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研究生: 林巧娟
Chiao-Jiuan Lin
論文名稱: 基於嵌入式系統之物聯網備援機制數據機設計與實現
The Design of an IoT Multihomed Modem with Backup Mechanism Based on Embedded System
指導教授: 沈中安
Chung-An Shen
口試委員: 沈中安
Chung-An Shen
Chang Hong Lin
Chin-Hsien Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 40
中文關鍵詞: 網路可靠度內送流量備援容錯機制物聯網嵌入式系統
外文關鍵詞: network reliability, multihoming, IoT, Embedded system
相關次數: 點閱:223下載:3
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(multihoming)是一種透過多個網路連線增加網路可靠性的技術,然而,物聯網裝置常使用的傳統傳輸協議,因為先天技術上的限制而無法支援內送流量備援容錯機制。因此,本篇論文提出一個基於嵌入式系統之物聯網備援數據機,同時,我們分別針對 UDP、TCP 與 TLS 傳統傳輸協定設計其內送流量備援容錯機制傳輸協議,值得一提的是,本文結合中間人代理的概念設計 TLS 的內送流量備援容錯機制傳輸協議與備援機制,使物聯網裝置同時支援內送流量備援容錯機制以及傳輸安全性。此外,我們在物聯網備援數據機的系統中提出備援機制,使數據機能夠處理上層物聯網設備的連線並自動完成網絡故障轉移。再者,為了減少因網路故障轉移而導致的數據包丟失,本文提出了一種緩衝管理方案來管理物聯網設備所發送的數據包。實驗結果顯示,與傳統的數據機相比,我們所提出的物聯網備援數據機可以使物聯網設備透明地實現 UDP,TCP和 TLS 的內送流量備援容錯機制。此外,在網絡可靠度的分析顯示,我們所提出的物聯網備援數據機也可以提高網路連線的可靠度。

Network reliability plays an important role in the field of Internet of Thing. Multihoming is a technique that enhances network reliability through multiple network connections. However, the tradition protocols which usually used by IoT devices do not support multihoming due to their native constraint technology. Therefore, this paper presents the system and multihomed protocols design of an IoT multihomed modem based on the embedded platform. Three multihomed protocols for User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), and Transport Layer Security (TLS) respectively are presents in this paper. In particular, this paper presents a novel design for TLS multihomed protocol which combines the concept of man in the middle proxy to achieve multihoming and transmission security at the same time. Furthermore, an IoT multihomed modem with failover mechanism is presents in this paper, so that proposed modem can handle the connections of IoT devices and automatically complete network failover. Moreover, in order to reduce the packets loss caused by network failover, a buffer management scheme is given in this paper to manage the packets of IoT devices. The experiment results show that, compared to conventional modem, the proposed IoT multihomed modem can let IoT devices transparently achieve UDP, TCP, and TLS multihoming. In addition, the analysis of network reliability shows that the proposed IoT multihomed modem increases the reliability of network.

Table of Contents 摘要 I Abstract II Table of Contents III Figures IV I. Introduction 1 II. Background 5 2.1 The Introduction of Multihoming 5 2.2 Related Work 7 III. Proposed System Architecture Design for the IoT Multihomed Modem 9 3.1 Software Framework 9 IV. Proposed Backup Mechanism for the IoT Multihomed Modem 11 4.1 Network Signal Detection 11 4.2 Buffer Management Scheme 13 4.3 UDP 13 4.4 TCP 15 4.5 TLS 18 V. Experimental Results 24 5.1 Environment setup 24 5.2 UDP Implement Results 25 5.3 TCP Implement Results 27 5.4 TLS Implement Results 28 VI. Conclusion 31 References 32

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