簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 尚少華
Shao-Hua Shang
論文名稱: 大臺北地區地震後火災風險評估
The Evaluation of Post-Earthquake Fire Risk in Taipei,Taiwan
指導教授: 林慶元
Ching-Yuan Lin
口試委員: 沈子勝
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 67
中文關鍵詞: 蒙地卡羅模擬法簡易地震災損推估系統台灣地震損失評估系統震後火災風險評估區域聯防機制
外文關鍵詞: Monte Carlo Simulation, Simple earthquake seismic system, Taiwan Earthquake Loss Estimation System, Post-earthquake fire, Risk assessment, Regional mutual aid system
相關次數: 點閱:593下載:10
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地震,使用蒙地卡羅模擬法Monte Carlo simulation隨機模擬100組地震事件參數(臺北市及新北
市),帶入簡易地震災損推估系統Simple Earthquake Seismic System(以下簡稱SESS)和台灣地震
損失評估系統Taiwan Earthquake Loss Estimation System(以下簡稱TELES),演算出震後火災的
風險評估uncertainty analysis,進行地震後火災之模擬,並針對臺北市及新北市的消防分隊數
由SESS 分析結果可見,原來風險機率臺北市25.51%新北市73.19%,經區域聯防臺北市
可達到56.18%新北市為100%,而TELES 的原來風險為臺北市53.51%新北市92.2%,經區域
聯防後均可達到100%救災能力需求。臺北市雖SESS 經區域聯防後,距60%風險門檻仍有部
分差距,但已提升救災能力。再藉由TELES 分析結果顯示,區域聯防可顯著提升救災能力,

The research focused on great Taipei area and simulated San-chiao fault triggered an
earthquake, assumed the center was located at the upper area near Taipei City, earthquake
measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale, simulated 100 sets of earthquake events ( Taipei City and New
Taipei City) with Monte Carlo Simulation, demonstrated in Simple earthquake seismic system
(SESS) and Taiwan Earthquake Loss Estimation System (TELES), calculated post- earthquake fire
risk evaluation, conducted post-earthquake fire simulation, examined disaster rescue capability from
fire station numbers in both Taipei city and New Taipei City, performed post-earthquake fire
uncertainty analysis, and assessed fire rescue capability in great Taipei area.
The SESS analysis results indicated that the original risk probability was Taipei City 25.51%
and New Taipei City 73.19%, and increased to 56.18% and 100% with the activation of a regional
mutual aid system. The original risk calculated by the TELES was Taipei City 53.51% and New
Taipei City 92.2%, and both increased to 100% of the overall fire rescue capability requirements
after the regional mutual aid system was launched. Although the SESS results indicated that Taipei
City remained below the 60% risk threshold following the launch of the regional mutual aid system,
the rescue capability was substantially increased. The TELES analysis results indicated that the
regional mutual aid system can increase local fire rescue capability and nearly satisfy all disaster
resource deployment requirements. Although the location, scale, type of earthquakes and the
resulting casualties are always uncertain, the results of this study was verified by 2 independently
developed earthquake damage estimation systems and can provide an effective reference for
post-earthquake fire rescue deployment assessments.

中文摘要 ...................................................................... I 英文摘要 ..................................................................... II 誌 謝 .................................................................... III 圖目錄 ....................................................................... VI 表目錄 ...................................................................... VII 第一章 緒論 .................................................................. 1 1.1 研究背景 ............................................................. 1 1.2 研究目的與範圍 ....................................................... 1 第二章 文獻回顧 .............................................................. 2 2.1 地震災損風險評估及相關文獻 ............................................ 2 2.2 地震後火災分析及相關文獻 .............................................. 5 第三章 研究方法與步驟 ........................................................ 9 3.1 文獻分析法 ............................................................ 9 3.2 蒙地卡羅模擬法 ........................................................ 9 3.3 簡易地震災損推估系統 .................................................. 9 3.4 台灣地震損失評估系統 ................................................. 10 3.5 區域聯防機制 ......................................................... 12 3.6 格網分析 ............................................................. 13 3.7 模擬方法與步驟 ....................................................... 13 第四章 實驗結果與分析 ....................................................... 16 4.1 以SESS 之震後火災數驗證大臺北地區之消防力 ............................ 16 4.2 以TELES 之震後火災數驗證大臺北地區之消防力 ........................... 25 4.3 驗證結果檢討 ......................................................... 28 第五章 結論與建議 ............................................................ 29 5.1 結論 ................................................................. 29 5.2 建議 ................................................................. 29 參考文獻 ..................................................................... 30 附錄 ......................................................................... 33 V 著作 ......................................................................... 57

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