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研究生: 蕭文皓
Wun-Hao Siao
論文名稱: 交通安全感測網路之光開關設計及參數量測
Multi-parameter Measurement and Optical Switch Design for Traffic Safety Network
指導教授: 廖顯奎
Shien-Kuei Liaw
口試委員: 單秋成
Chow-Shing Shin
Zheng-Kuan Lee
Yi-Lin Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 59
中文關鍵詞: 光纖感測光纖光柵光開關步進馬達感測網路
外文關鍵詞: Fiber optic sensing, fiber Bragg grating, optical switch, stepper motor, sensing network
相關次數: 點閱:532下載:5
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本論文為了技術性自主,利用步進馬達於光開關之設計與研究,並將其應用在感測領域進而構成一光纖感測網。以機械式的原理作為設計方向,透過步進馬達的轉動切換光訊號的傳輸路徑,雖然切換速度較慢,但是以降低其成本為目的。在對光方面使用多模光纖與光纖準直器做比較,探討兩者在對光中的損耗、經馬達轉動後的錯位率以及在接收端是否能夠量測到感測端反射之訊號,整體結果皆為使用光纖準直器較佳,對光損耗為2.34 dB,且不會有錯位的情形發生以及於接收端不會產生由多模光纖影響的多模干涉,可以清楚量測到感測端反射的訊號。
接著將光纖光柵與碳纖維複合材料作結合來構成一曲度感測器,利用碳纖維複合材料與光纖光柵反向的熱膨脹係數做為溫度補償的元件,溫度量測的範圍為0 ℃到70 ℃,結果為當溫度高於45 ℃時光纖光柵的反射中心波長才會開始變動,其靈敏度為8.6 pm/℃,而曲度感測器之靈敏度為0.2319 nm/m-1,兩者靈敏度相比較相差了兩個數量級(order),故整個感測系統較不受溫度影響,對四季溫度感應不大,可以將其與本論文所設計之機械式光開關做結合應用於橋樑監測的架構,形成一個橋樑監測感測網。
最後是將光纖光柵黏貼於自行車的輪框與內胎之間形成一胎壓感測器,利用光纖光柵受到內胎擠壓而引起光柵結構改變,使得反射中心波長改變,因此具有感測胎壓之功能,其靈敏度為0.0386 nm/psi,整體線性度R2為0.9957。此感測器可以應用於微笑單車的胎壓檢測,用以提高行車安全與維護之便利性,並且結合胎壓感測器與租借平台做整合,僅需一個光源即可感測多台單車的胎壓,以降低整體架構之成本。

In this thesis, we focused on design and research of the optical switch based on stepper motor for technological self-development, which could be applied as a router for an optical sensing network. According to the mechanical principles, the transmission path of optical signals would be switched by rotating the stepper motor. Despite slower switching speed, the design was aimed to reduce cost. For comparison of optical alignment induced loss, multimode fibers and collimators were used and discussed. The dislocation rate of stepper motor, and ability of reflected signals measurement were discussed. The overall results indicated that the fiber optical collimator has better performance with small alignment loss of 2.34 dB, and the reflected signals could be well-measured without the effects of dislocation and multimode interference.
Then, the curvature sensor based on fiber Bragg grating (FBG) was proposed. The FBG was temperature-compensated by the carbon fiber composites which has negative thermal coefficient. The measured temperature range was 0 to70 ℃. The experimental results show the central wavelength of FBG remains unchanged until the temperature exceeds 45 ℃, displaying a sensitivity of 8.6 pm/℃, while the curvature sensor has a sensitivity of 0.2319 nm/m-1. The later has two-order sensitivity than that of the former. It means that the curvature sensor value was quite small in thermal change. So it could be combined with optical switch in the bridge-monitoring based optical sensing network in the whole seasons.
Finally, the tire pressure sensor was made by fixing the FBG between the wheel and tire of a bicycle. The FBG was able to sense tire pressure because the grating structure changing caused by the tire pressure, this FBG would in turn be changed in reflected central wavelength. It has a sensitivity of 0.0386 nm/psi and an overall linearity R2 of 0.9957. The sensor may test the YouBike wheel in time to enhance bicycle-riding safety and convenient maintenance. To reduce the cost, we combine the sensor with rental platform because only one light source was used to sense tire pressure of bikes.

摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖表索引 VI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機與方法 2 1.3 論文架構 3 第二章 光纖和光纖感測原理介紹與文獻探討 4 2.1 光纖簡介 4 2.2 光纖感測原理 4 2.2.1 光纖感測器簡介 4 2.2.2 光纖感測器技術簡介 5 2.3 光纖光柵簡介 6 2.3.1 布拉格光纖光柵理論分析 7 2.3.2 光纖光柵的製作 9 2.4 感測所使用光源介紹 11 2.5 文獻探討 13 第三章 機械式光開關 18 3.1 光開關簡介 18 3.2 步進馬達之簡介與原理 20 3.2.1 步進馬達簡介 20 3.2.2 步進馬達種類與原理 20 3.2.3 步進馬達的驅動 23 3.2.4 馬達控制器介紹 24 3.3 機械式光開關之設計與量測 25 3.3.1 實驗架構 25 3.3.2 實驗結果 29 3.4 本章小結 30 第四章 曲度感測器 31 4.1 橋樑監測背景介紹與感測應用關聯性 31 4.2 曲度感測之溫度補償 33 4.2.1 碳纖維複合材料 33 4.2.2 溫度補償效果量測及結果分析 35 4.3 曲度感測實驗 40 4.3.1 實驗架構與感測理論分析 40 4.3.2 實驗結果 41 4.4 本章小結 43 第五章 自行車胎壓感測器 44 5.1 微笑單車(YouBike)背景介紹與感測應用關聯性 44 5.2 胎壓感測方式與實驗結果分析 45 5.2.1 實驗架構 46 5.2.2 實驗結果分析 47 5.3 本章小結 52 第六章 結論與未來展望 53 6.1 結論 53 6.2 未來展望 54 參考文獻 56

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