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研究生: 馬孟緯
Meng-Wei Ma
論文名稱: 透過p型半導體Ag2O奈米粒子負載於Al2O3載體對快速降解2-氯乙基乙基硫醚效能影響之研究
Effect of fast detoxication of 2-chloro ethyl ethyl sulfide by p-type Ag2O semiconductor nanoparticle-loaded Al2O3-based supports
指導教授: 郭東昊
Dong-Hau Kuo
口試委員: 薛人愷
Ren-Kae Shiue
Wen-Chiung Su
Cheng-Chien Yang
Yi-Hsiuan Yu
Dong-Hau Kuo
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 應用科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 146
中文關鍵詞: 金屬氧化物奈米級Ag2O2-氯乙基乙基硫醚(2-CEES)毒化物降解
外文關鍵詞: metal oxide, Ag2O nanoparticle, 2-Chloro ethyl ethyl sulphide (2-CEES), Toxic detoxication
相關次數: 點閱:256下載:0
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由表面積測定儀(BET)結果,經臨濕含浸Na2SiO3 及Ag2O的各系列觸媒,孔體積會隨著Ag2O或Na2SiO3含量的增加而下降,而平均孔徑則隨之上升,但不顯著。由氣相層析質譜儀(GC-MS)分析結果顯示,2.5%Ag2O/0.5%Na2SiO3/Al2O3具有降解催化的效果。催化反應後的產物為無毒之2-(乙硫基)乙醇(CH3CH2SCH2CH2OH)和2-(乙硫基)乙酸(CH3CH2SCH2COOH)。證實Ag2O不僅只扮演催化劑的角色,更能與水及Na2SiO3/Al2O3擔體產生協同效果來增加毒化物降解效能。由氣相層析儀(GC-PFPD)的分析結果得知,在溶於異丙醇的2-chloro ethyl ethyl sulphide (C2H5SCH2CH2Cl, 2-CEES)溶液中加入2.5 %的Al2O3或Al2O3/Na2SiO3進行催化反應,於15分鐘內的消除率可達82 %。顯示添加少量的Na2SiO3對催化反應即有極大的提升效果,且添加劑量濃度也能以計算得知,而Ag2O的添加更能大幅提升降解2-CEES之催化能力。顯示這些由電洞所構成的p型半導體Ag2O在啟動催化反應中扮演著不可或缺的角色。

Different from the traditional liquid state decontamination, because solid metal oxide is high than characteristics such as surface area, good heat stability and physics, chemical property,etc., and the role with catalyst, by applying and taking the chemical reaction of hydrolyzing, oxidizing and catalyzing etc. In order to degrade or remove the harmfulness of the toxic material of chemistry, and more important , have high affinity to personnel,apparatus and environment, will not cause and damage and pollute. p-type Ag2O (1wt.%~10wt.%)semiconductor nanoparticle-loaded Ag2O or Na2SiO3/Ag2O(0.5wt.%~2.5wt.%) powders used for detoxicating the surrogate of sulfur mustard of 2-chloro ethyl ethyl sulfide (C2H5SCH2CH2Cl, 2-CEES) were investigated. Different amounts of Ag2O and Na2SiO3 on catalyst supports were evaluated. And using chemical reduction method, sodium borohydride as reductant, Ag2O reduced to Ag metal, to explore its catalytic reaction may be the impact. Studying employs Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET)、X-ray diffraction (XRD)、Transmitted Electron Microscope (TEM)、Gas chromatography with a pulsed flame photometric detector (GC–PFPD) and gas chromatography coupled with a mass spectroscopy (GC–MS) were used to monitor and identify the catalytic reactions, together with reaction products analysis.
The results of the surface area (BET) analysis, showed that the wetting impregnated Na2SiO3 and Ag2O each series of catalyst, the pore volume will decrease with the increase of Ag2O or Na2SiO3 content, while the average pore diameter will rise, but not significant.
The results of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis, showed that 2.5% Ag2O / 0.5% Na2SiO3 / Al2O3 had the catalytic effect of degradation. The products after the catalytic reaction are non-toxic 2-(ethylthio)ethanol (CH3CH2SCH2CH2OH) and 2- (ethylthio) acetic acid (CH3CH2SCH2COOH). Confirmed Ag2O not only act as a catalyst, but also with water and Na2SiO3 / Al2O3 support synergistic effect to increase the toxicity of toxic compounds.
The results of the Gas chromatography (GC-PFPD) analysis, 2.5% Al2O3 or Al2O3 / Na2SiO3 was added to the solution of 2-chloroethyl ethyl sulphide (C2H5SCH2CH2Cl, 2-CEES) dissolved in isopropanol Response, within 15 minutes the elimination rate of up to 82%. By adding a small amount of Na2SiO3 on the catalytic reaction that has a great effect, and the concentration can be calculated to calculate the additive, and Ag2O addition can greatly enhance the catalytic capacity of 2-CEES degradation. The electronic holes dominating in p-type Ag2O is proposed to provide the key component and to initiate the catalytic reactions. The electronic hole-based detoxication mechanism is proposed.

