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研究生: 楊君涵
Chun-Han Yang
論文名稱: 電解/臭氧程序處理雙酚A水溶液之研究
Mineralization of BPA in Aqueous Solution by Electrolysis/ozonation Process
指導教授: 顧洋
Young Ku
口試委員: 劉志成
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 120
中文關鍵詞: 電解臭氧動力式協同效應
外文關鍵詞: Ozone, Electrolysis, Bisphenol A, Kinetic model, Synergy effect
相關次數: 點閱:298下載:1
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Electrolysis as a process assisting in ozonation mineralization of BPA in aqueous solution was studied under various gaseous ozone concentrations, current densities, solution pH and sodium sulfate concentrations. The kinetic model of electrolysis/ozonation proceeding in a semi-batch reactor was developed. The electrolysis/ozonation process revealed significant synergy effect during the reaction of degradation BPA. The intermediate, ethylenephenol and 2-formylethanol derivative, generation from BPA decomposition was indicated that was hard reacting with dissolved ozone after reaction time of 12minutes, therefore, the synergy effect of electrolysis/ozonation process mainly enhanced the oxidation of intermediates which only reacted with hydroxyl radical. The kinetic reaction in this study had to divide to two stages and consider as second-order rather than pseudo-first-order reaction. .The mineralization efficiency of BPA by electrolysis/ozonation was linearly increased with increasing gaseous ozone concentration, current density and solution pH, and the operation of electrolyte concentration had no significant effectiveness for electrolysis/ozonation. Cathodic reduction of ozone for electrolysis/ozonation was the main pathway of hydroxyl radical, and the quantity of hydroxyl radical generation by cathodic reduction of ozone was far large than ozone self-decomposition in bulk solution.

Table of Figures English Abstract I Chiness Abstract III Table of Figures V Table of Figures VIII Table of Figures VIII Table of Figures XII Appendix 103 1 Introduction 2 Review of Literatures 2.2 Electrolysis Process 2.2.1 Electrochemical Oxidation Mechanism 2.2.2 The Effect of Variables 2.3 Electrolysis/Ozonation Process 2.3.1 Properties of Ozone Solution pHysical and chemical properties of ozone Mass transfer behavior of ozone Ozone self-decomposition Ozonation pathway 2.3.2 Mechanism of Electrolysis/Ozonation Process 2.3.3 Effect of Variables 3 Experimental Design 3.1 Instruments 3.2 Chemicals 3.3 Apparatus 3.4 Experimental Procedure 3.4.1 Background Experiments 3.4.2 Experimental procedure Ozonation process Electrolysis Electrolysis/Ozonation process Analytic methods 4 Results and discussion 4.1 Effect of retention time in reactor of 500mL for degradation of BPA by electrolysis/ozonation process 4.2 Comparison of ozone solubility in aqueous solution with/without applied electric current 4.2.1 Effect of solution pH 4.2.2 Effect of gaseous ozone concentration 4.2.3 Effect of current density 4.2.4 Effect of electrolyte concentration 4.3 The degradation and mineralization of BPA in aqueous solution by ozonation 4.3.1 Effect of gaseous ozone concentration 4.3.2 Effect of solution pH 4.3.3 Effect of electrolyte concentration 4.3.4 Conclusion 4.4 The degradation and mineralization of BPA in aqueous solution by electrolysis/ozonation 4.4.1 Effect of gaseous ozone concentration 4.4.2 Effect of current density 4.4.3 Effect of solution pH 4.4.4 Effect of electrolyte concentration 4.4.5 Conclusion 4.5 Kinetic model of electrolysis/ozonation and ozonation 4.5.1 Derivation of kinetic model 4.5.2 Effect of gaseous ozone concentration 4.5.3 Effect of current density 4.5.4 Effect of solution pH 4.5.5 Effect of electrolyte concentration 4.5.6 Conclusions 4.6 The intermediaes by BPA decomposition

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