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研究生: 陳昱仁
Yu-Ren Chen
論文名稱: 單相全橋式換流器並聯運轉之控制策略設計
Design of Control Strategy for Parallel Single-phase Full-bridge Inverters
指導教授: 黃仲欽
Jonq-Chin Hwang
口試委員: 林法正
Faa-Jeng Lin
Chuan-Sheng Liu
Chang-Hua Lin
Jonq-Chin Hwang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 121
中文關鍵詞: 單相換流器並聯控制人機介面
外文關鍵詞: single-phase inverter, parallel operation control, human machine interface
相關次數: 點閱:506下載:0
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This thesis aims to design the control strategy for parallel single-phase inverters. The proposed system is composed of several independent inverters and human machine interface(HMI). The single-phase full-bridge inverters and voltage and current closed-loop control is used to stabilize output voltage and current. The graphical control software, LabVIEW, is adopted to implement the communication between modules and system monitoring. Once a module breaks down, the faulty module can be detected and cut off. The operating mode and power setting would be quickly redistributed to each module. Besides, to improve the total output capacity and power supply reliability, the controller area network(CAN) is adopted as the communication media between each inverter and HMI. The digital signal processor, TMS320F28069, is adopted as control kernel of single-phase inverter. Master-slave control is introduced to implement the parallel operation control. One of modules would be the master module under voltage closed-loop control, the others would be slave modules under current closed-loop control. In power distribution, the active current sharing mode is adopted to make output power of each module in average.
The experimental results show when the three modules are operated at load of 1kW, the average output voltage RMS value and its total harmonic distortion(THD) is 111.10V and 2.50%, respectively. The corresponding current values are 3.15A and 4.74%. The system efficiency is 0.951. When a module breaks down, the other two inverters are operated at load of 1kW, the average output voltage RMS value and its THD is 110.66V and 2.39%, respectively. The corresponding current values are 4.52A and 2.90%. The system efficiency is 0.954. In post-fault control with uninterruptible system output, the operation mode transformation and the cut-off of faulty module are implemented under the load condition of up to 1 kW. The feasibility of the proposed system and control strategy is verified by simulation and experimental results.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 符號索引 VII 圖表索引 XII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究動機與目的 1 1.2文獻探討 2 1.3系統架構及本文特色 4 1.4本文大綱 6 第二章 單相全橋式換流器設計 7 2.1前言 7 2.2單相全橋式換流器之數學模式 7 2.3單相全橋式換流器的脈波寬度調變控制 10 2.4單相全橋式換流器之控制策略 12 2.4.1單相全橋式換流器之電壓-頻率控制模式 12 2.4.2單相全橋式換流器之功率控制模式 14 2.5單相全橋式換流器的調節器設計 20 2.5.1單相換流器的電流調節器設計 20 2.5.2單相換流器的電壓調節器設計 23 2.6單相全橋式換流器的電壓-頻率控制模式的模擬及實測 26 2.7單相全橋式換流器的功率控制模式的模擬及實測 32 2.8結語 36 第三章 多組單相全橋式換流器並聯控制策略設計 37 3.1前言 37 3.2多模組並聯系統之備援功能 37 3.3多模組並聯系統控制策略 39 3.3.1多模組並聯運轉的系統運作流程 42 3.3.2多模組並聯運轉的模組運作流程 44 3.4多模組並聯運轉模擬結果 46 A. 正常運轉情況 46 B. 電壓控制模組故障 46 C. 功率控制模組故障 47 3.5結語 51 第四章 實體製作規劃及實測 52 4.1前言 52 4.2系統硬體規劃 52 4.2.1數位信號處理器介面電路 53 4.2.2閘極驅動電路 54 4.2.3直流輸入電壓回授電路 55 4.2.4交流輸出電壓回授電路 56 4.2.5輸入、輸出及電感電流回授電路 56 4.2.6類比-數位轉換電路 57 4.3控制器區域網路CAN及人機介面LabVIEW 60 4.3.1 控制器區域網路CAN 60 4.3.2人機介面LabVIEW 61 4.4系統軟體規劃 62 4.4.1人機介面主控端程式規劃 62 4.4.2單相換流器主程式規劃 65 4.4.3單相換流器電壓控制副程式規劃 67 4.3.4單相換流器功率控制副程式規劃 69 4.5三組模組並聯運轉實測結果 71 4.6三組模組並聯運轉後單組模組故障切離實測 76 4.7結語 85 第五章 結論與建議 86 5.1結論 86 5.2建議 87 參考文獻 88 附錄A 直流-直流推挽式轉換器 92 附錄B Matlab/Simulink模擬程式 95 附錄C 電流迴路控制器之輸出電流推導 98 附錄D CAN通訊界面規劃 100

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