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研究生: 陳果汎
Guo-Fan Chen
論文名稱: 以基於設計的學習融入國小學生視覺化程式設 計創客課程探討運算思維概念、問題解決能力 與學習態度之研究
The Research of Integrating Design-Based Learning into the Visual Programming Maker Course for Elementary School Students
指導教授: 翁楊絲茜
Cathy Weng
口試委員: 夏至賢
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 數位學習與教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 127
中文關鍵詞: 基於設計的學習視覺化程式設計學習運算思維問題解決能力學習態度創客課程
外文關鍵詞: Design-Based Learning, Visual Programming Language, Computational Thinking, Problem Solving Ability, Learning Attitude, Marker Course
相關次數: 點閱:694下載:0
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  • 近年來運算思維的提倡,致使程式設計課程的蓬勃發展,不斷有相關的研究提出,而好的教材設計也需要搭配良好的學習或教學策略來幫助學習者提升能力,因此本研究課程中除了在教材中使用價格便宜與發展性高的 Arduino 微控制器與 3D列印教具的創客課程外,研究者從中導入基於設計的學習( Design
    Based Learning ) 以提升學習者運算思維的能力。
    本研究旨在探討以基於設計的學習融入國小學生視覺化程式設計創客課程探討運算思維概念、問題解決能力與學習態度之研究,實驗課程將受試者分為實驗組(實施「基於設計的教學方式」視覺化程式課程)與控制組(實施「傳統的直接教學方式」視覺化程式課程),兩組課程內容相同,控制組教師使用直接教學的方式一步一步帶著學習者進行學習;而實驗組教師採用基於設計的教學方式讓學習者靠著 DBL 的策略進行學習,本研究兩組各 32 位來自國小四、五、六年級的受試者。
    在檢驗學習成效方面,研究者參考相關文獻開發出運算思維概念測驗,並使用學習態度問卷、以及問題解決能力問卷來了解兩組學習者的差異。此外在課程最後時有 3位專家評量成品,並搭配課程中相關記錄與課後滿意度問卷輔助本研究之結論。
    研究結果發現: (一) 無論控制組或實驗組在視覺化程式設計創客課程之後,運算思維概念皆顯著提升。(二)雖然兩組在課程後的問題解決能力自陳問卷上未達顯著提升,但在「提出可能的解決策略」與「評鑑行動的效能」的面項中實驗組顯著高於控制組。(三)實驗組在課程結束後的學習態度自陳問卷顯著提升且顯著高於控制組並在「興趣」面項中達顯著差異。(四)成品評分中,實驗組整體與各項得分皆顯著高於控制組。最後,研究者根據本研究之發現,提出相關討論與未來研究建議。

    In recent years, the advocacy of computational thinking has led to the vigorous development of programming courses. Even though there are many related researches focusing on the issue, it is believed that good curriculum design also needs to be matched with good learning or teaching strategies to help learners improve their abilities. Therefore, in this research experiment, in addition to the Maker course that uses inexpensive and highly developed Arduino microcontrollers and 3D printing teaching aids, the researchers introduced Design-Based Learning to enhance learners ability for computational thinking.
    This research aims to explore the effect of integrating Design-Based Learning in elementary school students’ visual programming maker curriculum on students’ computational thinking, problem-solving abilities, and learning attitudes. The study divided the subjects into an experimental group with Design-Based Learning strategy implemented in visual programming course and a control group with traditional direct teaching in the same course. There were 32 fourth, fifth, or sixth grade students in each group from an elementary school participated in the experiement.
    In order to evaluate the effectiveness of learning in the study, the researcher developed a conceptual test for computational thinking after reviewing relevant literature, and he also utilized the Learning Attitude Questionnaire and the Problem Solving Ability Questionnaire to understand the differences between the two groups of learners. At the end of the courses, 3 experts were also invited to evaluate the finished products developed by the participants; moreover, relevant class observation and records and after course satisfaction questionnaires were used to support the conclusion of this research.
    The results of the study are as the following:
    1. Both the experimental group and the control group have significantly improved students’ computational thinking after the visual programming maker course.
    2. Although the problem-solving ability on the self-reporting questionnaire of the two groups was not significantly improved after the courses, the experimental group was significantly higher than the control group on the two sub-contructs, "possible solution strategy" and "evaluation action effectiveness".
    3. The self-reported Learning attitude for the experimental group was improved significantly after the end of the course and was significantly higher than the control group, especially the significant differences were found in its sub-construct, interests.
    4. For the finished product scores, the overall and the sub-constructs for the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the control group. Finally, the researcher put forward relevant discussions and suggestions for future research based on the findings of this study.

    第一章 緒論...................................................................................................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機...........................................................................................1 第二節 研究目的與問題...........................................................................................6 第三節 名詞釋義.......................................................................................................7 第四節 研究範圍與限制...........................................................................................9 第四節 研究重要性.................................................................................................10 第二章 文獻探討.........................................................................................................12 第一節 程式設計學習的重要與現況.....................................................................12 第二節 Arduino 微控制器與 3D列印之創客教具………………........................16 第三節 運算思維的定義與重要性.........................................................................18 第四節 基於設計的學習.........................................................................................21 第五節 問題解決能力.............................................................................................24 第六節 學習態度.....................................................................................................26 第七節 基於設計的學習對運算思維之影響……………………….....................27 第三章 研究方法.........................................................................................................28 第一節 研究設計.....................................................................................................28 第二節 研究架構.....................................................................................................29 第三節 研究假設.....................................................................................................31 第四節 研究對象與研究程序.................................................................................32 第五節 視覺化程式設計語言課程設計.................................................................33 第六節 研究工具.....................................................................................................37 第七節 研究流程.....................................................................................................48 第八節 資料處理與統計方法.................................................................................49 第四章 研究結果.........................................................................................................50 第一節 運算思維概念...............................................................................................50 第二節 問題解決能力.............................................................................................55 第三節 學習態度.....................................................................................................59 第四節 成品評分.....................................................................................................62 viii 第五節 年級對運算思維概念、問題解決能力、學習態度、成品評分之影響.64 第六節 性別對運算思維概念、問題解決能力、學習態度、成品評分之影響.67 第七節 運算思維概念、問題解決能力、學習態度、成品評分之相關分析.....69 第八節 滿意度調查與課程觀察.............................................................................70 第五章 結論與建議.....................................................................................................77 第一節 結論.............................................................................................................77 第二節 建議.............................................................................................................82 參考文獻......................................................................................................................85 附錄一 視覺化程式創客課程-實施「基於設計的教學方式」教學活動設計.......94 附錄二 視覺化程式創客課程-實施「直接教學的教學方式」教學活動設計......100 附錄三 控制組與實驗組之教案對照.......................................................................106 附錄四 視覺化程式設計創客課程學習小幫助學習單...........................................112 附錄五 成品構想學習單...........................................................................................119 附錄六 運算思維概念測驗範例試題.......................................................................122 附錄七 學習態度問卷...............................................................................................124 附錄八 問題解決能力問卷.......................................................................................126

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