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研究生: Ian Dominic Flormata Tabanag
Ian Dominic Flormata Tabanag
論文名稱: 基因改質酵母菌於整合性生物加工程序上之應用: 利用啤酒酵母菌全細胞催化劑水解半纖維素並生產酒精
指導教授: 蔡伸隆
Shen-Long Tsai
口試委員: 李振綱
Cheng-Kang Lee
Ming-Hua Ho
Shen-Long Tsai
Steven S.S. Wang
Claire Roa-Pu Shen
Ethan I. Lan
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 203
中文關鍵詞: 整合性生物加工程序生質酒精酵母菌表面展示木質纖維素半纖維素
外文關鍵詞: consolidated bioprocessing, bioethanol, yeast surface display, lignocellulosic biomass, hemicellulose
相關次數: 點閱:494下載:1
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本研究亦針對所建構的酵母菌對於木質纖維素底物的水解與生物乙醇生產效能進行與其他酵母表面展示系統之比較數據分析,由結果可以觀察到,在本研究中使用的表面顯示策略與用於從純半纖維素基質生產乙醇的其他表面顯示系統完全相同。 此外,本文中的定性評估可作為評估不同酵母表面展示策略對木質纖維素生物質的有效降解、利用和乙醇生產的能力和潛力的重要參考依據。

Climate change is one of the biggest problems we are facing in this era. The increase in human activity due to our ever growing population led us to deplete our non-renewable fossil resources, to satisfy our increased demand of consumer goods derived from them. Along the way, vast amounts of greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere, inducing a global climate change that cause severe weather changes in the atmosphere (e.g. prolonged droughts, severe flooding). These adverse effects present a sudden pressure to our ecosystems thus leading to an eventual loss of our biodiversity. Because of our incessant use of fossil resources, there is a need for us to shift from our current fossil-based economy into a sustainable bio-based economy. The bio-based economy or bioeconomy is centred on the conversion of lignocellulosic biomass, a plant feedstock that doesn’t compete with food, into ethanol, a widely used platform chemical for manufacturing goods. Ethanol fermentation from this feedstock is quite challenging due to its complex biochemical composition and the ideal workhorse for this formidable process is a microorganism, preferably a modified yeast (e.g. Saccharomyces cerevisiae), which can efficiently yield high amounts of ethanol from a wide range of substrates. This ideal microorganism that can both degrade the lignocellulosic biomass into fermentable sugars, and metabolically convert the fermentable sugars into ethanol is the ultimate goal of the consolidated bioprocessing (CBP) strategy.
The aim of this work is focused on the degradation and utilization of the hemicellulose component (specifically xylan, which serves as a major polysaccharide component of hemicellulose and mainly consists of linked xylose residues) of lignocellulosic biomass since the yeast S. cerevisiae does not inherently possess the ability to both release and consume the xylose sugar in its structure. By expressing heterologous hemicellulases via secretion in S. cerevisiae, efficient hemicellulose degradation was investigated by using a mixture experimental design to describe the different synergistic interactions and to determine optimum formulations for the hydrolysis of xylan substrates. The hydrolytic activities of the hemicellulase mixtures were then improved via the yeast surface display technology to obtain yeast whole-cell biocatalysts. The whole-cell biocatalysts displaying hemicellulases were metabolically engineered to express the minimum genes to utilize xylose to obtain yeast cells that are capable of displaying hemicellulases and consume xylose. The resulting consortium of strains were then able to grow and produce ethanol from two different xylan substrates.
The proficiency of the yeast surface display strategy utilized in this work was then assessed with to other yeast surface display systems with respect to bioethanol production from a range of pure lignocellulose to pre-treated plant-based lignocellulosic substrates via comparative data analysis. It can be observed that the surface display strategy utilized in this work performs at par to other surface display systems utilized for the production of ethanol from pure hemicellulosic substrates. Furthermore, the qualitative assessment presented in this work can serve as a reference material on assessing the capability and potential of the different yeast surface display strategies on the efficient degradation, utilization, and ethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass.

