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研究生: 張育維
Yu-Wei Chang
論文名稱: 使用深度學習技術檢測運動傷害
Using Deep Learning Techniques to Detect Sports Injuries
指導教授: 洪西進
Shi-Jinn Horng
口試委員: 洪西進
Shi-Jinn Horng
Jen-Wei Hsieh
Chu-Sing Yang
Cheng-Chi Lee
Chu-Hsing Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 53
中文關鍵詞: 運動損傷姿態預測
外文關鍵詞: Sport Injuries, Pose Estimation
相關次數: 點閱:253下載:0
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本論文依據現有的研究結果作為根據,找出三種可能造成運動傷害的指標,並依據這三種指標分別建立三種辨識運動異常模型,先透過OpenPose[1](Z. Cao et al., 2019)提取人體關節點座標和感興趣的特徵,再經過異常值處理後輸入至本論文的辨識運動異常模型,最後判斷運動姿勢是否可能造成運動損傷?
三種運動傷害指標包含 :
(1) 跑步時膝蓋是否有外翻和內翻?
(2) 在跑步過程中,大腿蹬地往前跳時是否髖關節伸展不足?
(3) 深蹲時膝蓋是否有外翻的現象?
運動傷害模型訓練完成後和OpenPose[1](Cao et al., 2019)做整合,實作了運動傷害即時檢測系統。同時設計一個簡單易操作的系統介面,可以透過攝影機或錄製好的影片作為輸入,提供使用者隨時檢測運動姿勢是否正確,判斷是否可能會造成運動傷害?

Based on the existing research results, we find three indicators that may cause sports injuries, and we establish three models to identify abnormal motion based on these three indicators. First, we use OpenPose[1](Cao et al., 2019) as the human joint extractor in this study to obtain the joint point coordinates and the features of interest, and then input them into the proposed abnormal motion recognition model to determine whether the motion posture may cause sports injury after outlier processing.
The three sports indicators include:
(1) the knees are genu valgum or baker-kneed while running
(2) whether the hip joint is insufficiently stretched when the thighs jump forward in the late running posture
(3) the knees are genu valgum while squatting
According to the existing researches, these three kinds of motion representations may cause knee injury. The data collection method will collect videos from different angles according to different measurement indicators. Indicator (1) chooses videos recording runners running from front or back perspective; indicator (2) chooses videos recording runners running from side perspective; indicator (3) chooses videos recording user doing squat training from front side perspective. All videos were collected from Youtube or recorded by myself based on three perspectives as the data set for this research. Three models established in this study based on these three sports injury indicators achieved 94.1%, 93.7% and 95.4% accuracy respectively.
After the training of the sports injury model is completed, it is integrated with OpenPose[1](Cao et al., 2019), and we implement real-time sports injury detection system, a simple and easy-to-operate system, which can use camera stream or video as input to input into system, so that users can check whether they may cause sports injury.

摘 要 3 ABSTRACT 4 致 謝 6 目 錄 7 圖 目 錄 9 表 目 錄 11 第一章 緒論 12 1.1 研究動機與目的 12 1.2 相關研究 13 第二章 深度學習介紹 16 2.1 深度學習 16 2.2 卷積神經網路 18 2.2 池化層 19 2.2 循環神經網路 20 第三章 深度模型的網路架構 22 3.1 BlazePose 22 3.2 OpenPose 24 第四章 研究設計 27 4.1 軟硬體環境 27 4.2 實驗用資料集 28 4.2.1 側面拍攝跑者資料集 28 4.2.2 前後方拍攝跑者資料集 30 4.2.3 深蹲資料集 33 4.3 資料前處理 34 4.3.1 特徵值選擇 34 4.3.2 異常值處理 37 4.4 運動傷害辨識模型 40 4.5 模型訓練結果 41 4.6 運動傷害辨識系統 43 第五章 結論與未來展望 49 5.1 結論 49 5.2 未來展望 49 參考資料 50

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