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研究生: 諶宥銨
Yu-An Chen
論文名稱: 紫膜晶片微分光電流掃描系統之初步測試
Preliminary test of the scanning system for the differential photocurrents of a purple-membrane coated chip
指導教授: 陳秀美
Hsiu-Mei Chen
口試委員: 曾文棋
Wen-Chi Tseng
Shen-Long Tsai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 133
中文關鍵詞: 紫膜細菌視紫質
外文關鍵詞: purple membrane, Bacteriorhodopsin
相關次數: 點閱:463下載:0
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Halobacterium salinarum紫膜 (purple membrane, PM) 內部的細菌視紫質(bacteriorhodopsin, BR)受光激發後可產生光電流響應。本論文利用已建立之自動化光電流二維掃描系統對所製備PM晶片的微分光電流響應進行掃描分析與應用測試。研究分為四部分:第一部分以不同聚焦鏡調整雷射光密度,探討入射光單位面積強度對PM晶片光電流響應大小之影響,結果顯示兩者間呈指數關係。第二部分利用此自動化量測系統對以不含或添加有不同尺寸之氧化石墨烯 (grapheme oxide, GO)之架橋所製備之PM晶片以聚焦雷射進行掃描,分析其光電流分佈,結果發現架橋中若添加GO並再以微流清洗後,可使PM晶片光電流分佈更為均勻,顯示GO確實可減少因PM疊層所造成局部較高光電流之出現;第三部分為以聚焦雷射激發並掃描PM晶片以模擬視網膜成像,發現在小範圍中PM晶片光電流之掃描分佈可模糊呈現所預設的影像。最後部分則是以生長有牙菌斑之玻璃片遮蔽PM晶片光路,並進行掃描,結果發現因半透明微生物膜具有三維結構,導致聚焦雷射點被散射而使PM晶片受光面積增加,反而使晶片光電流上升。

The purple membrane (PM) of Halobacterium salinarum contains bacteriorhodopsin (BR), which generates photocurrents upon illumination. This research aimed to analyze the differential photocurrents of PM chips obtained using an automatic scanning system we had previously set up, as well as to study the potential applications of this system. Four topics were investigated. First, by tuning the optical intensity of the illuminating laser with lens of different focal lengths, a power relationship between the differential photocurrent densities and the incident optical intensities was obtained. Second, scanning the coating regions of PM chips led to a finding that the chips prepared with oxidized avidin complexed with graphene oxide of different sizes as the linker had more uniform photocurrent-density distributions than the ones prepared with only pure oxidized avidin. Post-deposition washing the PM chips with a microfluidic flow further improved the uniformity of the distributions, suggesting that GO addition reduced PM stacking, which resulted in locally high photocurrents. Third, blurry images of several different designed graphics were converted from the scanned photocurrent-density profiles of PM chips whose incident light had first passed through a transparency black-printed with each designed graphic, which mimicked retinal imaging. Finally, a slight increase was nevertheless observed in the average of the scanned photocurrent densities of a PM chip whose incident light had first passed through a glass slide covered with grown dental-plaque biofilm. The increase was attributed to the diffusion of the illuminated spot caused by light scattering from the three-dimensional biofilm.

中文摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VI 圖目錄 VII 第一章 緒論 1 第二章 文獻回顧 2 2-1 BR 2 2-1-1 Halobacterium salinarum 2 2-1-2 BR結構 3 2-1-3 BR光循環與質子傳遞 4 2-1-4 BR光電響應 5 2-1-5 PM生物親和性單層固定化 8 2-1-6 PM晶片之微生物檢測應用 9 2-2視網膜與人工視網膜 11 2-2-1視網膜簡介 11 2-2-2 人工視網膜 13 2-3以BR成像之研究 17 第三章 實驗 22 3-1 實驗目的 22 3-2 實驗流程 23 3-3 實驗藥品 23 3-4 實驗設備 24 3-5 量測 28 3-5-1 聚焦雷射掃描系統 28 3-5-2 雷射聚焦點定位與掃描範圍 30 第四章 結果與討論 31 4-1 雷射光密度與b-PM晶片微分光電流強度關係 31 4-2 以OA與添加不同尺寸大小GO之OA為架橋所製作之b-PM晶片掃描結果比較 35 4-3 以b-PM晶片進行成像測試 99 4-3-1 掃描以黑白兩色所形成的圖形 99 4-3-2 掃描已生長有牙菌斑的玻璃片 (ITO/11-PUA) 104 第五章 結論 117 第六章 參考文獻 119

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