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研究生: 許詩易
Shih-Yi Hsu
論文名稱: 探討開箱影片之說服效果-以空拍機為例
Study of the persuasive effect of unboxing video – A case study of drone
指導教授: 欒 斌
Pin Luan
口試委員: 欒 斌
Pin Luan
Cheng-Kang Chen
Kuang-Ti Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 65
中文關鍵詞: 開箱影片說服效果Yotuber來源可信度名人認同產品知識資訊豐富度購買意願
外文關鍵詞: Unboxing video, Persuasive effect, Endorse credibility
相關次數: 點閱:276下載:0
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  • 2016 年,Youtube 的用戶觀看時間增加 50%,其中,將網絡影片接入電視屏 幕觀看的用戶比前一年翻了一倍,不管是影片內容還是觀看渠道,網絡影片都對電 視行業形成巨大衝擊。

    近年來,開箱影片逐漸流行在影音平台,各個影音創作者接二連三地拍起各類 型的創作影片,其中開箱影片成為觀眾的熱門觀看類型之一,而開箱影片成為觀眾 在購買產品前查看資訊的管道之一,這些創作者要如何以有創新的開箱影片吸引消 費者觀看甚至產生購買意圖將會是本研究要研究的重點。

    因此,本研究將會以影片本身即拍片者的特質作為基礎架構,探討開箱影片的 說服效果,研究族群主要針對學生,考量到近年來使用空拍機消費者為年輕族群居 多,將針對架構分為五大構面(來源可信度、產品知識、名人認同、資訊豐富度、購 買意願),並提出相關研究結論。

    研究結果顯示,開箱影片中,來源的真實性及可信度是不可或缺的一部分,而 觀眾自有的產品知識的強化變成避免購買產品過程中產生權益受損的一種事前工 作,而名人代言不再是一種品牌的保證象徵,除了對於品牌的價值認同還需要代言 人與產品的連結性,在現在網路視頻發展的年代,許多 Youtuber 透過激烈的競爭以 及接業配(工商合作)的形態下在 Youtube 平台上力求一席地位,為得就是讓觀眾看 到自己的特色,除了本身頻道的展現,以及自身專業程度的培養,更要求影片的豐 富性及多樣性。

    In 2016, Youtube's user watching time has increased by 50%. Among them, the number of users who connected online videos to TV screens has doubled compared with the previous year. Whether it is video content or viewing channels, online movies have a huge impact on the TV industry.

    In recent years, Unboxing video have become more and more popular in audio-visual platforms. Various video creators have taken various types of creative films one after another. Among them, Unboxing video have become one of the popular viewing types of videos, and the Unboxing video have become a major way to search the information before purchasing products. How these creators to attract the consumers to watch and even generate purchasing intentions even buy the deal with innovative methods will be the focus of this research.

    Therefore, this study will use the characteristics of the film itself as the filmmaker to explore the persuasive effect of the Unboxing video. The structure is divided into five facets (source credibility, product knowledge, internet celebrity, information richness, purchase intention), and propose relevant research conclusions.

    The results of the study show that the authenticity and credibility of the source is an indispensable part of the Unboxing video, and the enhancement of the viewer's own product knowledge becomes an important work that to avoids the loss of equity in the process of purchasing the product, and the celebrity endorsement is no longer a guarantee symbol of a brand. In addition to the value recognition of the brand, it also needs the connection between the spokesperson and the product. In the era of online video development, many internet celebrities have strived for a position under fierce competition and the form of matching business. In order to let the audiences see their own characteristics, in addition to the display of their own channels and the cultivation of their professional level, they also require the richness and diversity of the film.

    目錄 摘要 ...................................................................I ABSTRACT ..............................................................II 誌謝 ..................................................................IV 目錄 ...................................................................V 圖目錄 ................................................................VI 表目錄 ...............................................................VII 第一章 緒論 ............................................................1 第一節 研究背景 ................................................... 1 第二節 研究動機 ................................................... 1 第三節 研究目的 ................................................... 3 第二章 文獻探討 ........................................................4 第一節 Youtuber (影音創作者) ......................................4 第二節 開箱影片 ................................................... 5 第三節 部落客意見領袖 ............................................. 7 第四節 網路口碑 .................................................. 10 第五節 來源可信度 ................................................ 12 第六節 產品知識 .................................................. 14 第七節 說服效果-購買意願 ......................................... 16 第八節 資訊豐富度 ................................................ 17 第三章 研究設計與方法 .................................................20 第一節 研究架構 ..................................................20 第二節 變數的操作性與定義衡量 ....................................24 第四章 實證分析 .......................................................29 第一節 問卷資料 ..................................................29 第二節 樣本結構分析 ..............................................29 第五章 研究結論與建議 .................................................43 第一節 研究結果 ...................................................43 第二節 管理意涵 ...................................................46 第三節 研究限制 ...................................................46 第四節 研究建議 ...................................................47 參考文獻 ..............................................................48 中文文獻 ..............................................................48 英文文獻 ..............................................................51 附錄一 問卷 ...........................................................54 圖目錄 圖 2-1 Youtube 平台三方互利 ....................................................................................... 5 圖 2-2 開箱影片示意圖................................................................................................. 5 圖 2-3 開箱影片示意圖................................................................................................. 6 圖 2-4 研究商品空拍機................................................................................................. 7 圖 2-5 Youtube 開箱影片產品資訊示意圖................................................................. 18 圖 2-6 Youtube 開箱影片資訊豐富度示意圖............................................................. 19 圖 3-1 研究架構圖....................................................................................................... 20 表目錄 表 2-1 產品知識相關文獻整理................................................................................... 15 表 2-2 購買意願相關文獻整理................................................................................... 17 表 3-1 來源可信度的操作性定義與題項................................................................... 24 表 3-2 產品知識的操作性定義與題項....................................................................... 25 表 3-3 資訊豐富度的操作性定義與題項................................................................... 26 表 3-4 名人認同的操作性定義與題項....................................................................... 27 表 3-5 購買意願的操作性定義與題項....................................................................... 27 表 4-1 人口統計變數................................................................................................... 30 表 4-2 信度分析表....................................................................................................... 32 表 4-3 Bartlett 檢定表.................................................................................................. 33 表 4-4 效度分析表....................................................................................................... 34 表 4-5 變異數同質性檢定顯著性............................................................................... 35 表 4-6 變異數分析....................................................................................................... 36 表 4-7 相關性分析....................................................................................................... 37 表 4-8 來源可信度與名人認同之迴歸分析............................................................... 38 表 4-9 產品知識與名人認同之迴歸分析................................................................... 38 表 4-10 名人認同與購買意願之迴歸分析................................................................. 39 表 4-11 資訊豐富度編碼表 ......................................................................................... 40 表 4-12 不同資訊豐富度之 Scheffe 檢定顯著性之結果 ............................................. 40 表 4-13 名人認同之中介效果檢定表(一) .................................................................. 41 表 4-14 名人認同之中介效果檢定表(二) .................................................................. 42 表 5-1 假說分析結果彙整........................................................................................ 43

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