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研究生: 楊紹煌
論文名稱: 博奕遊戲與中高齡者心理健康及憂鬱關係之研究-以台灣彩券賓果遊戲為例
A Study on the Relationship among Gambling, Mental Health and Melancholy of elderly:A case of Bingo
指導教授: 劉代洋
Liu, Day-Yang
口試委員: 鍾建屏
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 47
中文關鍵詞: 賓果遊戲中高齡者社會網絡社會支持社會參與憂鬱
外文關鍵詞: Bingo, Senior citizens, Social networks, Social support, Social participation, Depression
相關次數: 點閱:362下載:6
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  根據世界衛生組織所進行的「全球疾病負擔(The global Burden of disease)」調查,以無法工作的失能天數與死亡率作為負擔程度判定,結果顯示至西元2030年憂鬱症將在十大疾病排名裡成為首要疾病,占所有疾病負擔的6.2%,顯示出憂鬱症在全球比例逐年增長當中。以台灣地區老年人為對象的研究調查顯示,老年人憂鬱症狀盛行率約落在14%-35%,可見憂鬱症狀已普遍盛行於社區老人之中。隨著年齡老化,高齡者會產生某些生理、心理疾病,憂鬱是其最常出現的心理健康問題。同時,許多國內外學者對於問題賭博的情況提出更多正面影響的觀點及證明,若要改善高齡者心理健康,可從社會支持、社會參與、社會環境、心理治療、休閒活動等諸多面向幫助人們抵抗壓力、減少疾病發生,進而維持生心理健康。
  本研究以高頻率、快速開獎且易於持續遊玩的台灣彩券「BINGO BINGO賓果賓果」遊戲作為研究主題,主要探討賓果遊戲與中高齡者心理健康及憂鬱傾向的關係。首先針對台灣彩券經銷商做焦點訪談,除了瞭解公益彩券與經銷商制度的發展歷程及現況,更進一步探討經銷商對於博弈遊戲的觀點與其社會影響;另外亦於多個台灣彩券行駐點,隨機邀請了共105位賓果玩家填答問券,蒐集受訪者基本資料、生活習慣、社會參與之休閒活動、賓果遊戲涉入程度、TLSA 短版 CES-D量表、工具性與情感性社會支持,共6個面向。透過敘述性統計各項目之人數與百分比來瞭解樣本結構,本研究結果顯示如下:
7. 賓果遊戲之中高齡者玩家為調整晚年人際互動,傾向選擇將有限的時間及資源投注在重視的親友上,對其工具性與情感性社會支持皆有正向影響。

According to the "The global Burden of disease" survey conducted by the World Health Organization, the disability days and deaths that cannot work are used as the burden process. The results show that by 2030, depression will be ranked in the top ten diseases It has become the leading disease, accounting for 6.2% of the burden of all diseases, showing that the proportion of depression in the world is increasing year by year.

A research survey targeting the elderly in Taiwan shows that the prevalence of depression symptoms among the elderly falls between 14% and 35%, which shows that depression symptoms have generally prevailed among the elderly in the community. With aging, older people will have certain physical and psychological diseases, and depression is the most common mental health problem. At the same time, many domestic and foreign scholars have put forward more positive opinions and proofs on the problem gambling situation. If you want to improve the mental health of the elderly, you can help people from social support, social participation, social environment, psychotherapy, leisure activities, etc. Resist stress, reduce disease occurrence, and maintain mental health.

This research uses the Taiwanlottery "BINGO BINGO" game, which is a high-frequency, fast-drawing and easy to play, as the research theme. It mainly discusses the relationship between bingo games and the mental health and depression tendency of the elderly. First, focus on interviews with Taiwanlottery dealers. In addition to understanding the development history and current status of the charity lottery and rules, we further discuss the dealers' views on the game and social impact; we also randomly invited 105 bingo players to answer the question at Taiwanlottery dealers, collecting the basic information, lifestyle habits, leisure activities of social participation, bingo game involvement level, TLSA short version CES-D scale, instrumental and expressive social support, a total of 6 aspects.

Through descriptive statistics of the number and percentage of each item to understand the respondents, the results of this study are as follows:

1.In addition to the existing assets, senior bingo players still have available funds and more time to arrange freely.
2.Bingo players have low dependence and addiction on life behaviors such as smoking and drinking.
3.Over 60% of bingo players agree that participating in bingo game will make them happy.
4.Bingo players’ play time is greater than the uninterrupted play time converted from their bet amount
5.Bingo game has a positive impact on players' social networks, social participation and social support. In addition to simply enjoying the entertainment and stimulation brought by bingo games, they also cares a lot about interaction and communication with other players.
6.Bingo players are about to enter or have reached an advanced age, and most of them will be affected by health, aging or work pressure, etc. However, their mental health is not affected, and their depression tends to be lower.
7.In order to adjust the interpersonal interaction in their old age, senior bingo players tend to invest limited time and resources on the relatives and friends, which has a positive impact on their instrumental and expressive social support.

摘要 2 ABSTRACT 3 致謝 5 目錄 6 圖目錄 6 表目錄 7 第一章 緒論 8 第一節 研究背景與動機 8 第二節 研究問題與目的 9 第三節 研究範圍與流程 9 第四節 研究限制 10 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 高齡者社會支持、社會網絡與社會參與之相關文獻 11 第二節 博奕遊戲與心理健康、憂鬱之關係 13 第三章 研究方法 15 第一節 研究設計 15 第二節 個案訪談 16 第三節 隨機抽樣調查 17 第四章 研究結果 20 第一節 個案訪談 20 第二節 受訪者背景資料分析 23 第五章 結論與建議 36 第一節 研究結論 36 第二節 研究建議 38 參考文獻 40 中文文獻 40 外文文獻 41 網路資料 43 附件一 探討賓果遊戲與心理健康之問券 44

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