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研究生: 黃千玲
Chian-ling Huang
論文名稱: 從商業生態系統探討半導體產業鏈之競合關係
Co-opetition in the Supply Chain of Semiconductor: A Business Ecosystem perspective
指導教授: 林孟彥
Meng-Yen Lin
口試委員: 葉穎蓉
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 50
中文關鍵詞: 半導體產業商業生態系統競合關係價值網
外文關鍵詞: Co-opetition, Semiconductor, Business Ecosystem, Value Net
相關次數: 點閱:456下載:27
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  • 「商業生態系統」同時考慮並分析「競爭」與「合作」兩種關係,這種觀點跨越了產業的界線,對於經常需要與產業以外的其他企業合作之半導體產業而言,相當實用。在自由競爭的市場下,半導體製造商、通路商與系統廠並沒有制式的交易模式,製造商可能直接與系統廠合作,也可能透過通路商與系統廠交易;通路商可以適時地引進多家製造商,提供相同或不同的服務給系統廠,另一方面,通路商亦須維持與系統廠既有的客戶關係,進而在上、下游的合作中建立專業與信任的夥伴關係。企業必須彼此競爭,以保護自身的利益,但又必須彼此協力合作,在市場中創造更多的價值。眼前的合作夥伴,很可能在未來成為競爭對手,反之亦然,印驗了「商場上沒有永遠的敵人,也沒有永遠的朋友」,形成動態的競合關係。本研究藉由探究半導體產業鏈之間競爭與合作的關係,及企業應採行何種策略以長期培養夥伴關係,共同創造價值,提昇產業整體競爭力。


    "Business Ecosystem" incorporates "cooperation" and "competition" among business players and operates beyond industry boundaries, which is frequently practiced in the semiconductor industry. In the free competitive market, semiconductor manufacturers, distributors, and system integrators do not interact in a standard pattern. Manufacturers could provide service and products to the system integrators directly or through distributors; Distributors can introduce various manufacturers in a timely manner to provide the same or different services to the system integrators. On the other hand, distributors need to maintain the existing customer relationships with system integrators in order to build a professional image and create partnership throughout the supply chain. Business players co-work with others to increase market size and market value, but also compete with others to protect their own interests. Partners now might become competitors in the future, and vice versa. An old saying of "there is no eternal friend or opponent in the business circles" best describes such dynamic co-opetition. This study explores the chain relationship between competition and cooperation in the semiconductor industry, and what strategies should be adopted in order to develop long-term partnership to jointly create value and enhance overall industry competitiveness.

    This study has found that the semiconductor players reply on each other and are aware of their positions and roles to sustain the overall business ecosystem. The business co-opetition changes cyclically along with the life cycle of business ecosystem. Co-opetition is more prominent during the pioneer stage and weakens as the business scope develops into expansion stage, followed by the leadership and authoritative stage with high degree of conflict and fierce competition. At the final stage of self-revolutionary and decaying stage, the relationship reversely develops into cooperation. The partnership in the semiconductor supply chain is not limited to players who complement each other. Competitors could also be partners as well. Given the different missions and targets, the strategy of "allying with minor enemies to resist against major enemy" is commonly practiced. If enterprises can build up trust and honor commitment in the early stage of cooperation, through mutual adjustment, partnership commitment, and complimentary resource allocation, and close relationship, they can ultimately enhance their overall competitiveness and create a bigger market for win-win.

    壹、緒論 一、研究背景與動機 二、研究目的 三、研究流程 貳、文獻探討 一、商業生態系統 二、競合關係 參、半導體產業鏈概況 一、半導體製造商 二、半導體通路商 三、系統廠 肆、研究方法 一、質化研究 二、研究程序 三、訪談設計 伍、研究結果分析 一、半導體產業鏈之生態系統 二、半導體產業鏈之競合關係 陸、結論與建議 一、研究結論 二、實務意涵 三、研究貢獻 四、研究限制與後續研究建議

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