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研究生: 魏嘉成
Chia-Cheng Wei
論文名稱: 3D零件及射出成型模具之同步化設計變更
Concurrent Design Change of 3D Parts and Injection Molds
指導教授: 林清安
Ching-An Lin
口試委員: 張復瑜
Chuan-Fu Hsu
Win-Bin Shieh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 157
中文關鍵詞: 3D CAD射出成型關聯設計設計變更
外文關鍵詞: 3D CAD, Injection molding, Associative design, Design change
相關次數: 點閱:295下載:0
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傳統射出成型模具的設計在進行圖面繪製時,不會特別留意圖面繪製的方式,因此對部分圖面執行設計變更後,則其餘圖面會因缺少關聯設計而無法及時修正,使得模具在設計變更時,需花費非常多的人力與時間進行圖面的修改與核對。為克服此問題,本論文嘗試建立一套於Creo 3D CAD環境下之作業流程,可望透過射出成型模具的設計,驗證該流程之設計變更能力,使所完成的模具擁有靈活且穩健之設計變更能力,當設計者對任何零件或模座進行設計變更時,所有相關的圖面及檔案都會自動進行修正,以維持所有零件之間正確的配合,達成同步化設計變更的目標。
本論文以下列數種方式建立特徵間的幾何關聯:(1) 建立某特徵時,利用其他特徵的輪廓線進行圖面尺寸的標註及設定限制條件、(2) 以其他特徵的輪廓線或曲面為參考來建立特徵、(3) 使用參數關係式將特徵中的數值傳遞給其他特徵、(4) 使用族表建立大量衍生零件,並透過替換零件的方式進行設計變更。雖然上述皆為Creo所提供的基本功能,但針對不同類型的零件與模具,其應用技巧就有其特殊性及細膩性,因此本論文使用兩組不同類型的零件及其模具進行關聯設計,分別為以端子與塑件所組成的金屬埋入射出(2D幾何)以及鏡框的塑膠射出(3D曲面),首先透過參數關係式的建立來改變端子、塑件、鏡片、模板及注道導套之外形尺寸,並通過修改參考特徵的輪廓線或曲面同步改變鏡框弧度、鏡框外形以及滑塊的位置,最終以零件特徵間的幾何關聯進行模具中與其相對應部件的控制,完成零件與其模具的同步化設計變更。本論文除了詳述如何建立特徵的幾何關聯,也講述如何透過幾何關聯進行模具的設計,最終以2D幾何與3D曲面案例驗證所提設計變更作業流程之實用性。

Traditionally, engineering drawings of an injection mold design would not be required using a specific method. However, the errors of drawings occur when a partial of the drawings are modified owing to the lack of inter-relationship between the drawings. It represents that the designer needs to spend more time on the corrections. Given that, this thesis proposes a standard operating procedure of the injection mold using Creo 3D CAD. We expect that the proposed procedure of capability of design change is validated via establishing the injection mold if the mold has the flexible and robust capability. When the designer modifies any parts or molds, the relational drawings and files are modified automatically. All of features are correctly assembled to achieve the concurrent design change.
In this thesis, the geometric relationship among the features is set up by the following methods: (1) when creating a certain feature, boundary curves of other features are used for dimensioning the feature size and establishing the constraints between geometric entities, (2) boundary curves or sculptured surfaces of the other features are used as reference geometry to establish the features, (3) dimensional values in features are transferred into the other features via relations, and (4) creating of derived parts for interchanging is implemented by family tables. Although the methods mentioned above are fundamental functions provided by Creo, the skills of application to geometric modeling have their own specificity and delicacy for different types of parts and molds. Therefore, this thesis implements the design of inter-relationship by using two types of moldings: (1) an insert molding composed of metal terminals and plastic parts, and (2) a plastic injection molding composed of frame and lenses. Firstly, changing the dimension of metal terminals, plastic parts, lenses, mold plates and sprue bushing is implemented by Relations in Creo. Furthermore, changing the shape of the frame and the position of the sliders is implemented by modifying the boundary curves and the sculptured surfaces of the reference features. Eventually, the corresponding components in the molds via geometric relationship among the features are controlled that the concurrent design change of parts and molds are achieved. In conclusion, this thesis introduces the method of creating the inter-relationship between geometric features to allow the concurrent design of parts and molds. Practical performances of the proposed method are also validated by two design cases with 2D geometry and 3D sculptured surfaces.

摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 V 目錄 VI 圖目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機與研究目的 1 1.2 研究方法 2 1.3 文獻探討 3 1.4 商業軟體發展現況 5 第二章 建立零件 9 2.1 特徵類型介紹 9 2.1.1 參數化特徵 12 2.1.2 非參數化特徵 13 2.2 特徵設計變更方式介紹 13 2.2.1 參數關係式介紹 14 2.2.2 族表介紹 15 2.3 特徵聯動方式介紹 17 2.3.1 幾何模型的設計 17 2.3.2 參數關係式 19 第三章 建立模仁 21 3.1 建立模仁 21 3.2 建立滑塊 26 3.3 建立澆注系統 27 3.4 建立模座參考 29 3.4.1 建立組裝參考座標系 29 3.4.2 建立頂針參考點 30 3.4.3 建立滑塊機構參考座標系 31 第四章 建立模座 32 4.1 射出成型簡介 32 4.1.1 射出成型模具類型 32 4.1.2 模板之功能簡介 32 4.2 模座設計 35 4.2.1 Expert Moldbase Extension介紹 35 4.2.2 組裝模仁 35 4.2.3 建立模座 36 4.2.4 建立頂針 37 4.2.5 建立滑塊機構 38 4.2.6 建立冷卻水路 40 第五章 模具流動分析 43 5.1 Moldex3D介紹 43 5.2 前處理 43 5.3 進行模流分析 46 第六章 實例驗證 49 6.1 射出成型模具之設計流程 49 6.2 實例驗證1 56 6.3 實例驗證2 95 6.4 設計變更 104 第七章 結論與未來研究方向 134 7.1 結論 134 7.2 未來研究方向 135 參考文獻 137

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