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研究生: 謝志遠
Chih-yuan Hsieh
論文名稱: 以步階阻抗共振器設計之雙頻帶濾波天線
Dual-band Filtering Antenna Design of Using Stepped-impedance Resonators
指導教授: 馬自莊
Tzyh-ghuang Ma
口試委員: 曾昭雄
Chao-hsiung Tseng
Chun-long Wang
Wen-jiao Liao
Chao-wei Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 51
中文關鍵詞: 步階阻抗共振器帶通濾波器微帶天線雙頻帶操作濾波天線
外文關鍵詞: Stepped-impedance resonator, bandpass filter, microstrip antenna, dual-band operation, filtering antenna
相關次數: 點閱:428下載:12
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A novel dual-band filtering antenna operated at 2.45/5.8 GHz is proposed and investigated in this thesis. The proposed filtering antenna is composed of a dual-band patch antenna and two stages of half-wavelength stepped-impedance resonators. As the dual-band filtering antenna is a rare topic in the literature, it is a good topic worthy of intensive study.
To successfully develop the new dual-band filtering antenna, a typical three-pole dual-band parallel-line bandpass filter is first implemented by utilizing the half-wavelength stepped-impedance resonators. The design concept, synthesis procedure, and experimental results are carefully discussed.
Then, by replacing the last stage of the three-pole filter with a patch antenna as a low-Q resonator and appropriately adjusting the coupling mechanism, a dual-band filtering antenna is realized on three-layer PCB process. The operational principle, synthesis equations, equivalent circuit model, design procedure, and experimental results are given and discussed in detail in this thesis.

摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 V 目錄 VII 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 1 1.2 文獻探討 2 1.3 本文貢獻 3 1.4 論文組織 3 第二章 以步階阻抗共振器設計之雙頻帶帶通濾波器 5 2.1 前言 5 2.2 步階阻抗共振器之設計 5 2.3 雙頻帶帶通濾波器之設計 7 2.3.1 雙頻帶帶通濾波器之設計觀念 7 2.3.2 相鄰步階阻抗共振器之耦合係數 10 2.3.3 輸入/輸出埠之外部品質因素 12 2.3.4 設計流程 14 2.3.5 模擬與量測結果 14 2.4 結語 18 第三章 雙頻帶濾波天線 19 3.1 前言 19 3.2 雙頻帶微帶天線之設計 19 3.3 雙頻帶濾波天線之等效模型 24 3.4 雙頻帶濾波天線之設計考量 27 3.4.1 輸入埠之外部品質因素 27 3.4.2 相鄰步階阻抗共振器之耦合係數 29 3.4.3步階阻抗共振器與天線間之耦合係數 30 3.4.4設計流程 32 3.4.5不含匹配電路之模擬結果 33 3.4.6雙頻帶匹配電路之設計 37 3.5結語 47 第四章 結論 49 4.1 總結 49 4.2 未來發展 49 參考文獻 51

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