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研究生: Enyew Alemayehu Bayle
Enyew Alemayehu Bayle
論文名稱: CO2響應性藥物傳遞系統,核鹼基功能化超分子載體和羅丹明6G衍生物在強效癌症化療應用中的開發
Development of CO2-responsive Drug Delivery Systems with Nucleobase-Functionalized Supramolecular Carriers and Rhodamine 6G Derivatives for Potent Cancer Chemotherapy Applications
指導教授: 鄭智嘉
Chih-Chia Cheng
口試委員: 謝永堂
Yeong-Tarng Shieh
Yung Chang
Chang-Mou Yang
Jem-Kun Chen
Ai-Ho Liao
Chih-Chia Cheng
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 應用科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 180
中文關鍵詞: 抗癌治療化療CO2敏感藥物傳遞系統疏水性-親水性轉換高碳酸氣體腫瘤微環境超分子微胞選擇性細胞內吸收罗丹明6G選擇性細胞毒性
外文關鍵詞: Anticancer treatment, Chemotherapy, CO2-responsive, drug delivery system, Hydrophobic-hydrophilic transition, Hypercapnic tumor microenvironment, Supramolecular micelle, Selective cellular internalization, Rhodamine 6G, Selective cytotoxicity
相關次數: 點閱:113下載:0
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我們設計了一種抗癌劑,由二氧化碳敏感的Imidazole-containing rhodamine 6G (I-R6G) 和功能化帶有尿嘧啶的水溶性聚乙二醇奈米粒子 (U-PEG) 組成。由於U-PEG和I-R6G之間的強親和相互作用,U-PEG被I-R6G有效包裹,並在水中自發組裝成球形奈米顆粒。這些奈米顆粒具有可調節的I-R6G負載量和粒徑、強烈的螢光特性、良好的結構穩定性、在水溶液生理環境中的抗溶血特性、選擇性和快速的二氧化碳響應,以及可控的二氧化碳敏感I-R6G釋放。在靶向癌細胞時,I-R6G包裹的U-PEG奈米製劑展現出顯著的選擇性毒性,而對正常細胞無害。更重要的是,細胞實驗證實,當培養基中含有二氧化碳時,癌細胞對I-R6G包裹奈米顆粒的選擇性內化顯著增加。隨著奈米顆粒崩解,I-R6G與二氧化碳的相互作用加速,最終促進了癌細胞的凋亡。因此,將二氧化碳敏感的抗癌劑I-R6G納入這種自組裝奈米載體系統,成為提高化療效率並減少副作用的重要策略,為改進化療提供了有前途的途徑。
因此,在第二項研究中,我們開發了二氧化碳響應螢光材料,這些材料有望成為有效的抗癌劑和生物成像熒光探針。我們成功合成了一種由帶有pH敏感螺環單元的R6G和自互補多重氫鍵腺嘌呤基團 (AR) 組成的二氧化碳敏感螢光材料。AR在微酸性水溶液中具有顯著的低水溶性,但在典型的有機溶劑中容易溶解。腺嘌呤基團的獨特極性雜環結構賦予其化學反應性,使其能夠對二氧化碳產生反應。因此,疏水性的AR在引入二氧化碳後能迅速完全溶解於水中,形成自組裝的球形奈米粒子。這些納米粒子在水中展示出獨特的自發螢光特性。此外,它們的光物理特性、表面電荷、酸鹼行為和自組裝結構可以通過二氧化碳和氮氣交替鼓泡進行精確和穩定的調控。這種能力使得AR的物理性質可以精確操控。令人感興趣的是,體外細胞實驗顯示,二氧化碳誘導的腺嘌呤基團質子化顯著增強了AR的抗溶血特性,導致在低劑量下對癌細胞具有高度選擇性和強效的細胞毒性,而對正常細胞無影響。相反,原本的AR在正常或癌細胞中並不顯示出選擇性毒性。因此,這種新型二氧化碳敏感系統在提高抗腫瘤藥物的安全性和有效性方面具有重要潛力。

A great deal of effort has been made over the last few decades to combat tumors that pose severe health risks. A persistent effort has been made to develop effective treatments for cancer, particularly chemotherapy. Despite this, traditional chemotherapy is still hindered by weak points, such as limited therapeutic efficacy and uncontrolled release of drugs, as well as numerous side effects brought by the non-specific and indistinguishable delivery of drugs. To overcome these barriers, smart bio-responsive drug delivery systems can be developed by using cancer features. Thus, in the first study, we have developed a strategy to design CO2-sensitive supramolecular drug distribution systems for efficient cancer treatment.
