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研究生: 洪冠舒
Guan-shu Hong
論文名稱: 行動社群應用程式介面排版與互動型式之設計研究
A Study on the Interface Layout and Interaction Style of Mobile Social Application
指導教授: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
口試委員: 張文德
Wen-Te Chang
Chih-Hsiang Ko
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 124
中文關鍵詞: 行動社群使用性研究互動設計多媒體資訊服務應用程式
外文關鍵詞: Mobile community, Multimedia message service, Usability, Interaction design, Application
相關次數: 點閱:367下載:2
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近年來隨著移動通訊技術的發展和智慧型手機的普及,越來越多的多媒體通訊服務應用程式(Multimedia Messaging Service Application, MMSA)應運而生,不僅逐漸取代現有的手機簡訊功能,也改變了人們現有的生活方式,同時也產生了一種新興的網路社群,且可預見這樣的趨勢會更加明顯。如本研究中所提及的「Line」、「WeChat」和「KaKao Talk」等應用程式也是時下熱門的App,不僅在短短幾年時間內就擁有了過億的使用者,也同時開創了獨特的虛擬社群網路平臺。而本研究就將通過介面排版與互動型式入手,針對現有的基於MMS應用程式的行動社群的介面設計來探討相關使用性問題,以求獲得具有更佳互動滿意度之介面設計,同時為進一步研究提供參考建議。

In the recent years, more and more multimedia messaging service applications are available in the market and one after another with the fast development of the mobile communication technology and the smart phone. The multimedia message service applications not only take place of the existing simple function of the mobile text-message, but also transform the living style of the ordinary people. A brand-new virtual community appears, accordingly. In the near future, this trend is sure to come into being. Multimedia messaging service applications, such as “Line”, “WeChat” and “KaKao Talk” as explored in this study. They have as many as more than 100 million users. They also create their own mobile community in their MMS applications.
The experiment in the study includes two stages: (1) The pilot test: It includes the investigation of MMS applications’ interface usability, operating style and user interaction satisfaction. (2)The validate experiment: Based on the results generated from the first stage, the independent variables are identified. This research study focus on the mobile social applications of MMS interface.
The validate experiment was planned based on a 2(levels of layout styles) by 3(operation modes) two-way ANOVA design. There are two levels in the independent variable of layout styles: (1) Grid layout: information from mobile community has been organized in 3×3 grid. (2) Vertical continuous layout: information has been organized like a vertical list. There are three levels in the independent variable of operation modes: (1) Jump button: click this button will jump to another screen of control. (2) Popup button: click this button, the control panel will visible in the same screen. (3) Advanced button: this button has two different control mode, short click mode and long click mode. Based on the experiment, the results regarding user task performance, system usability scale (SUS), questionnaire for user interaction satisfaction (QUIS), and user experience can be obtained.
The generated findings of this research study are as follows: (1) More information on the same touch screen can improve users’ task performance. (2) Using operation mode with brief process can enhance users’ task performance. (3) In the validation experiment, with enough practice “Advanced button” performs the best in most of test. (4) From the result of SUS, grid layout is much better than vertical continuous layout, and popup button is better than other operation modes. (5) The results from QUIS data analysis showed that popup button is better than other operation modes.

摘 要........................................................................IX 第一章 緒論...................................................................1 1.1.研究背景...................................................................1 1.2.研究動機...................................................................4 1.3.研究目的與目標.............................................................5 1.4.研究架構與流程.............................................................6 第二章 文獻探討...............................................................8 2.1.移動多媒體服務應用程式.....................................................8 2.2.虛擬社群與行動社群.........................................................9 2.2.1.虛擬社群.................................................................9 2.2.2.虛擬社群的形成與演化....................................................11 2.2.3.行動社群................................................................12 2.3.認知心理與人機系統........................................................14 2.3.1.心智模式................................................................14 2.3.2.行動七階段..............................................................15 2.3.3.人機互動................................................................16 2.4.使用性與人機介面設計原則..................................................17 2.4.1.使用性定義..............................................................17 2.4.2.使用者介面..............................................................18 2.4.3.設計的三個運作層次......................................................20 2.5.小結......................................................................21 第三章 研究方法與實驗設計....................................................23 3.1.研究方法與步驟............................................................23 3.2.現有即時通訊應用程式調查與篩選............................................24 3.3.受測應用程式選定..........................................................25 3.4.前導性實驗................................................................28 3.4.1.使用者行為調查..........................................................29 3.4.2.實驗設計................................................................32 3.4.3.介面評估內容............................................................33 3.4.4.任務操作績效分析-操作時間...............................................33 3.4.5.系統使用性尺度量表分析.................................................42 3.4.6.前導性實驗結論與建議...................................................44 3.5.小結......................................................................45 第四章 驗證實驗與結果分析....................................................47 4.1.驗證試驗研究變項..........................................................47 4.2.驗證實驗介面設計..........................................................48 4.3.實驗流程..................................................................56 4.4.問卷設計..................................................................57 4.5.受測者資料分析............................................................62 第五章 實驗結果與討論........................................................67 5.1.計測任務操作績效之分析....................................................67 5.2.SUS系統使用性尺度量表分析.................................................86 5.3.QUIS使用者互動滿意度量表分析..............................................89 第六章 結論與建議...........................................................104 6.1.MMS應用程式虛擬社群模擬介面實驗結果匯整..................................104 6.2.研究結論.................................................................109 6.3.後續研究發展建議.........................................................112 參考文獻.....................................................................114 附錄一:前導性實驗問卷.......................................................118 附錄二:驗證實驗問卷.........................................................120

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