 第五章 訊號系統設計 45 5.1訊號處理 45 5.2 訊號補正 52 5.2.1 肩外展/內收訊號補正 53 5.2.2肩伸展/屈曲訊號補正 56 5.2.3肩外轉/內轉、肘伸展/屈曲訊號補正 58 5.3 遊戲設計 60 5.3.1 肩外展/內收、肘伸展/屈曲運動 63 5.3.2肩伸展/屈曲運動 65 5.3.3肩外轉/內轉運動 66 5.3.4 測試結果畫面 67 6 第六章 實驗驗證 70 6.1訊號驗證 70 6.2 聳肩驗證 78 7 第七章 結論與未來展望 81 7.1結論 81 7.2未來展望 82 8 參考文獻 84

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