簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李佳靈
Jia-Ling Li
論文名稱: 策展設計運用於台灣牛文化主題展覽之創作研究
Curated Design Applied to Taiwan Cattle Culture Theme Exhibition Creation Research
指導教授: 李根在
ken-tsai Li
口試委員: 林俊良
Jun-Liang Lin
Chih-Hsiang Ko
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 137
中文關鍵詞: 策展設計展示設計視覺傳達字體設計台灣牛文化
外文關鍵詞: Curatorial design, Display design, Visual communication, Font design, Taiwan’s cattle culture
相關次數: 點閱:682下載:3
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在視覺傳達設計逐漸強調貼近社會的當今,本研究透過運用策展設計作為手法,輔以相關案例研究提出策展設計運用於台灣牛文化展覽創作研究的手法:「嘗試視覺傳達式議題表達 - 單意象的不同面向思考創作 - 展覽主軸選擇-聆聽-傳承情境的建立」來構建設計創作。本創作的目的旨在對日常生活中尋常見的單一意象,發掘其文化交流層面的價值屬性,讓觀者投身與論文所要展現的語言環境,以小見大從而喚起受眾更多以及更深的聯想與全新體驗。 本研究創作以牛為主題,從「日常關係」、「共生關係」和「崇敬關係」三個面向詮釋在臺灣社會中人與牛的三種不同關係。同時又分別運用不同的表現形式(字體、資訊圖表以及海報)來詮釋不同主題。之所以選定牛意象的原因也是在日常的生活經驗中發現該元素有被提煉的文化價值屬性,及能被運用設計手法表達的可能性,實現和觀眾產生共鳴互動。最終將牛這一文化符號通過策展設計的手法構建成一個完整展覽呈現給大家,包括從最初的文獻整理,展覽主旨脈絡的建立,展覽內容物構思、修改、製作到完成的過程以及最終展覽呈現的完整過程。

In the present society that of a closer relationship with the design of visual communication, this study put forward the technique of the design and application of the exhibition design in Taiwan's cattle culture exhibition through the use of curator design as a technique, and the relevant case studies: “Try to convey the expression of the topic of visual communication-the different thinking and creation of the single image-the selection of the main axis of the exhibition-the establishment of the listening-inheritance situation” , so as to build the design and creation. The purpose of this work is to explore the value attribute of the cultural exchange level of the single image, which is common in daily life, to let the viewer participate in the language environment displayed in the paper, and to bring more and deeper association and brand-new experience to the audience. This study takes cattle as the theme, and interprets the three different relationships between man and cattle in Taiwan society from three aspects: “daily relationship”, “symbiotic relationship” and “reverence relationship”. At the same time, different forms of expression (fonts, information charts and posters) are used to interpret different themes. The reason for selecting cattle as the image is that the element has a refined cultural value attribute in the daily life experience, and the possibility of being expressed by the design method, and the resonance interaction with the audience. Finally, the cultural symbol of cattle is constructed into a complete exhibition through curatorial design, including from the initial literature collation, the establishment of the main purpose of the exhibition, the conception of the exhibition content, the modification, the process from production to completion and the complete process of the final exhibition presentation.

The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of the curatorial technique on the design from try of the exhibition of Taiwan's cattle culture, which can be concluded as the following:
1.A solid historical document investigation and accumulation in the early stage of the design will have a positive support for later design.
2.There is an interesting difference experience created by the same object from different angle of view.
3.Man has a natural sense of intimacy and willingness to interact with the natural objects.
Finally, through the summary and analysis of the creative results, some suggestions for subsequent revision are obtained, such as “re-optimization of exhibition display details”, “unity of visual style”, “more diversified interactive experience” and “more possibility of propaganda” .

第一章 緒論 1.1創作背景與動機 1.2 研究創作之目的 1.3 創作範圍與限制 1.4研究流程 第二章 文獻探討 2.1 策展設計 2.1.1定義與發展脈絡 2.1.2策展之類型 2.2 策展人 2.2.1策展人的分類 2.2.2策展人的歷史演變 2.3台灣牛意象的文化價值 2.3.1牛意象之於台灣社會作用與關係的歷史演變 2.4臺灣牛的品種與相關工具 2.4.1 台灣與牛相關工具與場域 2.5牛的文化意象 2.5.1宗教中的牛意象 2.5.2臺灣民俗中的牛意象 2.6 小節:「牛意象」之於台灣社會的文化意義所在 第三章 研究案例與創作方法 3.1策展設計手法應用於視覺傳達案例介紹與分析 3.2創作方法擬定 第四章 設計創作過程與創作成果 4.1 設計創作過程 4.1.1展覽架構梳理與建立 4.1.2 展覽名稱命名與設計 4.1.3「犇——牛的島嶼紀事」發想脈絡 4.2 創作成果展示 4.2.1展覽視覺設計 4.2.2展場空間設計 4.2.3展覽內容物設計 4.3 犇 – 牛的島嶼紀事 | 李佳靈碩士畢業創作展 第五章 結論與建議 5.1 自我評述 5.2 結論 5.3 作品表現的反省 參考文獻

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