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研究生: 林敬峰
Jing-Feng Lin
論文名稱: 交錯流鳍片式熱交換器流場數值模擬分析及廢熱回收實驗
Numerical Analysis of Cross-flow Fin-type Heat Exchanger and Waste Heat Recovery Experiment
指導教授: 蘇裕軒
Yu-Hsuan Su
口試委員: 田維欣
Wei-Hsin Tien
Tsrong-Yi Wen
Chia-Jui Ray
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 95
中文關鍵詞: 沼氣廢熱回收熱交換器CFD交錯流平行流逆向流
外文關鍵詞: Bio-gas, waste heat recovery, heat exchanger, CFD, parallel flow, counter flow, cross flow
相關次數: 點閱:556下載:1
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In view of the lack of global energy depletion and the rising oil prices, how to effectively save energy and find new alternative energy sources to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels is an urgent issue to be solved. Behind the heavy use of fossil fuels, environmentally harmful pollution has also risen. The impact of the greenhouse effect in recent years is far greater than we imagined, so these issues can no longer be ignored. Among them, the greenhouse gas part is 〖CO〗_2 and 〖CH〗_4 is the largest, so if you can directly recycle and reuse 〖CH〗_4 and 〖CO〗_2, it will not only contribute to the improvement of the greenhouse effect, but also provide energy.

In this study, we will introduce the design method of heat exchangers, and explore the literature on the design or application of heat exchangers, such as the difference of heat exchangers of parallel flow, reverse flow or staggered flow. There are many types of heat exchangers, but in the experiment considering the space limitation, and the purpose of the research is to recover the waste heat of the biogas engine, the heat exchanger used is much smaller than the heat exchanger used in the industry, and the heat transfer area is also considered. The finned heat exchanger is used to increase the heat transfer area and the flow pattern is a staggered flow. The experimental fluid is heat exchange between air (high temperature fluid) and pure water (cryogenic fluid), which is provided by a blower. The intake air amount and the heat gun provide a heat source (simulating the exhaust temperature of the general engine), and heat the room temperature water to the required temperature (50° C -60 ° C). In addition to the temperature considerations, the intake flow rate, the intake air temperature, and the water amount are also Factors affecting heat recovery efficiency, calculate heat recovery efficiency, provide thermal energy and recovered thermal energy ratio as the basis for calculation, and compare temperature, flow rate and thermal efficiency. The relationship between the rates, in terms of application, is intended to apply the recovered thermal energy to the production process of anaerobic fermentation, which belongs to the recycling system of biogas.

摘要 i ABSTRACT ii 致謝 iii 圖目錄 vi 表目錄 x 常用的熱交換器符號及其單位 xi 第 1章 1 緒論 1 1.1前言 1 1.2研究背景 4 1.3研究目的 6 1.4 文獻回顧 8 1.5 論文架構 14 第2章 15 實驗設置與概念驗證 15 2.1 實驗設計與架構 15 2.2實驗設備 16 第3章 22 理論分析與數值模擬 22 3.1熱交換器性能設計 22 3.2 CFD數值模擬物理運算 28 3.3數值模型建立流程 30 3.4圓管幾何建立 31 3.4.1網格劃分 34 3.4.2 邊界條件設置 35 3.4.3圓管驗證 38 3.5交錯流鳍片式熱交換器 50 3.5.1單層模型分析 50 3.5.2交錯流鳍片式熱交換器模型建立 55 3.5.3交錯流鰭片式熱交換器網格劃分 56 第4章 59 結果與討論 59 4.1 數值模擬結果 59 4.2 實驗數據驗證 74 第5章 80 結論與未來展望 80 5.1結論 80 5.2未來展望 81 參考文獻 82

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