簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 王裕忠
Yu-Chung Wang
論文名稱: 鎖相迴路系統之射頻電壓控制振盪器之研究
The study of radio frequency voltage control oscillators for phase lock loop system
指導教授: 張勝良
Sheng-Lyang Jang
口試委員: 葉文昌
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 120
中文關鍵詞: 壓控震盪器
外文關鍵詞: VCO
相關次數: 點閱:335下載:7
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  • 本論文描述如何設計金氧半壓控振盪器。第一部份討論環形振盪器,其架構為雙交叉耦合對(cross-coupled pair),採用內在共振調諧電路,具有nMOS 和pMOS 以提高負電導。此壓控振盪器由TSMC 0.35µm工作電壓3.3V,頻率1.7616GHz~2.466GHz;另ㄧ方面討論LC 壓控振盪器包含LC 交叉耦合振盪器、雙頻LC 壓控振盪器、互補考畢子壓控振盪器及互補考畢子閘極回授壓控振盪器等等。LC 壓控振盪器使用0.18µm CMOS工作電壓1.8V製程製造完成,並經由Cadence中的Spectre RF軟體模擬驗證。

    Design of CMOS Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO) will be investigated in this thesis. First, ring oscillator architecture is the complementary nMOS and pMOS cross-coupled pair to enhance the negative conductance with internal resonator. CMOS VCO’s are implemented using TSMC 0.35µm process with 3.3V supply voltage and frequency tuning range 1.7616GHz~2.466GHz. Otherwise, LC tank voltage control oscillator includes LC cross coupled VCO、dual band LC VCO、complementary Colpitts VCO and complementary Colpitts VCO with back gate coupling. The LC tank VCO is implemented using TSMC 0.18µm process with 1.8V supply voltage. The simulation results with Cadence Spectre RF aid the design of these VCO’s.

    Abstract (in Chinese)…………………………………………………………………..I Abstract (in English)…………………………………………………………………..II Acknowledgement (in Chinese)………..…………………………………………… III List of Figures…………….………..…………………………………………..…..VIII List of Tables……………………………...…………………………..……………..XII CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 2 OSCILLATOR THEORY 3 2.1 Oscillator fundamental 3 2.2 Thermal noise 6 2.3 MOSFET thermal noise 9 2.4 Flicker noise 11 2.5 Phase noise 13 2.6 Varactors 19 2.6.1 Diode varactor…………………………………………………... …..19 2.6.2 MOS varactor ………………………………………………………21 2.7 Voltage control oscillator 24 2.8 Inductor 27 2.8.1 Spiral inductor……….………………………………………………27 CHAPTER 3 RING OSCILLATOR THEORY 31 3.1 Ring oscillator architecture 31 3.2 A 2.4GHz quadrature ring oscillator 35 3.3 Measurement data of ring oscillator 40 CHAPTER 4 LC TANK OSCILLATOR THEORY 43 4.1 LC tank oscillator architecture 43 4.2 LC cross coupled oscillator theory 46 4.2.1 Cross coupled oscillator ……………………………………………46 4.2.2 Cross coupled pMOS in addition to the nMOS… …………………..48 4.3 Colpitts oscillator 51 4.4 Design of a dual-band LC-tank VCO with the current reuse technique made of inductors and varactors 54 4.4.1 Introduction ………………………………………………………54 4.4.2 Conventional LC tank VCO ………………………………………55 4.4.3 Dual-band LC VCO….. ……………………………………………..56 4.4.4 Experimental results and discussion……………………………. …..57 4.5 A dual-band LC-tank VCO with the two stacked LC resonators made of transform and varactors 63 4.5.1 Improvement of dual-band LC-tank VCO’s performance…..........…63 4.5.2 Introduction... ……………………………………………………..63 4.5.3 Dual-band LC tank VCO……………………………………….. …..64 4.5.4 Transformer…………………………………………………....... …..66 4.5.5 Experimental results and discussion……………………………. …..68 4.5.6 Conclusion……………………………………………………… …..75 4.6 The design of low phase noise voltage controlled oscillator 76 4.6.1 Introduction... ………………………………………………………81 4.6.2 Complementary Colpitts oscillator topology ………………………..76 4.6.3 Experimental results…………………………………………….. …..79 4.6.4 Conclusion… .………………………………………………………83 4.7 The design of complementary Colpitts quadrature VCO with back gate coupling 84 4.7.1 Introduction……………………………………………………... …..84 4.7.2 Complementary Colpitts quadrature VCO.. 85 4.7.3 Transformer... ………………………………………………………88 4.7.4 Experimental results…………………………………………….. …..89 4.7.5 Conclusion… ………………………………………………………93 CHAPTER 5 VCO DESIGN FLOW AND APPLICATION 94 5.1 Design procedure 94 5.2 Test procedure 95 5.3 VCO application 96 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION 98 References……………….. 100

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