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研究生: 曾士瑋
論文名稱: 數位控制應用於低輸入漣波之 無直流偏磁非對稱全橋轉換器
Input Current Ripple Reduction Asymmetrical Full-Bridge Converter without DC Bias with Digital Control
指導教授: 呂錦山
Ching-Shan Leu
口試委員: 林景源
Jing-Yuan Lin
Yao-Ching Hsieh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 66
中文關鍵詞: 全橋轉換器非對稱控制降低輸入電流漣波零電壓切換
外文關鍵詞: full-bridge converter, asymmetrical control scheme, current ripple reduction, zero voltage switching
相關次數: 點閱:406下載:4
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為了演示的操作原理,電路分析的可行性,並與300〜400伏的輸入電壓範圍,24V / 15A /輸出,100k Hz開關頻率所呈現的轉換器的實驗中,驗證理論分析。

A conventional full-bridge (FB) converter has been widely used for high input-voltage high-power applications. Several control schemes have been applied to full bridge converter, such as symmetrical control, phase shift control, and asymmetrical control.
Employing symmetrical control, full-bridge has been used for a long time. It suffers from large switching losses due to its hard-switching operation. It will impact the conversion efficiency and limit power density.
To improve the efficiency, asymmetrical full-bridge (AFB) converter was successfully proposed instead in the last decades. Because it can achieve ZVS operation, the switching turn-on losses are significantly reduced. However, a DC bias occurs resulting in adding a gap on the transformer.
However, the AFB converter has high pulsating input currents resulting in the generation of high di/dt noise, which is one of the noise sources of the electromagnetic interference (EMI) problem. Consequently, large filter components are required to attenuate the noise level within the threshold value. To reduce the pulsating input-current ripple, a low-input current-ripple reduction (RR-AFB) converter without DC bias is also proposed in Chapter 2.
To demonstrate the feasibility of the operational principle, circuit analysis and the experiments of the presented converters with 300~400 V input voltage range, 24V/ 15A/ output, 100 kHz switching frequency, are built to verify theoretical analysis.
To achieve ZVS for all load range of RR-AFB needed to vary dead time with different load. The operating through analog controller cannot vary the dead time with different load, while the digital controller could. The design and implementations of the digital control for the DC-DC converters have been achieved by using the digital signal processors (DSP).

Abstract Acknowledgement Table of Content List of Figures List of Table Chapter 1.Introduction 1.1 Background and Motivation 1.2 Objectives of the Thesis 1.3 Organization of the Thesis Chapter 2. Low Input Current Ripple Reduction Asymmetrical Full-Bridge Converter without DC Bias 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Operating Principle 2.3 Circuit Analysis 2.3.1 Voltage Gain 2.3.2 Semiconductors Voltage Stress 2.3.3 Input Current Ripple Reduction 2.3.4 Zero Voltage Switching Condition 2.3.5 Duty Cycle Loss 2.3.6 Circulation Loss 2.4 Circuit Design 2.4.1 Transformer 2.4.2 Clamping Capacitor 2.5 Experimental Results 2.6 Summary Chapter 3. Design and Implementation of Digital Control 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Design of Digital 3.2.1 TMS320F28035 3.2.2 Analog-to-Digital Conversion (ADC) 3.2.3 Enhanced Pulse-Width-Modulator Module (EPWM) 3.2.4 Digital Control Flowchart 3.3 Digital Compensator 3.5 Experimental Results 3.6 Summary Chapter 4. Conclusions and Future Works 4.1 Conclusions 4.2 Future Researches Reference Vita

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