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研究生: 史千育
Chien-Yu Shih
論文名稱: 中文缺乏動狀詞子句對英語教學與中英翻譯之影響
A Study of Lack of Non-finite Clauses in Chinese in EFL Learning and English-Chinese Translation
指導教授: 陳献忠
Shian-Jung Chen
Yu-Fen Hsieh
口試委員: 謝育芬
Yu-Fen Hsieh
Huei-Chun Teng
Shian-Jung Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 應用外語系
Department of Applied Foreign Languages
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 133
中文關鍵詞: 動狀詞動狀詞子句英語語言剖析器詞類歧異詞類錯配動狀詞主詞省略造句法
外文關鍵詞: non-finite verbs, non-finite clauses, English parser, POS ambiguity, POS mismatch, PRO-DROP, sentence construction rules
相關次數: 點閱:584下載:30
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In the contrastive study between English and Chinese, the most striking difference is the typological difference in terms of finite and non-finite verbs. English has both finite and non-finite verbs whereas Chinese does not have non-finite verbs at all. In other words, verbals such as infinitives, gerunds, and participles are entirely absent in Chinese. Such an absence leaves Chinese with only one kind of clauses to express events, in contrast with English that has finite clauses and non-finite clauses to do the job. This difference brings forth a lot of trouble to ESL learning by Chinese speakers and to translation between English and Chinese. There are simply no counterparts in Chinese to English non-finite VPs and non-finite clauses. This is a serious POS mismatch between English and Chinese.

This study starts from finding out the reasons behind the POS ambiguity in English and the POS mismatch between English and Chinese with a view to understanding what sorts of language knowledge required to do POS disambiguation. The knowledge of this particular POS disambiguation for words ending with -ed or -ing and for the root forms following preposition “to” would certainly equipped non-English speakers to understand English non-finite VPs. Shian-jung Chen’s Computer reader is used to discover how non-finite clauses are used to expressing events, how zero-anaphor resolution used to restore PRO-DROP in non-finite clauses is done, and what kinds of sentence construction rules are used by English writers to express inter-event relations when non-finite clauses are used.

The study recommends a lot of suggestions for Chinese learners regarding how to master the knowledge needed to tackle the POS ambiguity in understanding English non-finite VPs and to translate English non-finite clauses into Chinese.

中文摘要 I Abstract II Acknowledgements III Table of Contents IV List of Tables VII Chapter One: Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Purpose of the Study 3 1.3 Significance of the Study 5 1.4 Terminology 5 1.5 Structure of the Study 8 Chapter Two: Literature Review 9 2.1 Finite and Non-finite Clauses; Finite and Non-finite Verbs 10 2.2 Verbals: Infinitives, Genrunds and Participles 11 2.3 PRO-drop, Control Theory and Zero Anaphor Resolution 12 2.4 Sentence Construction Rules 13 2.5 PADS Gaps and PADS Restoration 15 2.6 Meaning Representation 16 2.7 Event-based Meaning Representation of Non-finite Clauses 17 2.8 Functions that Non-finite Clauses Play 20 2.8.1 Gerunds 21 2.8.2 Infinitives 21 2.8.3 Present Participles 22 2.8.4 Past Participles 23 2.9 The Criteria of Adequacy 24 2.10 Reading is a Demonstration of a Reader’s Knowledge of the Language 24 2.11 Ambiguity and Mismatch 27 2.12 Linguistic Relativity 28 2.13 Serial VPs 30 2.14 Hypotaxis Versus Parataxis 31 2.15 English Parser Used as a Computer Reader 32 2.16 Case Grammar and Case Frame of Who Did What to Whom 33 Chapter Three: Methodology 34 3.1 Computer Reader as Data Collector 34 3.2 Using Computer Reader’s Errors to Learn More About Language Knowledg 38 3.3 Manual Annotation from Correcting the Computer Reader’s Errors 41 3.4 Bilingual Manual Annotation by Adding Chinese Translations 42 3.5 POS Disambiguation and Classification of Non-finite Clauses 50 Chapter Four: Analysis and Discussion 54 4.1 Analysis of Computer Reader’s Errors in POS Disambiguation 56 4.2 How to Disambiguate Non-finite Clauses Starting with “to” 67 4.2.1 Infinitives and Confusing to+V 67 4.2.2 Embedded Infinitives as Subject or Object 69 4.2.3 Infinitives Branching or Inserted as NP or VP Modifier 72 4.3 Gerunds, Present Participles and Confusing –ing Words 75 4.3.1 Confusing –ing Words 75 4.3.2 Gerunds as Embedded Subject or Object 77 4.3.3 Present Participles Branching or Inserted as NP or VP Modifiers 79 4.4 Past Participles and Confusing –ed Words 82 4.4.1 Confusing –ed Words 83 4.4.2 Past Participles Branching or Inserted as NP or VP Modifiers 87 4.5 The Roles of Non-finite Clauses in Sentence Construction and Their Impact on English-to-Chinese Translation89 4.5.1 Embedding of Non-finite Clauses in Matrix Clauses and How E-to-C Translators Cope with It 89 4.5.2 Branching of Non-finite Clauses from Head NP or VP and How E-to-C Translators Cope with It 98 4.5.3 Insertion of Non-finite Clauses as NP or VP Modifiers and How E-to-C Translators Cope with It 107 4.6 Summary 113 Chapter Five: Conclusion 115 5.1 Recommendations for the Learning and Teaching of English 115 5.2 Recommendations for the Translators or Researchers in Contrastive Studies Between English and Chinese 117 5.3 Conclusion 118 References 119

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