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研究生: 吳柏緯
Bo-Wei Wu
論文名稱: 具智慧節能之室內用電調控系統研製
Development of an Indoor Electricity Control System with Intelligent Energy Saving
指導教授: 劉益華
Yi-Hua Liu
口試委員: 鄧人豪
Jen-Hao Teng
Huang-Jen Chiu
Shun-Chung Wang
Kun-Che Ho
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 60
中文關鍵詞: 淨零排放智慧調控室內照明日光響應調光系統粒子群演算法
外文關鍵詞: Net-zero emissions, Intelligent regulation, Indoor lighting, Daylight Responsive Dimming System, Particle Swarm Optimization
相關次數: 點閱:399下載:5
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人類廣泛使用化石燃料導致全球暖化與氣候變遷問題日益嚴重,為了應對上述問題,國際社會提出了2050淨零排放的目標,其中臺灣也積極制定了2050淨零排放策略。住宅部門的電力消耗在總電力消耗中占比較大,尤其是照明和空調系統的能耗更是如此。因此,本文旨在研發一個智慧節能之室內用電調控系統,以照明和空調為主要控制目標,同時達到室內照度和舒適度的要求,並將能源消耗降至最低,所提方法有助於實現淨零生活的目標。該系統結合日光響應調光系統(Daylight responsive dimming system, DRDS)和天氣資料,利用最佳化演算法控制燈具的亮度以及電致變色玻璃的透光度,提供舒適且節能的室內環境。
本文提出一套結合粒子群演算法(Particle Swarm Optimization, PSO)之智慧節能室內用電調控系統。實際以照度計量測場域內燈具與日光對各照度點之影響,進而達成室內目標照度最佳化,實測結果顯示照度誤差皆小於5 %。本文使用PSO演算法計算出最佳調光命令,並結合天氣條件計算出電致變色玻璃電壓命令,使室內達到設定之照度及舒適度目標。本文針對三種不同測試情境進行模擬,結果顯示所提系統不但可達成照度及舒適度目標,且最多可減少空調能耗36.87 W,降低燈具能耗高達51 %,達到提高能源效益及環境可持續性之雙重目標。

Human reliance on fossil fuels has led to the increasingly severe issues of global warming and climate change. To address these problems, the international community has set a goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, and Taiwan has actively formulated its own 2050 net-zero emissions strategy. The residential sector accounts for a significant portion of power consumption, particularly in lighting and air conditioning systems. Therefore, this study aims to develop an intelligent energy-saving indoor electrical control system that focuses on lighting and air conditioning, while meeting indoor illumination and comfort requirements and minimizing energy consumption. The proposed system combines a daylight-responsive dimming system (DRDS) with weather data and utilizes an optimization algorithm to control the brightness of lighting fixtures and the transmittance of electrochromic glass, providing a comfortable and energy-efficient indoor environment.
This thesis proposes an intelligent energy-saving indoor electrical control system that incorporates a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. The dimming levels and the influence of daylight at various points are measured using illuminance meters to achieve optimal indoor illumination. The experimental results show that the illuminance error is less than 5 %. The PSO algorithm is used to calculate the optimal dimming commands, and the voltage commands for electrochromic glass are determined based on weather conditions, thereby achieving the desired indoor illumination and comfort goals. The proposed system is simulated under three different test scenarios, and the results demonstrate that it not only achieves the illumination and comfort objectives but also reduces air conditioning energy consumption by up to 36.87 W and lighting fixture energy consumption by as much as 51 %. Thus, it accomplishes the dual goals of improving energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 IV 目錄 VIII 圖目錄 XI 表目錄 XIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2研究動機與目的 2 1.3論文大綱 4 第二章 系統架構 5 2.1控制系統 6 2.1.1 Home Assistant 6 2.1.2閘道器介紹 7 2.1.3燈具介紹 8 2.1.4控燈流程 9 2.2感測器系統 9 2.2.1主控制器介紹 10 2.2.2光照度感測器介紹 10 2.2.3溫溼度感測器介紹 11 2.3窗簾系統 11 2.3.1電致變色玻璃介紹 11 2.3.2電致變色玻璃控制器介紹 12 第三章 最佳化演算法 13 3.1室內照度 13 3.1.1照度定義 13 3.1.2室內照度目標 13 3.2室內舒適度 14 3.2.1室內溫度與室外溫度之關係 15 3.2.2室內舒適度目標 16 3.3粒子群演算法說明 17 3.3.1粒子群演算法速度式及位移式 17 3.3.2 粒子群演算法速度權重 17 3.4結合PSO之最佳化調光演算法 19 3.4.1最佳化調光演算法流程 19 3.4.2最佳化調光演算法評分方式 21 第四章 實驗方式與結果 22 4.1照度量測實驗設計 22 4.1.1調光矩陣計算方式 23 4.1.2調光矩陣實際量測 25 4.1.3實驗場地量測結果 28 4.2電致變色玻璃實驗設計 29 4.2.1電致變色玻璃控制器 30 4.2.2電致變色玻璃量測數據 31 4.3智慧節能室內用電調控系統模擬結果 33 4.3.1方法一:傳統住宅照明 33 4.3.2方法二:傳統DRDS 34 4.3.3方法三:DRDS結合PSO演算法 35 4.3.4方法四:本文之演算法 36 4.3.5綜合結果比較 37 第五章 結論與未來展望 39 5.1結論 39 5.2未來展望 39 參考文獻 41

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