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研究生: 楚湘萍
論文名稱: 運用資料探勘技術分析MRO電子採購資料
Analysis of MRO Procruement Operations Through Data Mining Technology
指導教授: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
口試委員: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
Tzu-Chuan Chou
Tain-Yi Luor
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 42
中文關鍵詞: 資料探勘關聯規則文字探勘MRO採購
外文關鍵詞: Data Mining, Association Rule Mining, Text Mining, MRO Procurement Operations
相關次數: 點閱:358下載:13
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本研究先利用關聯規則演算法分析出中華電信公司電子採購資料的關聯規則與頻繁項目集,並由結果得知中華電信公司財物、勞務、工程三大類採購類別,僅工程類採購案較能掌握採購品項為「營繕工程」、「機械工程」,財物及勞務類採購案內容多出現「其他財物」、「其他勞務」的不明確狀況。接著再利用文字探勘詞頻分析、語意模型分析採購短文資料,找出小額採購之財物、工程、勞務共三大類別採購案,各自的採購關鍵字,進而分析出較頻繁採購的品項,提供管理階層由不同面向獲取採購精進標的資訊。建議可從所獲得之前八十大關鍵字詞集中,進行逐年的 TF-IDF分析,追蹤其趨勢是逐年上升或逐年下降,可合理預測採購品項及供需面趨勢。

This study uses data mining technology, association rule mining in R language, and text mining to analyze e-procurement data of Chunghwa Telecom Company. The results are used to improve MRO procurement operations and enable organizations to fulfill the purposes of agility and cost optimization. The data of MRO procurement items is complex and unconstructed, making it difficult to analyze and interpret. Now, with the rapid development of big data, data mining, and visual analysis tools, we can have a better knowledge of the procurement data, and improve the management of procurement operations.
MRO procurement operations include the process of requesting, purchasing, reviewing, information searching of products and suppliers, price comparing, price negotiating, ordering, and paying. In recent years, this process has received increasing attention by companies and has been gradually introduced into e-procurement. In combination with the e-process of information flow, cash flow, and logistics, this process has reduced the operating process substantially and has improved the efficiency of procurement. However, explicit costs, such as labor and material costs, inventory costs, and material prices in the MRO procurement process, as well as hidden costs, such as poor performance and service interruption due to insufficient or inaccurate supply, are highlighted. They are regarded as the targets of cost reduction and further management, in the total cost of procurement. In the era of micro-profits, management of MRO procurement has been valued by companies.
In this study, association rule mining algorithms are used to analyze association rules and frequent itemsets of Chunghwa Telecom Company’s e-procurement data. From the results, it is learned that among Chunghwa Telecom Company’s three major procurement categories, property, labor service, and construction work, only cases of construction procurement, with procurement items of “construction and maintenance work” and “mechanical engineering,” can be better controlled. Cases of property and labor service procurement often have ambiguous situations, with procurement items of “other property” and “other labor service.” Next, term frequency analysis in text mining and semantic model are used to analyze procurement data, to find four major procurement methods, including limited bidding, open bidding, inter-entity supply contract, and small procurement, and their respective procurement keywords. Those can further be used to analyze the items that are purchased more frequently and provide managers with information on procurement targets from different aspects. From the top eighty keywords obtained, TF-IDF analysis is performed year by year. By tracking whether the annual trend is increasing or decreasing, procurement items and trends of supply and demand sides can be reasonably predicted.

摘要-I Abstract-II 誌謝-III 第一章 、緒論-1 第一節、 研究背景與動機-1 第二節、 研究問題與目的-2 第三節、 研究範圍與限制-3 第二章 、文獻探討-4 第一節、 MRO採購-4 第二節、 資料探勘-5 第三節、 資料分析方法-8 第三章 、研究方法-12 第一節、 研究流程-12 第二節、 研究方法-13 第三節、 研究步驟-15 第四章 、研究分析與結果-16 第一節、 電子採購資料描述與蒐集-16 第二節、 探索性資料視覺化分析結果-18 第三節、 關聯規則分析結果-21 第四節、 文字探勘分析結果-26 第五章 、結論與建議-40 參考文獻-41

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