An anticancer agent comprising a CO2-sensitive imidazole-containing rhodamine 6G (I-R6G) and water-soluble poly(ethylene glycol) nanoparticles functionalized with uracil (U-PEG) was designed. As a result of the strong affinity interaction between U-PEG and I-R6G, I-R6G was effectively encapsulated by U-PEG and co-assembled spontaneously into spherical nanoobjects in water. These nanoparticles have tailorable I-R6G-loading and size of particles, as well as intense fluorescence characteristics, good structural durability, antihemolytic activity in aqueous physiological settings, selective and rapid CO2 response, and well-monitored CO2-sensitive I-R6G release. I-R6G-encapsulated U-PEG nanoformulations demonstrated remarkably selective cytotoxicity in targeting cancer cells while leaving normal cells unharmed. Importantly, cellular assays verified that including CO2 in the culture media significantly enhanced cancer cells' selective internalization of I-R6G-encapsulated nanoparticles. Consequently, there was an intensified intracellular I-R6G release as the nanoparticles disassembled, facilitating its interaction with CO2. This process ultimately expedited the induction of apoptotic cell death in cancer cells. Hence, the incorporation of a CO2-sensitive anticancer agent I-R6G into this self-organized nanocarrier system emerges as a crucial element, offering a promising avenue to improve the efficiency of chemotherapy while mitigating its adverse effects. This inspired us to further develop a CO2-sensitive rhodamine-based potent anticancer agent using a CO2-responsive component.
Therefore, in the second study, we have created CO2-responsive fluorescent materials that hold promise as effective anticancer agents and as bioimaging fluorescent probes. A CO2-sensitive fluorescent material comprised of rhodamine 6G with a pH-sensitive spiro cyclic unit and a self-complementary multiple hydrogen-bonded adenine group (AR) was synthesized successfully in just two simple steps. AR exhibited remarkably low water solubility, even in a mildly acidic aqueous environment, yet it readily dissolved in typical organic solvents. The distinctive polar heteroaromatic structure of the adenine group grants chemical reactivity, enabling it to respond to CO2. Consequently, the hydrophobic AR can swiftly and fully soluble in water upon simple CO2 introduction, forming self-organized spherical-like nanoobjects. The resulting nanoobjects exhibited distinctive spontaneous fluorescent properties in water. Furthermore, their photophysical attributes, surface charge, acid-base behavior, and self-assembled structure can be readily and consistently modulated (on and off) through alternative cycles of CO2 and N2 bubbling. This capability enables precise manipulation of AR’s physical property. Interestingly, in vitro cell assays revealed that the adenine group’s protonation by CO2 significantly augments the anti-hemolytic properties of AR. This enhancement leads to highly selective and potent cytotoxic effects against cancer cells at low doses while leaving normal cells unaffected. In contrast, pristine AR didn’t display a selective cytotoxic effect on normal or cancer cells. Hence, this newly innovated CO2-sensitive system holds significant promise in improving the safety and efficacy of antitumor drugs.
