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研究生: 林杰宏
Chieh-Hung Lin
論文名稱: 臺灣智慧綠建築發展政策及便利商店能耗大數據 特性分析及探討
The Analysis of Taiwanese Intelligent Green Building Policies and the Big-Data of Convenience Store Energy Consumption Characteristics
指導教授: 郭中豐
Chung-Feng Jeffrey Kuo
口試委員: 黃昌群
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 137
中文關鍵詞: 智慧綠建築政策分析模糊層級分析便利商店能耗特性機器學習節能
外文關鍵詞: Intelligent green building policy, Policy evaluation, Fuzzy hierarchical analysis (FHA), Convenience store, Energy consumption characteristics, Machine learning, Energy conservation
相關次數: 點閱:287下載:13
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  • 2010年台灣將「智慧綠建築」列為重點發展的四大新興智慧型產業之一(其餘為雲端運算、智慧電動車及發明專利產業化),智慧綠建築之推動,即是運用臺灣資通訊高科技產業科技與節能減碳之綠建築結合,提供安全健康、便利舒適及節能永續的生活環境,促進台灣建築科技產業發展。本研究探討台灣推動「智慧綠建築」相關政策(綠建築標章、智慧建築標章及綠建材標章)之推動歷程,分析自1988年~2014年間通過「綠建築標章」、「智慧建築標章」及「綠建材標章」評定案件之消長情形與各階段實施之推動政策關連性,運用二次資料分析歸納台灣推動「智慧綠建築」政策之關鍵成功要素,如下:1. 制定明確規範及基準供智慧綠建築設計及改善有明確遵循之依據;2.優先由公有建築物推動,提供業界試行場域及受保障之市場商機,規範公部門採購綠建材產品;3.分級評估漸進提高標準帶動相關連技術、產業之升級;4.強制性或獎勵性政策工具之運用考量區域特色因地制宜;5.針對「智慧綠建築」產業鏈相關利害關係人分別規劃獎勵政策提供實質誘因;6.「智慧綠建築」政策鏈結關連產業發展以帶動整體建築產業發展;7.強化政策行銷工作主動積極推廣政策。
    為了將臺灣「智慧綠建築」政策進行科學量化之分析,提供後續制定建築產業推動政策之決策及評估流程參考,本研究進一步利用Fuzzy Hierarchical Analysis及Fuzzy Transformation Matrix為工具,透過深度訪談萃取資深領域專家之集體智慧,據以評估各項政策工具對達成「智慧綠建築政策目標」貢獻度之權重排序,經過彙整評估1999~2015年間之各年度間綠建築標章、智慧建築標章及綠建材標章政策工具施行,並將評定案件之消長情形、民間自發性參與及評估分級之變化情形等成果進行整合性分析,結果發現:1.本文所提出之政策評估方法其評估結果與「智慧綠建築政策」實際執行成果之趨勢有高度相依性,證明其具有參考價值;2.臺灣之「智慧綠建築政策」針對新建建築在設計規劃階段實施管制之政策工具其成效優於在維運管理階段進行管制者;3.對民間建築提供容積獎勵、對公有建築進行強制性管制及強制「綠建材」納入綠色公共採購等措施,為臺灣推動「智慧綠建築政策」最有效之三大政策工具。
    針對臺灣推動智慧綠建築政策具有成效及特色之綠色便利商店推動為對象,分別運用大數據(Big Data mining)、機器學習(Machine learning)分析技術及傳統統計方法(Traditional statistics method),探討臺灣便利商店之能耗特性及建立節能對策,並以開源軟體(open source software,OSS)WEKA及Minitab 18為工具,利用TABC (Taiwan Architecture and Building Center)團隊於2014年間進行調查之1052家台灣連鎖便利超商(分屬於統一、全家、萊爾富超商集團)為對象所獲得之大數據資料,全面性探討便利超商能耗性能與1.建築空間環境及地理條件類影響因素;2.經營型態類影響因素;3.營業用設備類影響因素;4.在地氣候條件類影響因素及5.服務區域社會經濟條件類影響因素之交互關係,並發掘隱含知識,改善傳統分析技術對複雜、不精確、不確定性之便利超商動態耗能系統不易建立模型之缺點,實作證明產出具有參考價值的分析結果。
    其分析結果中,透過分析維度降階(Data attributes selection)可發掘影響便利超商能耗之關鍵影響因子及其影響強度排序;運用迴歸分析及分類技術建立耗能之數值預測模型,獲得各項影響因子之最佳化門檻值;應用聚類分析於比對不同分群資料間之差異性,判斷各項對便利超商耗能特性產生影響之因子之相關性,經由以上分析獲得之超商耗能特性隱含知識。統計分析方法利用多元複回歸方程式(Multiple regression model)建立便利商店能耗之預測模式,並經由各影響變數間之關連性(Correlation coefficient)分析,探討各項影響因素對能耗之貢獻度,分析結果可提供以下之利用:1.提供業主精準預測能耗性能,進行建築空間、營業設備及營運管理方式之最佳化配置;2.對於設計規劃人員可由各項關鍵因子之門檻值規劃及預測模式之驗證,獲得投資性/價比(C/P )最佳設計方案;3.對於政府能源及環境部門可提供決策支援,建立節能減碳政策及推估及設定便利商店產業耗能情境。

