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研究生: 林財億
Tsai-Yi Lin
論文名稱: 應用六標準差方法於3C產品之機構設計-以薄膜按鍵為例
Utilizing six sigma method on the mechanism design of 3C products- A case study of membrane buttons
指導教授: 鄭逸琳
Yih-Lin Cheng
口試委員: 李維楨
Wei-Chen Lee
Wai-Hung Ho
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 88
中文關鍵詞: 六標準差機構設計試誤法設計品質D.M.A.D.V.
外文關鍵詞: Six Sigma, Mechanism Design, trial and error, design quality, D.M.A.D.V.
相關次數: 點閱:191下載:4
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本研究即是探討3C產品的機構設計的流程,再結合六標準差設計D.M.A.D.V. - Define(定義)、Measure(評估) 、Analyze(分析) 、Design(設計) 、Verify(確認) 的工具與手法,以一按鍵的機構設計進行實例研究。
本研究的結果顯示六標準差設計雖會在設計階段增加一些工作,但後續的品質問題則可大幅降低 ; 此種將六標準差設計手法整合到既有機構設計流程中的設計方法,值得推廣,達成提昇設計品質的目標。

Quality comes from the design, not the fine tuning. However, presently most of the 3C product Mechanical Engineers are relaying on their own experience, as well as trial and error method during design and qualification stage to resolve the quality issues. This will sometimes result in manufacturing and project delays. The other impact with a large volume product is the incompatibility of duplicate tooling and multiple tool cavities, which may cause quality issues when volume ramps up, and cannot meet the Worldwide Manufacturability goal.
“Design For Six Sigma” (DFSS) is the solution to improve the design quality in early development stage. Many enterprises are adapting DFSS in recent years. The main concept of DFSS is on customer oriented, integrated quality at design phase, and deliver the Six Sigma quality level before the mass production starts.
The main objective of this study is to understand and review the 3C product mechanical design procedure, together with the case study of a Button mechanical design on combining DFSS during the development cycles. Utilizing D.M.A.D.V. - Define、Measure、Analyze、Design and Verify tools and techniques.
This study proves that DFSS is a very useful tool to improve the design quality and product quality. The engineer loading may increase during the early design phases. However, the quality issues could be reduced significantly in later phases. It is highly recommended to introduce DFSS to product design and development, and achieve the design quality enhancement goal.

中文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------- I 英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------ II 誌 謝 ------------------------------------------------------------------ III 圖表索引 ------------------------------------------------------------------- V 第一章、研究背景 ---------------------------------------------------------- 1 1.1研究動機 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1.2研究目的 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 3 第二章、文獻探討 ---------------------------------------------------------- 4 2.1 統計與機率概述 --------------------------------------------------- 4 2.2 六標準差 --------------------------------------------------------- 7 2.3 六標準差的應用 -------------------------------------------------- 11------- 2.4 六標準差應用於機構設計-以DMADV為例說明 -------------------------- 17 第三章、3C產品開發的機構設計流程 ----------------------------------------- 28 3.1 產品開發的傳統機構設計流程 -------------------------------------- 28 3.2 新產品開發的失敗因素與困難點 ------------------------------------ 37 第四章、利用六標準差設計方法於機構設計的實例研究-以薄膜按 鍵為例 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 4.1 背景介紹 -------------------------------------------------------- 40 4.2 實例研究 -------------------------------------------------------- 42 4.3 導入實績比較及過程遭遇的問題點 ---------------------------------- 75 第五章、結論與建議 ------------------------------------------------------- 78 5.1 結論 ------------------------------------------------------------ 78 5.2 建議 ------------------------------------------------------------ 81 5.3 未來研究方向----------------------------------------------------- 83 參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 83 作者簡介 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 87授 權 書 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 88

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