簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林武憲
Wu-sian Lin
論文名稱: LED整合中英文斷詞斷字系統之專利分析
Analysis on integrated Chinese and English term and word segmentation system of the patents of LED
指導教授: 林榮慶
Zone-Ching Lin
口試委員: 傅光華
Guang-hua Fu
Jyue-liang Hu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 89
中文關鍵詞: 專利分析
外文關鍵詞: patent analysis
相關次數: 點閱:147下載:4
查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報
  • 摘要

    The study collects certain patent information, including LED integrated structure manufacturing technique, substrate polishing technique, substrate inspection and testing techniques, and substrate cleaning technique, which are written in traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese, as well as the American patent information written in English. The International Patent Classification (IPC) with related Chinese and English patents established, as well as the term and word segmentation method of integrated Chinese and English patents are both applied to the searched Chinese and English patents mentioned above. The main analytic areas of the study are LED integrated structure manufacturing technique, substrate polishing technique, substrate inspection and testing techniques, and substrate cleaning technique, intending to verify the method established by the study. The established method can also be extensively applied to analysis of other LED-related Chinese and English patents. Having referred to the LED-related engineering knowledge books, together with LED-related patents, the study draws an LED material list, based on which a branch-shaped structural diagram with technical and functional hierarchies is further drawn. Besides, the study establishes an innovative semantic analysis and term segmentation system and method of integrated Chinese and English patents for application to integrated Chinese and English patents. Regarding the new system and method, it applies semantic analysis method of the study to extract the keywords and technical and functional terms of the parts appeared in the Chinese and English patents, and applies the established cross-reference table of traditional Chinese words, simplified Chinese words and English words. The number of times of the appearance of keywords is matched with normalization concept of the number of times so as to establish word clusters. Each of them is provided with around 20 Taiwanese and American patents to train from the bottom to the top the word clusters of different technical and functional hierarchies. Fuzzy values are given and saved in the data list. Then IPC analysis is carried out by computer programs, and a branch-shaped structural diagram of technical and functional hierarchies expressed in IPC codes is drawn. The texts of patents can be searched based on IPC codes, and furthermore, the word clusters can be improved and expanded. After that, LED is taken as the main carrier to analyze different kinds of statistical diagrams of inventors and countries. Focusing on the related patents mentioned above, more detailed analysis is made. A diagram of competitors’ core competitiveness is then established, with companies on column side, IPC codes on row side and the number of patents as the elements. Besides, a main competitors’ R&D activity trend diagram is also established, with companies on column side, years on row side and the number of patents as the elements. Based on the above, patents can be continuously added to expand the word clusters, and increase the accuracy of analysis. Semi-automatically and semi-manually conducting technical and functional analysis of the related patents mentioned above can more rapidly construct a technical/functional matrix of related patents. The established technical/functional matrix can be applied to further establish a technique-based competitors’ core competitiveness diagram. The above searched related patents of LED integrated structure manufacturing technique, substrate polishing technique, substrate inspection and testing techniques and substrate cleaning technique, as well as the analytic results can be provided to enterprises and engineers as a reference in producing new patents, to assist in their researches, save the R&D time and avoid infringement. In addition, enterprises can understand the core competitiveness of competitors.

    目錄 摘要I AbsractIII 誌謝VI 目錄VII 圖目錄IX 表目錄X 第一章緒論1 1.1 研究背景1 1.2 文獻回顧2 1.3 研究動機與目的3 1.4 論文架構6 第二章 LED燈具介紹8 2-1 LED知識介紹8 2-1-1 LED發光原理與基本特性介紹8 2-1-2 LED產業鏈與應用13 2-2 LED燈具知識介紹16 第三章專利分析方法21 3.1專利意義及種類22 3.2專利介紹24 3.3專利分類【29】28 3.3.1美國專利分類29 3.3.2日本專利分類30 3.3.3歐洲專利分類31 3.4專利地圖32 3.4.1技術功效矩陣33 3.5中英文相關專利的搜尋及國際專利分類碼分析39 3.6建立相關專利之繁體簡體中文及英文對照表39 3.7建立載具相關專利階層式分類架構圖39 3.8中英文斷詞斷字系統的建立40 3.9斷詞斷字系統建立技術/功能字群44 3.10投入專利開始分析並建立專利之載具技術/功能矩陣46 第四章 LED之專利分析51 4.1 LED專利搜尋與專利之技術/功能別的歸類51 4.2 技術/功能別之字群建立51 4.2.1 建立各技術/功能別之關鍵字繁體、簡體中文、英文對照表及同義字對照表51 4.2.2 建立各技術/功能別之關鍵字群51 4.3 斷詞斷字系統驗證專利技術52 4.4 專利地圖之建立53 4.4.1 建立技術/功能專利地圖53 4.4.2 建立IPC樹枝狀結構圖補強字群完整性53 4.5 各大廠商競爭力與活動趨勢分析54 4.6 廠商IPC與技術別分析54 4.6.1 廠商之專利IPC別分析54 4.6.2 廠商之專利技術別分析55 4.7 廠商引證分析55 4.8 IPC技術對照表補強技術功能矩陣55 4.9 技術功能矩陣之產業技術分析56 第五章 結論與建議84 5.1結論84 5.2建議85 參考文獻86

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