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研究生: 李長凌
Chang-lin Lee
論文名稱: AZ31B與AZ61A鎂合金擠製板CO2雷射銲接性研究
Effects of Welding Heat Input on CO2 Laser Weldability of AZ31B and AZ61A Magnesium Alloy Extrusion Sheet
指導教授: 蔡顯榮
Hsien-Lung Tsai
口試委員: 向四海
Su - Hai Hsiang
Ching-Min Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 78
中文關鍵詞: 鎂合金CO2雷射銲接性液化裂縫
外文關鍵詞: Keywords:Magnesium alloys, CO2 Laser, Weldability, Liquation Cracking
相關次數: 點閱:322下載:1
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  •   本論文主旨在探討連續式CO2 雷射銲接製程對AZ31B與AZ61A鎂合金銲接性之影響,並與傳統氬銲製程進行比較,研究範圍為銲接參數對微觀組織、化學成份、機械性質及破壞形態等影響。
      研究發現不同功率、銲接走速但入熱量相同時,會得到相同的銲透深度,深比則隨入熱量增加而增加。銲道中以掃瞄式電子顯微鏡(Scanning electron microscope , SEM)觀察發現AZ61A之析出物數量較AZ31B為多,且析出物尺寸隨入熱量增加而增加。而電子微探儀(Electron probe X-ray microanalysis , EPMA)成份定量分析顯示銲道有合金元素減少的情況,隨入熱量增加而元素損失也越多。於SEM下在AZ61A銲道邊緣發現有液化裂縫存在,能量分散光譜儀(Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy , EDS)掃瞄結果顯示微裂縫邊緣有鋁、鋅偏析的現象。

    Effects of welding heat input on CO2 laser weldability of AZ31B and AZ61A magnesium alloy extrusion sheet which has been investigated. CO2 laser beam welding was conducted on AZ31B and AZ61A magnesium alloy sheets at different welding speeds and input density. The depth-to-width ratio, mechanical property, microstructure, chemical component , and fractography, of the welds were evaluated using optical microscopy, tensile tests, hardness tests, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and electron probe for microanalysis, scanning electron microscope, and compared with TIG(tungsten inert gas) welding.
    Results indicated that both the hardness and tensile strength of laser beam welding were higher than those of TIG welds. It was shown that both the volume of precipitates increased on welded metal while the increase of heat input, AZ61A got more precipitates than AZ31B. But welded metal lose of alloy element increased on increase of heat input. Liquation Crack and segregation of Al and Zn were found on the edge of laser welded bead of AZ61A, but not found in TIG welded bead or in AZ31B. Liquation Crack led to different tensile fractography on two alloys.

    目 錄 中文摘要 ..........................................I Abstract .........................................II 誌 謝 ........................................III 目 錄 ..........................................V 表 目 錄 .......................................VIII 圖 目 錄 .........................................IX 第一章 前言 ......................................1 1.1 研究背景 ..................................1 1.2 研究目的 ..................................2 第二章 文獻回顧 ..................................3 2.1 鎂合金簡介 ................................3 2.2 鎂合金板材之擠製特性 ......................6 2.3 氬銲及CO2雷射銲接 .........................7 2.3.1 氬銲 ......................................7 2.3.2 CO2雷射銲接 ...............................9 2.4 鎂合金之銲接特性 .........................11 2.5 液化裂縫(Liquation Cracking) .............13 第三章 實驗方法 .................................17 3.1 實驗流程 .................................17 3.2 實驗設備 .................................18 3.3 材料準備 .................................19 3.4 銲接參數設計 .............................20 3.5 金相顯微組織觀察 .........................20 3.6 拉伸試驗 .................................21 3.7 EDS與EPMA成份分析 ........................22 3.8 微硬度試驗 ...............................23 3.9 破斷面SEM觀察與分析 ......................23 3.10 破斷側面OM觀察與分析 .....................23 第四章 結果與討論 ...............................24 4.1 金相OM觀察 ...............................24 4.2 微硬度試驗 ...............................40 4.3 拉伸試驗 .................................41 4.4 EPMA元素定量分析與SEM觀察及EDS成份分析 ...42 4.4.1 EPMA .....................................42 4.4.2 SEM觀察 ..................................42 4.4.3 析出物EDS分析 ............................47 4.5 破斷面SEM觀察 ............................56 4.6 破斷側面OM觀察 ...........................68 第五章 結論 .....................................71 第六章 未來研究建議 .............................73 參考文獻 .........................................74 作者簡介 .........................................78

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