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研究生: 林政穎
Zheng-Ying Lin
論文名稱: 複合熱泡噴印與粉床熔融3D列印機台研發
Research and Development of Fusion agent printed by Thermal bubble nozzle and Hybrid of Powder bed fusion 3D printer
指導教授: 鄭正元
Jeng-Ywan Jeng
口試委員: 謝志華
Zhi-Hua Xie
Yun-Peng Ye
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 69
中文關鍵詞: 粉末床列印碳黑熔融劑熱塑性聚胺酯
外文關鍵詞: TPU, Fusion agent printed, Powder bed fusion
相關次數: 點閱:521下載:0
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3D列印技術近年來已經顯著增長,並且已開始改變飛機、汽車、建築製造領域。此技術在商業上可獲得的主要優點為,減低機器成本和建構速度。本文介紹了一種稱為高速3D碳黑熔融燒結的新技術之初步研究。該過程類似於選擇性激光燒結 (SLS) 與多射流融合技術 (MJF),然而,不是由雷射決定每層的燒結橫截面積,而是使用碳黑熔融劑與紅外線燈管加熱決定,首先使用碳黑熔融劑材料印刷所需區域,然後使用紅外光燈管高速燒結熱塑性聚胺脂 (TPU) 粉末,在不需要雷射的情況下,能夠燒結粉末層的2D輪廓。實驗顯示如何將熱塑性聚胺脂粉末中,添加碳黑熔融劑使粉末完全燒結,使用紅外燈在數秒之內燒結整個層,並且在之後進行材料成品性質測試。

3D printing technology has grown significantly in recent years and has begun to transform the fields of aircraft, automotive, and construction manufacturing. The main commercial advantages of this technology are reduced machine cost and construction speed. This paper introduces a preliminary study of a new technology called high-speed 3D carbon black melt sintering. This process is similar to selective laser sintering (SLS) and multi-jet fusion technology (MJF). However, instead of determining the sintered cross-sectional area of ​​each layer by laser, it is determined by the use of carbon black flux and infrared lamp heating. The carbon black flux material is used to print the required area, and then the infrared light tube is used to sinter the thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) powder at high speed, which can sinter the 2D contour of the powder layer without the need of laser. Experiments show how to add a carbon black flux to the thermoplastic polyurethane powder to completely sinter the powder, use an infrared lamp to sinter the entire layer in seconds, and then test the properties of the finished material afterwards.
Thermal control is very important during printing, so PID temperature control system is used, because TPU melting reaction takes a long time, so melting printing needs to maintain the temperature when the temperature reaches the target, so that the finished product will not be affected by sintering time. Insufficient, the powder is not fully combined, or the phenomenon of warping occurs when the reaction temperature is exceeded. After printing is completed, the material improves the mechanical strength effect by sintering after processing, eliminating the laser head, reducing the machine cost and printing time, and combining the construction time These factors will make carbon black flux sintering technology suitable for mass production.
In this research, the feasibility test of thermal bubble jet 3D printing TPU will be performed, and thermal imaging equipment will be set up to observe the sintering state during printing to determine whether the design of the temperature control system is appropriate. Finally, the tensile test piece is printed as a machine. Property test to judge the mechanical strength of thermal bubble jet 3D printing TPU.

摘要 II 致謝 III 目錄 V 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2研究動機與目的 1 1.3研究方法 2 第二章 文獻回顧 3 2.1 積層製造技術 3 2.2 3D列印七大技術文獻回顧 5 2.3黏著劑噴塗成型技術 8 2.3.1噴墨技術 9 2.4粉末熔融床技術 13 2.4.1選擇性雷射光燒結技術 14 2.4.2電子束熔化技術 15 2.4.3多射流融合技術 16 2.4.4粉末熔融燒結原理 18 2.4.5 塑料粉末 22 2.5快速燒結技術 23 2.5.1快速燒結 23 2.5.2多射流融合 24 2.6 PID溫度控制 26 第三章 熱泡式射流熔融機台架構 28 3.1 機台架構及規格 28 3.2溫度控制系統 36 3.3拉伸試驗機 39 3.4光學顯微鏡 40 3.5掃描式電子顯微鏡 41 3.6噴墨設備 43 3.7粉末篩粉 44 第四章 熱泡式射流熔融3D列印製程分析 45 4.1材料分析 45 4.1.1粉體材料分析 45 4.1.2粉體材料DSC分析 47 4.1.3碳黑熔融劑DSC分析 50 4.2熱泡式射流熔融3D列印機參數測試 51 4.3熱泡式射流熔融3D列印機械性質測試 57 4.3.1尺寸精度分析 57 4.3.2機械強度分析 60 第五章 結論與未來展望 62 5.1結論 62 5.2離形劑研發 63 5.3 列印其他材料 63 參考文獻 64

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