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研究生: 林永祥
Yung-Hsiang Lin
論文名稱: 銲接構造用鑄鋼SCW450雙相區熱處理之低溫衝擊韌性之研究
A Study of Intercritical Heat Treatment on Low Temperature Impact Toughness of Steel Castings for SCW450 Welded Structures
指導教授: 雷添壽
Tien-Shou Lei
口試委員: 鄭偉鈞
Wei-Chun Cheng
Ben-Yuan Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 98
中文關鍵詞: 鑄鋼低溫韌性雙相區熱處理
外文關鍵詞: Cast steel, Low temperature toughness, Intercritical heat treatment
相關次數: 點閱:377下載:4
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  • 摘要
    銲接構造用鑄鋼SCW 450為澆鑄量相當大的鑄造用材料,由於經常需要以銲接方式與其它材料進行接合,因此對其機械性質的規定在SC 450之外,額外要求其低溫衝擊韌性於0 ℃衝擊時,其衝擊值最小須達27J。
      研究旨在探討在肥粒鐵-沃斯田鐵雙相區沃斯田鐵化後以空冷及爐冷的熱處理製程對於SCW 450低溫衝擊韌性的影響,並尋找較佳的製程及參數。研究方法包括,以OM及SEM觀察鑄鋼的顯微組織,及於0 ℃的衝擊試驗及破斷面型態觀察。另外觀察鑄鋼於920 ℃沃斯田鐵化時,其原沃斯田鐵晶粒尺寸與持溫時間的關係。


    Cast steel SCW 450 for welded construction has been cast in a considerable volume, in most cases designed bonding together with other materials by welding, so other than the mechanical properties of SC 450 , it requirements of a low temperature impact toughness at 0 ℃with a impact value at least up to 27 J.
    The study was designed to explore the effect of intercritical heat treatment on the low temperature impact toughness of cast steel SCW 450. Experimental methods include the furnace cooling and air cooling after austenitizing treatment, the OM and SEM examination of the microstructure of cast steel, impact testing at 0 ℃ and the fracture surface of impact specimens. The relationship of austenite grain size of SCW450 at 920 ℃ with holding times was studied also.
    The results show that the pearlite distribution pattern after heat treatment and the ferrite grain size are the most important factors which affect the low temperature impact toughness of SCW450; the original austenite grain size is coarsening with the increase of holding times.

    Keywords:Cast steel, Low temperature toughness, Intercritical heat treatment

    目錄 摘要..........................................................I Abstract......................................................II 誌謝..........................................................III 目錄..........................................................IV 圖索引........................................................VI 表索引........................................................VIII 第一章前言....................................................1 第二章文獻探討................................................3 2.1 原沃斯田鐵晶粒尺寸........................................3 2.2 合金元素的影響............................................6 2.3 鑄鋼的熱處理..............................................9 2.4 臨界溫度間熱處理..........................................10 2.5 沃斯田鐵化溫度與持溫時間的影響............................12 2.6 鑄鋼中之麻田散鐵..........................................13 2.7 鑄鋼中之波來鐵............................................14 2.8 介在物....................................................16 2.9 破壞模式與衝擊溫度........................................17 第三章實驗方法................................................28 3.1 實驗流程與材料備製........................................28 3.2 熱處理....................................................29 3.3 機械性質試驗..............................................29 3.4 顯微組織分析..............................................31 第四章結果與討論..............................................42 4.1 原沃斯田鐵晶粒尺寸與持溫時間關係..........................42 4.2 正常化、780 ℃爐冷及雙相區的顯微組織......................43 4.2.1 波來鐵分佈型態..........................................43 4.2.2 晶粒尺寸的變化..........................................44 4.2.3 顯微組成含量的變化......................................44 4.3 機械性質比較..............................................46 4.3.1 780 ℃熱處理及正常化熱處理的機械性質....................46 4.3.2臨界溫度間熱處理的機械性質...............................47 第五章結論....................................................70 參 考 文 獻...................................................72 附錄A OM金相圖集.............................................77 附錄B SEM金相圖集............................................81 作者簡介......................................................86

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