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研究生: 林悟正
論文名稱: Bacteriorhodopsin之壓電感測器去摺疊探討以及M態量測
QCM-based unfolding investigation and M-sate measurement of bacteriorhodopsin
指導教授: 陳秀美
Hsiu-Mei Chen
口試委員: 黃仲仁
Jung-Ren Huang
Meng-Jiy Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 122
中文關鍵詞: 細菌視紫質石英晶體微天平去折疊去脂質十二烷基硫酸鈉M態
外文關鍵詞: delipidation, M-state, quartz crystal microbalance, sodium dodecyl sulfate, unfolding
相關次數: 點閱:399下載:0
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細菌視紫質(bacteriorhodopsin,BR)是嗜鹽菌Halobacterium salinarum的一種蛋白質,以紫膜(purple membrane,PM)形式存在。BR結構中含有七個α-helices與兩個β-sheets以穩定的二微結構排列成PM,且受光激發後會進入光循環而以數個光學中間態存在。本研究研究首先將PM以生物親和性吸附固定在載體上,而後藉由石英晶體微天平(quartz crystal microbalance,QCM)和原子力顯微鏡(atomic force microscopy,AFM)分析可觀察到當流動相中加入低濃度0.1 %(w/v)的十二烷基硫酸鈉(sodium dodecyl sulfate,SDS)後會使PM去脂質且使BR結構去折疊化,此時BR仍然被吸附在晶片上。同時發現當受固定化之BR在晶片表面進行去摺疊時,由於液體流過會帶動蛋白質鏈向外延展而影響液體黏度;然而當SDS的濃度高達1 % (w/v)時,一樣會有去脂質及去折疊化影響液體黏度的現象,但同時會破壞BR和晶片間的親和性吸附,最後導致BR隨著流動相流走,無法繼續吸附在晶片上而使晶片完全失去活性。其次,利用自組裝的雷射光/偵測器組合系統可偵測BR主光循環中生命週期最長之M態的衰減情形,以動力學分析發現PM的D96N突變種與膠片包埋形式具有較長的M態生命週長。

Bacteriorhodopsin(BR)is a protein residing in the purple membrane(PM)of Halobacterium salinarum. It is constituted of seven α-helices and two β-sheets, forming a stable two dimensional crystalline structure within PM. Upon photoexcitation, BR undergoes a photocycle containing several optical intermediates. In the first part of this thesis, PM was bioaffinity-immobilized on substrates and then flowed over with 0.1% (w/v) sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The flow-injection quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) analysis revealed PM delipidation and BR unfolding during the 0.1%-SDS flow treatment, with BR still adsorbed on the substrate. The AFM analyses of the SDS-treated PM-coated chips confirmed the observation. Furthermore, the QCM study suggested that the unfolded peptide chain of immobilized BR extended while 0.1% SDS was passing over, changing the apparent viscosity of the flowing fluid. When PM-coated chips were flowed over with 1% SDS, we observed not only PM delipidation, BR unfolding, and changes of the apparent flow-viscosity, but also the detachment of BR from the substrate surface presumably due to the deteriorating effect of 1% SDS on bioaffinity interactions. In the second part, the decay of the M-state, an optical intermediate of BR with the longest life-time, was observed with a laser/photodiode setup. The kinetic analysis revealed that the M-state decay was significantly slowed when BR was either Asp96→Asn mutated or gel-entrapped.

摘要 I 圖表目錄 V 第一章 緒論 1 第二章 文獻回顧 3 2-1 壓電石英晶體生物感測器 3 2-1-1 石英壓電效應 3 2-1-2 石英晶體微天平(quartz crystal microbalance,QCM) 3 2-1-3 QCM的液相檢測 5 2-2 Halobacterium salinarum、紫色細胞膜(PM)和細菌視紫質(BR) 7 2-2-1 H. salinarum 7 2-2-2 BR 8 2-2-3 BR光循環 9 2-2-4 PM的M中間態 11 2-2-5 PM的P中間態 16 2-3 PM固定化 18 2-4 PM的QCM生物感測器 19 2-5 SDS 21 第三章 實驗 27 3-1 實驗目的 27 3-2 實驗藥品 28 3-3 實驗設備 29 3-4 實驗流程 31 3-4-1 以共價鍵結製作多層PM膜晶片 33 3-4-2 以親和固定化與共價鍵結混合作用製作多層PM膜晶片 35 3-4-3 乾式QCM之量測 37 3-4-4 流注式QCM之量測 37 3-4-5 PM溶液之M態量測 38 3-4-6 PM膠片之M態量測 39 第四章 結果與討論 42 4-1 PM的多層塗覆 42 4-1-1以共價鍵結製作多層PM膜晶片 42 4-1-2 以親和固定化與共價鍵混合作用製作多層 biotin-PM膜晶片 42 4-2 以注流式QCM探討SDS對PM晶片之去脂質 47 4-2-1 以1 % SDS去脂質之QCM研究 47 4-2-2 以0.1 % SDS去脂質之QCM研究 58 4-3塗覆PM的QCM晶片可以當作離子的檢測器 62 4-4 以AFM觀察SDS對biotin-PM玻片之去脂質 65 4-5 QCM晶片注流式去脂質之頻率應答分析 70 4-6 SDS對PM去脂質之可能機制 72 4-7 PM的M態量測 75 4-7-1以連續雷射光激發下M態的量測 75 4-7-2 脈衝雷射光激發下M態的量測 86 4-7-3 探討不同能量雷射對D96N膠片激發情形 106 第五章 結論 108

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