    In 2010, Taiwan launched a plan called “the Four Emerging Intellectual Industries, which covers intelligent green buildings. The aim of promoting intelligent green buildings is to stimulate the architecture technology industry. This has been combined with information and communication technology and the concept of green buildings to provide a safe and healthy living environment while reducing carbon emissions and saving energy. This study investigated intelligent green building policies and their promotion in Taiwan using cases from 1988 to 2014. Key success factors were derived from analyzing and summarizing intelligent green building experiences in Taiwan. This was done through secondary data analyses by: 1) establishing clear norms and standards for intelligent green building design and improvement; 2) carrying out policies in the public sector in order to provide field trials and safeguarded market opportunities for industries; 3) implementing rating-based assessments in order to raise the quality of design; 4) introducing mandatory or incentive policies that depend on local specialties and conditions; 5) respectively planning incentives for relevant interested parties in the industrial chain; 6) linking the Smart Green Building policy chain to industrial development to drive the development of the overall construction industry; and 7) strengthening marketing efforts and proactively promoting policies.
    In order to promote Taiwan's Intelligent Green Building Policy, this study engaged scientific quantitative analysis, provided follow-up decision-making for the evaluation process of the construction industry promotion policy, and used Fuzzy Hierarchical Analysis (FHA) and the Fuzzy Transformation Matrix (FTM) as tools to extract the experts’ collective intelligence upon in-depth interviews. The experts collectively assessed the contribution weights of various policy tools that are used to achieve the Intelligent Green Building policy objectives. The green building label, intelligent building label, and green building material label during the years from 1999 to 2015 were assessed. The findings on the implementation of the labeling policy measures, the integrated analysis of the results of the evaluation for the growth and decline of the applications, the spontaneous participation of people, and the change of the evaluation grading were as follows: 1) FHA and FTM could be used to extract the collective expert opinions and establish a policy evaluation method with a reference value; 2) additional bulk incentives for private buildings, mandatory control for public buildings, and mandatory incorporation of green public purchasing into green building materials are the most effective policy measures in Taiwan; and 3) the implementation of control measures during the design and planning stage for new buildings is superior to the use of control measures during the operation and management stage.
    This study was aimed at the promotion of green convenience stores, and used Big Data mining, machine learning analysis, and traditional statistical methods to explore the energy consumption characteristics and feasible energy-saving measures of Taiwan's convenience stores. A total of 1,052 surveys were conducted by the TABC (Taiwan Architecture and Building Center) team in 2014 using the open source software (OSS) WEKA and Minitab 18 as tools. This study was focused on obtaining information and comprehensively exploring the convenience stores’ energy performance information, including: 1) the building space environment and geographical condition-related factors; 2) the influence of business type; 3) the influence of business equipment; 4) the influence of local climatic conditions; and 5) the influence of the socio-economic conditions of consumers in service areas.
    According to the validation results, the quality of analysis could be upgraded and the convenience stores could be provided with specific and feasible energy saving and carbon reduction improvement proposals. The outcome of this study could provide convenience stores with the following directions: 1) convenience stores could receive accurate predictions of energy consumption performance to optimize the architectural space, business equipment, and operations management mode; 2) design planners could obtain the optimum design and cost/performance ratio by determining the thresholds of various key factors; and 3) decision support could be provided for government energy and environment departments to create energy saving and carbon emission reduction policies for the convenience store industry.
    In the analysis results, through the analysis of the data attributes, the key factors affecting the energy consumption of the convenience stores and their intensity ranking were discovered. Regression analysis and classification techniques were used to establish a numerical prediction model of energy consumption. Cluster analysis was applied to compare the differences between different clusters of data. The correlation between factors affecting the energy consumption characteristics of the convenience stores was judged, and the energy consumption obtained through the above analysis was obtained. The statistical analysis method used a multiple regression model to establish a prediction model for the convenience stores’ energy consumption and discuss the contribution of various influencing factors through the correlation coefficient analysis of each influencing variable. The results could provide the following benefits: 1) owners could be provided with an accurate prediction of energy consumption performance that could help them optimize the construction space, business equipment, and operation management methods; 2) design planners could obtain the best design for the investment/price ratio based on threshold value planning and the forecasting of various key factors in the model; and 3) decision support could be provided for government energy and environment departments for the establishment of energy conservation and carbon reduction policies as well as to estimate and set up energy consumption standards for the convenience store industry.

    目次 誌謝 VIII 目次 X 表目錄 XII 圖目錄 XIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.1.1 智慧綠建築 3 1.1.2 綠色便利超商 7 1.2 研究目的 9 第二章 文獻回顧 11 2.1 臺灣推動智慧綠建築政策之意涵 11 2.1.1 綠建築標章評估制度 12 2.1.2 智慧建築標章評估制度 14 2.1.3 綠建材標章評估制度 15 2.2 便利超商能耗相關研究 16 2.3 大數據與資料探勘 19 第三章 研究方法 23 3.1 臺灣智慧綠建築政策分析 23 3.1.1 智慧建築政策質化分析流程 23 3.1.2 智慧建築政策量化分析流程 25 3.2 臺灣便利超商能耗分析 27 3.2.1 超商能耗特性之大數據分析流程 27 3.2.2 超商能耗大數據分析工具 29 3.2.3 超商能耗特性之統計分析流程 30 3.2.4 超商能耗統計分析工具 32 第四章 分析結果 34 4.1 臺灣智慧綠建築政策分析結果 34 4.1.1 智慧綠建築政策質化分析 34 4.1.2 智慧綠建築政策量化分析 47 4.2 臺灣便利超商能耗特性分析結果 62 4.2.1 能耗特性大數據分析 64 4.2.2 能耗特性之統計分析 79 第五章 結論 99 5.1 臺灣智慧綠建築推動政策分析結果 99 5.1.1 智慧綠建築政策質化分析 99 5.1.2 智慧綠建築政策量化分析 102 5.2 臺灣便利超商能耗分析結果 106 5.2.1 大數數據分析方法 106 5.2.2 統計分析方法 108 第六章 建議 111 6.1 臺灣智慧綠建築推動政策之建議 111 6.2 便利超商節能減碳策略之建議 112 參考文獻 117

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