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研究生: 呂宗翰
Lu-Tsung Han
論文名稱: 電子博彩遊戲的經營策略 以I公司開發部門為個案研究
Business Strategy of Gaming Games - A Case Study of the Research and Development Department for the Company I
指導教授: 施劭儒
Shao-Ju Shih
Shuo-Yan Chou
Chen-A chien
口試委員: 李柯柱
Lee-Ko chu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 高階科技研發碩士學位學程
Executive Master of Research and Development
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 116
中文關鍵詞: 社交博弈博彩機技術研發藍圖
外文關鍵詞: Social casino, Game machine
相關次數: 點閱:228下載:0
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  • 摘要
    本文將以個案研究的方式,先針對以博奕遊戲為主的博彩機及社交博弈市場進行總體環境的分析,透過PEST來瞭解政策對於博彩機的影響,以及產業鏈變化的市場趨勢並且評估未來的營運發展,再以利用安索夫矩陣(Ansoff Matrix)及波士頓矩陣(BCG Matrix)檢視個案之既有產品線的能量,並預估產品的發展,其次,聚焦在新領域的社交博弈市場,透過市調機構及個案公司的內部次級資料來進行市場分析,並且透過五力分析來瞭解個案公司對於社交博弈市場所需面對的競爭程度,以及進行內外部環境變化的SWOT分析,來找出可行的策略組合以及技術佈局,最後利用策略技術藍圖快速導入法(T-plan)規劃未來三年(2020~2022)研發藍圖(Product roadmap),以符合社交博弈市場所需之關鍵技術與發展策略。總而言之,本研究以為上述的研究結果替個案達成1. 瞭解個案博彩機之經營策略所面臨的困境與挑戰及未來轉型發展的方向2. 找出個案轉型到社交博弈市場所需之關鍵策略之目的,以擬定策略發展的執行方案。

    From 2010, with the stricter and stricter regulation by the local governments, the performance of case company of gaming machines was declining year by year, affected by the government policies. In order to survive, the case company transformed its main products from the traditional gaming games to online social gaming games, and then received the initial success. Nevertheless, in the market of social gaming games, the case company still have to face the fierce competition from many startups and independent developers. So, for the case company, it may be able to enter the market of social gaming games quickly with the advantage of gaming game development experience. However, how to stand out in this competitive environment is difficult. The application strategy and technical layout are required for the case company to act as a leader in the field of gaming games.
    Firstly, this study analyzed the overall environment of gaming machines and social gaming games for the case company. Through the PEST analysis, the policies impact and market trends of the industry chain were investigated, and the future operational developments was evaluated. Afterwards, the Ansoff Matrix and the Boston Matrix had been used to examine the existing product line and future product development. Secondly, focusing on the social gaming market, this study conducted market analysis of the case company through the secondary data from market survey agencies. Then, through the Porter’s Five Force Analysis, the degree of competition was understood; using SWOT analysis, internal and external environmental changes were studied to find out the strategy combination and technical layout. Finally, T-plan, the Technology roadmaps, has been applied to plan the next three years (2020-2022) product roadmap for the case company. In short, this study (i) understood the difficulties and challenges for the gaming games and the possible directions of future transformation and development and (ii) identified the key transition strategies from the traditional gaming games to online social gaming games. Based on these two items, the development strategies were proposed.

    目錄 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的與方法 5 1.3 論文架構 5 第二章 文獻探討與產業介紹 8 2.1 策略相關文獻 8 2.2 策略分析 10 2.2.1 外部環境分析 10 2.2.2 五力分析 11 2.2.3 優劣分析法 13 2.2.4 安索夫矩陣 14 2.2.5 波士頓矩陣 15 2.3 產業概況 17 2.3.1 電子遊戲分類 17 2.3.2 商用電子遊戲機產業 21 2.3.3 商用博彩機 23 2.3.4 線上遊戲產業 27 2.3.5 社交博弈遊戲 29 第三章 市場分析 35 3.1 全球博奕展會 35 3.1.1 海外博彩展覽 35 3.1.2 國內博彩展覽 37 3.2 博奕遊戲市場趨勢 38 3.2.1 市場經營門檻 38 3.2.2 博奕產業重組 40 3.2.3 主流博奕遊戲 42 3.3 焦點發展預估 44 3.3.1 外部環境-PEST分析 44 3.3.2 專注社交博弈的發展 47 3.3.3 跨平臺的整合需求 48 3.3.4 大數據的運營導入 49 第四章 策略佈局與戰略規劃 52 4.1 個案公司介紹 52 4.2 內部分析 53 4.2.1 競爭力分析 53 4.2.2 產品線分析 59 4.3 企業總體策略 64 4.3.1 行銷策略方向 64 4.3.2 長短期營運策略 65 4.3.3 產品經營方向 66 4.4 事業處發展策略 67 4.4.1 建立核心文化 67 4.4.2 產品發展策略 73 4.4.3 五力分析 75 4.4.4 SWOT分析 79 4.4.5 營運開發策略 81 4.4.6 研發技術佈局 85 4.5 執行戰略 90 4.5.1 內外部驅動因子 91 4.5.2 技術整合產品規劃 93 4.5.3 研發資源 98 第五章 結論 100 5.1 總結 100 5.2 未來發展建議 101 參考文獻 102

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