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研究生: 吳婉茹
Wan-Ru Wu
論文名稱: 建築物環境清潔維護管理作業模式調查與設計準則建議
Investigation of Building Environmental Cleaning and Maintenance Management Operation and Design Guidelines
指導教授: 杜功仁
Kung-Jen Tu
口試委員: 黃世孟
Shih-Meng Haung
Shih-Li Yen
Wei-Hwa Chiang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 156
中文關鍵詞: 環境清潔廢棄物處理景觀植栽養護
外文關鍵詞: Environmental Cleaning, Waste Disposal, Landscape Planting and Maintenance
相關次數: 點閱:365下載:0
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1. 進行各類環境清潔維護管理作業模式及作業現況問題之調查,與研提規劃設計準則建議

2. 校園設施之環境清潔維護管理模式與個案研究:以臺灣科技大學為例
本研究透過現勘調查、人員訪問、資料蒐集,探討目前校園中環境清潔維護的作業模式、作業範圍及內容、人力配置及費用統計。調查結果,目前全校環境清潔維護人數,共四十八人,校內19棟大樓,其中,以「第四教學大樓」清潔面積最多,為2,858.1 m2 (35%)。近五年(民國104~108年)服務費用統計得知,各類環境清潔維護之每年平均費用,環境清潔類為1,302萬元、廢棄物處理類為163萬元、植栽養護類為80萬元。


This study conducted investigations, data collection and compilation of companies providing professional service, operating procedures, duration time, and equipment related to "Environmental Cleaning and Maintenance". Therefore, the research suggests that considering the demands of space and environmental maintenance at the design stage enhance the efficiency and quality of cleaning management which is useful to owners, architects, construction companies, and property management companies. In summary, the results of this study are:

1.The investigations on various operating modes of Environmental Cleaning Management and problems in operating conditions, and recommendations
By using literature review and data collection, site surveys, professional interviews, etc., this research first established survey for "Environmental Cleanliness", "Waste Disposal", and "Landscape Planting Maintenance", including (1) cleaning object/type, (2) operation process, (3) operation cycle and operation time, (4) cleaning method/container and disposal vehicle size, (5) cost estimation, and simplify various cleaning managements into three types of operation modes related to environmental cleaning and maintenance, and further discuss the problems encountered in these three modes, such as the material which is not easy to clean, the lack of water and power source providing, the deficiency of storage room for cleaning tools and garbage trucks, the unplanned movement line and other issues. In the planning and design stage, the "environmental clean and maintenance" operation mode and space requirements are considered to solve the various problems arising from the lack of consideration in the current architectural design plan, and enhance the quality of various environmental cleaning and maintenance operations.

2.The case study of campus facilities related to environmental cleaning and maintenance mode: Taking Taiwan University of Science and Technology as an example
This research explores the current operating mode, scope and content, manpower allocation, and cost of environmental cleaning through site surveys, personnel interviews, and data collection. According to the survey, there are currently 48 people in the school for environmental cleaning and maintenance. There are 19 buildings in the school. Among them, the "Fourth Teaching Building" has the most cleaning area of 2,858.1 m2 (35%). According to statistics, the cost in the past five years (A.D. 2015.~2019.) shows that the average annual cost of various environmental cleaning and maintenance is 13.02 million NTD, 16.3 million NTD for waste treatment, and 80 million NTD for plant maintenance.