Doctoral Dissertation Advisor Recommendation ii Qualification Form by Degree Examination Committee iii 論文摘要 v ABSTRACT vii Acknowledgement ix Table of Contents xi Index of Abbreviations xv Index of Tables xvii Index of Figures xviii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the Study 4 1.2 Objectives of the Study 6 1.3 Scope and Limitations 7 1.4 General Framework 7 Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature 13 2.1 Climate Change, Sustainability, and the Bio-based Economy 14 2.1.1 On Climate Change 14 2.1.2 The Question of Sustainability 17 2.1.3 The Bio-Based Economy 18 2.2 Lignocellulosic Biomass and Consolidated Bio-Processing 21 2.2.1 Lignocellulosic Biomass: The Key to the Bio-based Economy 21 On Biomass Feedstocks 21 Lignocellulosic Bioethanol Production 26 2.2.2 The Consolidated Bio-Processing Strategy 30 2.3 Hemicellulose and Its Enzymatic Degradation 34 2.4 On Enzymes and Enzyme Immobilization 36 2.5 From Lignocellulosic Biomass to Bioethanol: The Role of Yeast Surface Display in Consolidated BioProcessing 40 2.5.1 The Advancement of Yeast Surface Display 40 A Brief Description of the Surface Display Technology 40 Yeast Surface Display 41 Strategies for the Yeast Surface Display of CBP-Related Enzymes 44 2.5.2 Yeast Surface Display Studies for Bioethanol Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass 47 Pure Cellulose Substrates 48 Pure Hemicellulose Substrates 57 Pre-Treated Lignocellulosic Substrates 61 2.5.3 Comparing the Various Yeast Surface Display Strategies for Bioethanol Fermentation from Lignocellulosic Biomass Substrates 66 Cellulosic Bioethanol Fermentation 67 Hemicelllulosic Bioethanol Fermentation 67 Bioethanol Fermentation from Pre-Treated Lignocellulosic Biomass 68 2.5.4 Avenues of Improvement for Bioethanol Production using Yeast Surface Display 74 On the Enzyme Functionality and Display Efficiency 75 On Substrate Transport 77 On Metabolic Engineering for Improved Ethanol Production 79 On Process Parameters 80 2.6 Summary 83 Chapter 3 Methodology 85 3.1 The Statistical Design of Experiments 86 3.1.1 Overview 86 3.1.2 The Mixture Experimental Design 89 The Canonical Polynomial Model for Mixture Experimental Designs 92 Analysis of Mixture Data 93 3.1 Materials and Methods 94 3.1.1 Strains and Media 94 3.1.2 Molecular Biology Techniques 95 3.1.3 Plasmid Construction and Transformation 96 3.1.4 Expression, Secretion, and Concentration of Hemicellulases by S. cerevisiae 98 3.1.5 Protein Characterization 99 3.1.6 Protein Assay 100 3.1.7 Enzyme Activity Assay 100 3.1.8 Mixture Experimental Design Setup 101 3.1.9 Mixed Culture Fermentation Experiments 101 Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 103 4.1 Results 104 4.1.1 Mixture Design Experiments 104 Hemicellulase Mixture Optimization for Xylan Hydrolysis 104 Hemicellulase Mixture Optimization for Arabinoxylan Hydrolysis 105 4.1.2 Hemicellulose Hydrolysis Experiments by Whole-Cell Biocatalysts Mixtures 110 4.1.3 A Simple Growth Assay for the Simultaneous Xylose Release and Utilization during Xylan Hydrolysis 112 4.1.4 Ethanol Fermentation of Xylan Substrates by Hemicellulase-Displaying, Xylose-Utilizing Yeast Strains 115 4.2 Discussion 117 4.2.1 Mixture Design Experiments 117 4.2.2 Whole-Cell Biocatalysts for the Hydrolysis of Xylan Substrates 118 4.2.3 Growth Assay for the Simultaneous Xylose Release and Utilization during Xylan Hydrolysis 119 4.2.4 Ethanol Fermentation of Xylan Substrates 119 4.2.5 Comparison to Other Xylan-Utilizing Strains/Studies 120 Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations 123 5.1 Conclusions and Generalizations 124 5.2 Recommendations and Future Work 125 References 127 Appendix A 155 Tables 155 Figures 164 Appendix B: Supplementary Material 1 168 Molecular Cloning 168 Hemicellulase Characterization 171 Mixture Design Experiment Modelling Regression Results 173 Mixture Experimental Design 173 Experimental Data for Hydrolysis of Xylan Substrates with Calculated Degree of Synergy Values 174 Xylan Hydrolysis Model Regression Results 177 Arabinoxylan Hydrolysis Model Regression Results 179 Growth of Constructed Yeast Strains on Xylose Minimal Medium 182 Works Cited 183

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