In our third study, we have extended the advancement of novel CO2-sensitive rhodamine-based material and a nanocarrier with cytosine moieties in order to have substantial drug-loading content enhanced by the self-complementary interactions of hydrogen bonding between the anticancer agent and the nanocarrier to improve the safety and efficiency of cancer chemotherapy. Thus, a CO2-responsive potent anticancer agent (Cy-R6G) and supramolecular nanocarrier (Cy-PEG) were successfully developed. Cy-PEG exhibited the capacity to efficiently encapsulate Cy-R6G with tunable and substantial loading contents leading to the spontaneous formation of spherical nanoparticles in aqueous environments due to the self-complementary hydrogen bonding interactions between the cytosine components of Cy-R6G and Cy-PEG. The Cy-R6G-loaded Cy-PEG nanoformulations exhibited numerous unique physical properties, including a tunable size of particles, distinctive optical absorption, fluorescence features, and excellent Cy-R6G-loading stability in biological media with serum under physiological settings, robust anti-hemolytic activity against SRBCs, higher sensitivity and selectivity of CO2-response in water, and excellent on-demand release of Cy-R6G facilitated by the CO2/pH-sensitive disruption. Cytotoxicity evaluations indicated that Cy-R6G-loaded Cy-PEG nanoformulations exhibited selective cytotoxicity of cancerous HeLa cells without significant cytotoxic impacts on healthy cells. Additionally, it exhibited higher levels of cytotoxicity at lower doses in CO2-rich culture media relative to pristine Cy-R6G and Cy-R6G-loaded Cy-PEG in regular culture media. More interestingly, examinations of intracellular uptake (confocal microscopy) and mechanisms of cytotoxicity (flow cytometry) provided clear evidence that the inclusion of CO2 in the culture medium notably enhanced the selective absorption rate of Cy-R6G-loaded Cy-PEG nanoformulations into cancerous HeLa cells through micropinocytosis. This in turn facilitated the encapsulated Cy-R6G intracellular release and resulted in robust induction of death of cancer cells apoptotically relative to cells planted with Cy-R6G-loaded Cy-PEG nanoformulations in normal media. Consequently, this innovative system not only offers valuable contributions to the advancement of CO2-sensitive anticancer vehicle systems but also holds considerable potential for enhancing the effectiveness and safety of cancer treatment.

Declaration i Acknowledgments ii Dedication iii 摘要 iv Abstract vi List of Figures xv List of Tables xix List of Schemes xix List of Appendix Figures xx List of Abbreviations xx CHAPTER ONE 1 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Background 1 1.2. Motivation 5 1.3. Objectives of the Study 7 1.3.1. General Objectives 7 1.3.2. Specific Objectives 7 1.4. Dissertation Organization 7 CHAPTER TWO 9 2. Review of Literature 9 2.1. Cancer 9 2.2. Nanomedicine 12 2.3. Polymeric Micelles 13 2.3.1. Formation of PMs 13 2.3.2. Structure of PMs 14 2.3.3. Properties and Characterizations of PMs 15 Critical Micelle Concentration 15 Determination of Shape, Size, and PDI (Polydispersity Index) 16 2.3.4. Stability of PMs 17 2.3.5. Applications of PMs in Drug Delivery 18 2.3.6. Passive Targeting of PMs 18 2.3.7. Active Targeting of PMs 20 2.3.8. Stimuli-responsive PMs 20 pH-responsive PMs 21 2.4. CO2-responsive Materials 21 2.4.1. CO2-responsive Functional Moieties 22 2.5. Supramolecular Nucleobase Functionalized Nanomaterials 24 2.6. Rhodamine 6G and Its Derivatives 26 2.6.1. Anticancer Activity of Rhodamine Dyes 27 2.6.2 Isomeric Forms of R6G Derivatives 28 CHAPTER THREE 29 3. Materials and Methods 29 3.1. Chemicals and Materials 29 3.2. Synthesis of I-R6G 29 3.3 Synthesis of U-PEG 30 3.4. Synthesis of Primary Monoamine Adenine Derivate (Adenine-amine) 30 3.5. Synthesis of Adenine-functionalized R6G (AR) 30 3.6. Synthesis of Cytosine-methyl Acrylate (Cy-MA) 30 3.7. Synthesis of Cytosine-propyl Amine (Cy-amine) 31 3.8. Synthesis of Cytosine-R6G (Cy-R6G) 31 3.9. Synthesis of Cy-PEG 31 3.10. Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration (CMC) 32 3.11. Preparation of I-R6G-, Cy-R6G- and R6G-loaded Polymeric Nanoparticles 32 3.12. Preparation of Aqueous Solutions of Samples Treated with CO2/N2 33 3.13. Preparation of CO2-Treated DMEM 33 3.14. Characterizations 33 3.14.1. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H-/13C-NMR) Spectra 33 3.14.2. Mass Spectrometry 33 3.14.4. Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) 34 3.14.5. Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) 34 3.14.6. Photoluminescence (PL) and Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) Spectroscopies 34 3.14.7. Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and Zeta Potentials 34 3.14.8. Kinetic Stability of Polymeric Micelles 35 3.14.9. Atomic Force (AFM) and Scanning Electron (SEM) Microscopies 35 3.15. In Vitro Drug Release Evaluations 35 3.16. Cell Lines and Culture Conditions 36 3.17. Hemolysis Assays 36 3.18. Cytotoxicity Assays 36 3.19. Cellular Internalization Studies 37 3.20. Assessment of Cellular Uptake of Polymeric Nanoparticles by Flow Cytometry 37 3.21. Assessment of Apoptotic and Necrotic Cell Death 38 3.22. Statistical Analysis 38 CHAPTER FOUR 39 4. Development of CO2-responsive Supramolecular Drug Carrier System for Potential Application in Anticancer Treatment 39 4.1 Introduction 39 4.2. Results and Discussion 43 4.2.1. Synthesis of the Supramolecular Nanocarrier 43 4.2.2. Synthesis of I-R6G 45 4.2.3. Size and Morphologies of I-R6G-encapsulated and Pristine U-PEG Micelles 46 4.2.4. CO2-response of I-R6G-encapsulated U-PEG Nanogels 50 4.2.5. Kinetic Stability and In Vitro I-R6G Release Property of the Micelle 53 4.2.6. In Vitro Cytotoxicity and Cellular Uptake Studies 56 4.2.7. Cell Death Mechanism Study 62 4.3. Summary 65 CHAPTER FIVE 66 5. CO2-Responsive Adenine Nucleobase: New Insight into Manipulating the Photophysical Properties and Biological Activities of Functional Fluorescent Molecules 66 5.1. Introduction 66 5.2. Results and Discussion 68 5.2.1. Synthesis and Characterizations of Adenine-amine 69 5.2.2. Synthesis and Characterizations of AR 70 5.2.3. Solubility and pH-responsive Behavior of AR 72 5.2.4. CO2-Responsiveness of AR 75 5.2.5. Effect of CO2 Bubbling on Morphological Changes of AR 78 5.2.6. Reversible Optophysical Properties of AR upon Alternative CO2/N2-treatment 79 5.2.7. Effect of Temperature on Optophysical Properties of CO2-treated AR 81 5.2.8. Hemolysis Study 82 5.2.9. In Vitro Cytotoxicity Study 83 5. 3. Summary 85 CHAPTER SIX 86 6. A CO2-Responsive Nano-Carrier System Developed Via Self-Complementary Interactions Between Cytosine-Functionalized Chemotherapeutic Agent and Carrier for Selective Cancer Treatment 86 6.1. Introduction 86 6.2. Result and Discussion 90 6.2.1. Synthesis and Characterization of Cy-MA 91 6.2.2. Synthesis and Characterization of Cy-amine 92 6.2.3. Synthesis and Characterization of Cytosine-R6G (Cy-R6G) 94 6.2.4. Solubility of Cy-R6G in Organic Solvents 96 6.2.5. pH-responsiveness of Cy-R6G 97 6.2.6. CO2-responsive Properties of Cy-R6G and Morphological Changes 99 6.2.7. Reversible Optophysical Properties of Cy-R6G on Alternative CO2-/N2-treatment 103 6.2.8. Temperature Effect on the Optophysical Properties of CO2-treated Cy-R6G 105 6.2.9. Synthesis and Characterizations of Cy-PEG 107 6.2.10. Cy-R6G Encapsulation and Morphology of Cy-R6G-loaded Cy-PEG 111 6.2.11. CO2-response of Cy-R6G-loaded Cy-PEG Nanoparticles 113 6.2.12. Kinetic Stability, Cy-R6G Release, and Disassembly of Cy-R6G-loaded Cy-PEG 114 6.2.13. Hemolysis Assays 117 6.2.14. Cytotoxicity and Cell Viability Study 118 6.2.15. Cellular Uptake Evaluations 119 6.2.16. Cell Death Mechanism 122 6.3. Summary 125 CHAPTER SEVEN 127 7. Conclusions and Future Outlooks 127 7.1. Conclusions 127 7.2. Future Outlooks 130 References 131 Appendix A 152 Appendix B 155 Appendix C 156

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