Keywords: Environmental Cleaning, Waste Disposal, Landscape Planting and Maintenance.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 謝誌 IV 圖 目 錄 VIII 表 目 錄 XI 第一章、緒論 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2研究目的 2 1.3研究方法 3 1.4研究流程 5 第二章、文獻回顧 6 2.1建築物環境清潔相關文獻 6 2.2建築物廢棄物處理相關文獻 9 2.3建築物植栽養護相關文獻 12 第三章、建築物「環境清潔」作業模式之調查與相關設計準則建議 15 3.1 研究方法 15 3.2 建築物「環境清潔」之作業流程調查及費用估算方式 15 3.2.1 環境清潔調查項目及類別 16 3.2.2 裝修面材類之清潔 16 3.2.3 空間類之清潔 27 3.2.4 門窗類之清潔 33 3.2.5 外牆類之清潔 36 3.2.6 病媒蚊消毒 39 3.2.7 水塔、水箱類之清潔 42 3.2.8 設備類之清潔 45 3.2.9 傢俱飾品類之清潔 48 3.3 建築物「環境清潔」之作業現況問題與規劃設計準則建議 49 3.3.1現況問題 49 3.3.2 規劃設計準則建議 50 3.4 小結 52 第四章、建築物「廢棄物處理」作業模式之調查與相關設計準則建議 53 4.1 研究方法 53 4.2 建築物「廢棄物處理」之作業流程調查 54 4.2.1 廢棄物處理調查項目及類別 54 4.2.2 一般垃圾 54 4.2.3 資源回收 56 4.2.4 營建廢棄物 58 4.2.5 醫療廢棄物 61 4.3 建築物「廢棄物處理」之作業現況問題與規劃設計準則建議 63 4.3.1 現況問題 64 4.3.2 規劃設計準則建議 64 4.4 小結 66 第五章、建築物「景觀植栽養護」作業模式之調查與相關設計準則建議 67 5.1 研究方法 68 5.2建築物「景觀植栽養護」之作業流程調查及費用估算方式 68 5.2.1 景觀植栽養護調查項目及類別 68 5.2.2 草坪養護 69 5.2.3 樹木養護 76 5.2.4 花卉養護 84 5.3 作業流程上現況問題與規劃設計之建議 89 5.3.1 現況問題 89 5.3.2 規劃設計準則建議 90 5.4 小結 91 第六章、校園設施之環境清潔維護管理模式與個案研究:以臺灣科技大學為例 92 6.1 案例介紹與研究方法 93 6.1.1 臺灣科技大學簡介 93 6.1.2 研究方法 93 6.2 臺灣科技大學之建築物環境清潔維護管理作業模式 94 6.2.1 管理單位 94 6.2.2 專業分包模式 94 6.2.3 招標現況 95 6.3 臺灣科技大學校園「環境清潔類」之工作內容、人力、費用 95 6.3.1 工作內容與施作範圍 96 6.3.2 人力編制 98 6.3.3 服務費用 98 6.4 臺灣科技大學校園「廢棄物處理類」之工作內容、人力、費用 98 6.4.1 工作內容與施作範圍 100 6.4.2 人力編制 103 6.4.3 服務費用 104 6.5 臺灣科技大學校園「植栽養護類」之工作內容、人力、費用 105 6.5.1 工作內容與施作範圍 105 6.5.2 人力編制 106 6.5.3 服務費用 107 6.6 小結 108 第七章、結論與建議 109 7.1 結論 109 7.2 建議 110 參考文獻 111 附錄一:環境清潔維護調查總表 113 附錄二:全校清潔面積計算總表 117 附錄三:訪談及現勘紀錄 131

1.City of Ottawa (2012). Solid Waste Collection Guidelines for Multi-Unit Residential Development. City of Ottawa, Canada.
2.Evans , E. (2002) . Los Angeles River Landscape Maintenance Manual . David Evans and Associate LA . USA.
3.Horizon (2010) . Landscape Maintenance Guide . Horizon Distributor : Chandler , Arizona.
4.Langdon, D.(2009) Designing out Waste- A design team guide for buildings. RIBA, UK.
5.Yale University (2017). Green Cleaning Standards. Facilities Service Department, Yale University.
網址:https://cdw.epa.gov. tw/Download/%E7%87%9F%E5%BB%BA% E5%BB%A2% E6%A3%84%E7%89%A9%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E7%AD%96%E7%95%A5%EF%BC%88%E5%90%AB%E7%87%9F%E5%BB%BA%E5%89%A9%E9%A4%98%E5%9C%9F%E7%9F%B3%E6%96%B9%E7%AE%A1%E5%88%B6%E6%8E%AA%E6%96%BD%E5%BB%BA%E8%AD%B0%EF%BC%89.pdf。
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