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研究生: Thannicha Siricharuanun
Thannicha Siricharuanun
論文名稱: 壓電陶瓷於共振頻率下之熱效應影響的機械特性
Mechanical Properties of Piezoelectric Ceramics Influence on Thermal Effect in Resonance
指導教授: 陳品銓
Pin-Chuan Chen
Yu-Hsi Huang
口試委員: 黃育熙
Yu-Hsi Huang
Ching-Kong Chao
Yu-Chih Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: PDF122
中文關鍵詞: piezoelectric thin platesthermo-piezoelectricpyroelectricityresonant frequencythermal stress
外文關鍵詞: piezoelectric thin plates, thermo-piezoelectric, pyroelectricity, resonant frequency, thermal stress
相關次數: 點閱:360下載:0
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The piezoelectric ceramics are investigated under the thermal effect. The thermo-electro-mechanical with mechanical properties is established based on governing equations and linear piezoelectricity. PZT or lead zirconate titanate is one of the most widely used piezoelectric ceramic material. The heat is distributed on the PZT under the self-heating in resonance and heating chamber. Under the resonant frequency of vibration, the internal heat caused by the mechanical and dielectric loss as converting thermal energy to change the mechanical properties so called self-heating. As the temperature rising in the PZT could affect the material aging and thermal damage, the properties of the PZT is determined in vary temperature without exceeding curie temperature upon heating. The thermal distribution pattern detected by the thermography is used to examine. Together with the self-heating process, the PZT is heated inside the heating chamber under stable heat distributing condition. Likewise, the thermography result is used to interpret the temperature gradient on the surface of the PZT. After heating at a certain temperature, piezoelectric constant d33 and capacitance Cs coefficients, respectively, are collected by the d33 meter and impedance analyzer. In addition, the impedance curves also observed on the changes of resonant frequency, anti-resonant frequency, and electromechanical coupling coefficient. The mechanical properties and piezoelectric constants of soft and hard PZT plates are compared under the mentioned experiment. The thermal stress induced by the temperature distribution in the PZT is observed by photoelasticity. The thermal stress concentration field is analyzed as applied voltage under the self-heating. This stress value can be used for safety reason in the material working condition to not reach failure.

The piezoelectric ceramics are investigated under the thermal effect. The thermo-electro-mechanical with mechanical properties is established based on governing equations and linear piezoelectricity. PZT or lead zirconate titanate is one of the most widely used piezoelectric ceramic material. The heat is distributed on the PZT under the self-heating in resonance and heating chamber. Under the resonant frequency of vibration, the internal heat caused by the mechanical and dielectric loss as converting thermal energy to change the mechanical properties so called self-heating. As the temperature rising in the PZT could affect the material aging and thermal damage, the properties of the PZT is determined in vary temperature without exceeding curie temperature upon heating. The thermal distribution pattern detected by the thermography is used to examine. Together with the self-heating process, the PZT is heated inside the heating chamber under stable heat distributing condition. Likewise, the thermography result is used to interpret the temperature gradient on the surface of the PZT. After heating at a certain temperature, piezoelectric constant d33 and capacitance Cs coefficients, respectively, are collected by the d33 meter and impedance analyzer. In addition, the impedance curves also observed on the changes of resonant frequency, anti-resonant frequency, and electromechanical coupling coefficient. The mechanical properties and piezoelectric constants of soft and hard PZT plates are compared under the mentioned experiment. The thermal stress induced by the temperature distribution in the PZT is observed by photoelasticity. The thermal stress concentration field is analyzed as applied voltage under the self-heating. This stress value can be used for safety reason in the material working condition to not reach failure.

Contents Abstract i List of Figures iv List of Tables vi Nomenclature 1 Chapter 1. Introduction 3 1.1. Purpose and Motivation 3 1.2. Piezoelectric Material 4 1.3. Poling of Piezoelectric material 5 1.4. Pyroelectricity 6 1.5. Literature Review 8 1.5.1. Soft and Hard piezoelectric ceramics 8 1.5.2. Curie temperature and Operating condition 11 1.5.3. Temperature effect on Piezoelectric material 14 Chapter 2. Fundamental Theory and Equipments 16 2.1. Governing Equations 16 2.2. Three-dimensional form of the linear piezoelectric Constitutive equations 19 2.3. Plane Stress Model 20 2.4. Thermo-electrical-elastic Model 23 2.4.1. Constitutive equations for piezoelectric materials 24 2.4.2. Thermal stresses 25 2.5. Piezoelectric constant 26 2.6. Impedance Analysis 28 2.7. Electromechanical coupling factor 35 2.8. Infrared Thermography (IR) camera 36 2.9. Photoelastic 38 Chapter 3. Methodology 45 3.1. Piezoelectric materials 45 3.2. Self-Heating 48 3.3. Heating Chamber 49 3.4. Photoelastic Analysis of Thermal Stresses 50 Chapter 4. Results and Discussion 57 4.1. Self-heating 57 4.2. Heating Chamber 80 4.3. Comparison of d33 and Cs between self-heating and heating chamber 97 4.4. Stress analysis 100 Chapter 5. Conclusion and Future work 111 References 112


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