目 錄 摘 要 I 誌 謝 V 目 錄 VII 圖 目 錄 X 表 目 錄 XV 第一章、緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機 5 1.3 研究目的 5 第二章、基礎特性與理論 7 2.1 化學毒劑 7 2.1.1 依毒理作用分類 7 2.1.2 依有效作用時間分類[23] 11 2.1.3 依降解反應方式分類 13 2.2 生物毒劑[34-37] 19 2.2.1 依病毒型態分類[22] 21 2.2.2 依病毒屬性分類 23 2.3 化學污染消除劑[CHEMICAL DECONTAMINATION AGENT]的發展 24 2.3.1 物理消除方法 24 2.3.2 化學消除方法 26 2.4 奈米材料[42] 28 2.4.1 奈米材料種類 29 2.4.2 奈米孔洞材料 30 2.4.3 奈米中孔洞材料[43-45] 32 2.4.4 製備方法與機制[47-50] 33 2.5 金屬氧化物奈米晶體 [51-54] 35 第三章、文獻回顧 40 第四章 實驗方法與步驟 75 4.1 實驗藥品、氣體與儀器設備 75 4.1.1 藥品與氣體 75 4.1.2 儀器設備 76 4.2觸媒的製備 77 4.2.1 矽酸鈉/氧化鋁複合粉末製備方法 78 4.2.2 氧化銀/氧化鋁複合粉末製備方法 80 4.2.3 氧化銀/矽酸鈉/氧化鋁複合粉末製備方法 82 4.2.4 金屬銀/矽酸鈉/氧化鋁複合粉末製備方法 84 4.3 物性鑑定 86 4.3.1 表面積測定與孔徑大小分佈測定(Brunauer-Emmett-Teller) 86等溫吸附曲線 90遲滯曲線的分類 93 4.3.2 X-射線繞射分析(X-ray diffraction analysis,XRD) 95 4.3.3 穿透式電子顯微鏡(Transmitted Electron Microscope,TEM) 97 4.3.4 氣相層析質譜儀(Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrophoto- meter,GC-MS) 98 4.4 觸媒的化性鑑定 100 第五章 實驗結果與討論 102 5.1催化劑的鑑定 102 5.1.1 BET表面積與平均孔徑 102 5.1.2 X-射線繞射分析(XRD) 107 5.1.3 穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM) 112 5.1.4 氣相層析質譜儀(GC-MS) 116 5.2觸媒的反應活性 123 5.2.1煅燒溫度對銀鈉矽氧觸媒在2-CEES降解反應的影響 123 5.2.2矽酸鈉前趨鹽含量對銀鈉矽氧觸媒降解反應的影響 126 5.2.3銀含量對銀鈉矽氧觸媒反應活性的影響 126 第六章 結論 131 第七章 參考文獻 134  

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