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研究生: 吳登科
Deng-ke Wu
論文名稱: 藍寶石基板產業藍海策略之個案研究
A Case Study on the Blue Ocean Strategy for the Sapphire Substrates Industry
指導教授: 劉代洋
Day-yang Liu
口試委員: 林鑒廷
Jian-ting Lin
Sheng-shu Zeng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 藍寶石基板藍海策略
外文關鍵詞: Blue Ocean Strategy, Sapphire Substrates Industry
相關次數: 點閱:450下載:0
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  • 本文採用個案研究法針對我國LED產業發展進行個案研究,目前國內藍寶石晶棒廠鑫晶鑽、尚志及藍寶石基板廠兆晶、兆遠、晶美等皆具有集團背景支援,中美晶、合晶光電等則進行產業垂直整合;對於這些廠商而言,有LED終端出海口之集團資源支援或透過同業進行垂直整合,可提升整體競爭力,並可獲得集團穩定供應料源。雖然個案公司目前並無集團背景,但其為國內第一家投入一貫化生產流程之業者,藉此提升其毛利逾20%,遠勝於同業間普遍從事單一長晶或晶片加工製程之業者。個案公司透過下列四項行動架構逐步構建其藍海策略,以下為本研究之結論:(一)消除不敷成本效益之產品、舊有廠房問題及衍生成本;(二)透過電力運送及電壓穩定系統的有效配置及提高線材使用率降低電力及耗材成本以提升產品競爭力,同時嚴格控管管銷費用及料成本以大幅降低營業費用等支出。此外,降低下游廠商對中、上游供應商之依賴程度,朝垂直整合方向發展。仔細考量海外設廠環境等條件因素,避免盲目追求對岸市場需求及當地政府提之優惠,以降低海外投資風險。(三)提升庫存管理能力、產品之良率,並加強中下游產業策略聯盟,透過同業間進行垂直整合,提升整體競爭力。(四)創造新的市場應用,目前應用於可攜式電子產品已日趨飽和,未來白光LED應用將由中小尺寸產品,擴及照明與及大尺寸背光源。創造產品差異化,藉由改變磊晶基板材料、磊晶結構及材料等主要技術邏輯解決LED本身發光效率之內部量子效率;改用圖案化藍寶石基板,藉由降低磊晶缺陷密度而提升光輸出。開發自製機台技術,並改變技術特性,由工藝化轉為標準化製程,由技術導向轉為管理導向以降低人為因素干擾,藉此建立技術門檻及提昇企業競爭力。透過整合長晶和加工製程,使整體供應鏈完整。

    In this paper, case study for the development of LED industry, case studies, the current domestic sapphire crystal diamond crystal rod plant Xin, Hisashi and sapphire crystal factory trillion, trillion Yuan, Jing mused with a group background support for the United States and U.S. grain, co-crystal optical and so is the vertical integration; For these companies, there are LED terminal to the sea or through the group resources to support the vertical integration with the industry, can improve the overall competitiveness and stable supply of materials available to the Group source. Although the background of the case company there is no group, but its first investment in domestic production process has always been the industry, to improve its gross margin over 20%, far better than generally in the same industry or a single crystal growth process using the chip industry. The case company step by step through the following four action framework to build its blue ocean strategy, the following conclusions of this study: (a) the elimination of inadequate cost-effective products, old problems and derivatives plant costs; (b) delivery and through the power system voltage stability the efficient allocation and improve the utilization of lower wire costs of electricity and supplies to enhance the competitiveness of products, and strict control of management and marketing fees and materials costs to significantly reduce operating expenses and other expenses. In addition, the decrease in the downstream of the upstream supplier dependence toward the direction of vertical integration. Carefully consider the factors and environmental conditions to set up factories overseas to avoid the blind pursuit of market demand and local government across the mention of concessions to reduce the risk of overseas investment. (C) improve inventory management, product yield, and to strengthen the downstream industry, strategic alliances, through the vertical integration between the industry and enhance overall competitiveness. (D) the creation of new market applications, is currently used in portable electronic products has become increasingly saturated, the future will be small and medium size white LED application products, extended and large-size lighting and backlight. Create product differentiation, by changing the epitaxial substrate material, epitaxial structure and logic to solve the main technical materials LED luminous efficiency of their internal quantum efficiency; use patterned sapphire substrates, epitaxial defect density by lowering the light output increase . Development of self-made machine technology, and change the technical characteristics, the standardization process of the conversion process, driven by technology oriented to management of human factors in order to reduce interference to the establishment of technical barriers and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. Crystal growth and processing through the integration process, the overall supply chain integrity.

    目 錄 I 圖目錄 II 表目錄 III 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 研究內容及流程 2 第四節 研究限制 4 第貳章 文獻探討 5 第一節 五力分析 5 第二節 SWOT分析 6 第三節 藍海策略 7 第參章 研究方法 14 第一節 研究設計 14 第二節 個案訪談 15 第肆章 產業結構分析與個案公司介紹 16 第一節 藍寶石基板產業市場概況 16 第二節 藍寶石基板產業五力分析 31 第三節 個案公司介紹及SWOT分析 32 第伍章 個案分析 44 第一節 個案公司執行藍海策略之背景 44 第二節 個案藍海策略分析 46 第三節 個案執行效益 53 第四節 未來規劃 59 第陸章 結論與建議 61 第一節 研究結論 61 第二節 研究建議 62 參考文獻 64

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