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研究生: 楊昇翰
論文名稱: 地方意象在空間實踐過程中的轉譯
Translation of Local Image during Process of Spatial ife
指導教授: 莊亦婷
I-Ting Chuang
口試委員: 彭雲宏
Yeng-Horng Perng
I-Hsu Chiu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 178
中文關鍵詞: 國際競圖地方特色案例分析
外文關鍵詞: International competition, local characteristic, Case study
相關次數: 點閱:400下載:14
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在全球化快速衝擊的現代,「地方」在發展過程中可能被迫加入許多外力等因素迫使地方出現重大改變,例如, 在Amos Rapoport《文化特性與建築設計》一書中曾提到「一位法國建築師在北非村莊引入了自來水,其後卻招來了當地居民的不滿與抵制。經調查發現,對於身居家中的婦女來說,到村中的井台邊,是接觸社會的難得機會,而提供自來水就把她們這種要的社交機會給剝奪了。註Amos Rapoport 2004」一個地方的發展,若加上突如其來的改變,都可能影響人們既有的生活方式與人文特色,更甚者可能衍生經濟問題或社會問題,故這也是筆者操作地方設計時,深入了解並體會「地方」的日常特性,進而針對癥結點提出因應的思考重點。本論文探討居民在地方上的生活方式、文化及當地特色,同時透過擅長操作地域性建築的建築師,依據他們的作品做案例分析,了解建築師們如何把地方生活與行為融入設計之中。並於作品分析探討的過程中發現諸多設計手法的共同點,皆是具有對地方情感的依附與依賴的呈現。因而歸納出:區域環境、地方文化、自然景觀這三面向,因此筆者以這三面向在空間的轉化過程中,幫助決定每個設計的操作方向及策略,作為設計的發展。筆者針對區域環境、地方文化、自然景觀三大面向,分析人與環境間的因果關係、經營型態可行性等,將理念呈現於建築競圖上,並以三項國際競圖:《The next Helsinki》、《International Shopping Plaza ConceptCompetition》、《International Competition for MOLEWA》作為探討地方意象在空間實踐過程中的轉譯之案例。

In the modern age under impact of globalization, “local places” can be forced to significantly change by many external factors during their developments. For example, in Culture, Architecture, and Design by Amos Rapoport, it has once mentioned that “A French architect introduced running water to a village located in North Africa, but later brought him the dissatisfaction and resistance from local residents. Through investigations, for those women living in their homes, visiting the well bay area of a village was a precious opportunity to get into the society. And, the running water provided just deprived their social opportunities which were crucial to them. ”As to the development of one place, if there was any change suddenly happened, it might impact on peoples’ original life styles and cultural characteristics, and even could bring up economic or social problems.Therefore, this is also a focused thinking that is supposed to propose coping solution to bottleneck encountered through deeply understanding and experiencing the daily features of “local places” when the author was operating the design for local place. In this study, it aims to explore how we can understand the life styles, cultures and local characteristics of residents living in those areas, and with assistance from architects who are good at operating regional architectures and based on their works to make case study in order to understand how these architects combine the local life and behaviors into their designs. Moreover, among their works, they found many common places for multiple design techniques, and all of themare presentations of their depending and relying on local emotions. Therefore, three dimensions, such as regional environment, local culture and natural landscape were summarized, so the author determined to help make the operational direction and strategy for every design as development, during the process of spatial transformation of these three dimensions. The author analyzes the casual relationship between human and environment aiming at three dimensions including regional environment, local culture and natural landscape and presents them on the design competition of architecture. Furthermore, with the three global design competitions “The next Helsinki” “International Shopping Plaza Concept Competition” and “International Competition for MOLEWA ” they can be the cases of translation during the process of spatial practice of local image.

け  中文摘要 げ  英文摘要 こ  謝誌 ご  目錄 第一章緒論 P01 1-1動機與目的 P02 1-2案例分析 P12 1-3案例分析結論 P12 1-3-1地域性建築師作品操做分析 P14 1-3-2設計如何回應及當地生活 P15 1-4設計操作依據 P15 1-4-1地方生活性設計三面向 P16 1-5設計操作流程 P17 1-5-1資料收集的方式 第二章設計展演 P18 2-1The next Helsinki P20 2-1-1競圖簡介 P23 2-1-2設計思考之演變 P26 2-1-3空間課題與探討 P28 2-1-4設計操作與實踐 P34 2-1-5設計圖面表現 P50 2-1-6附錄 2-2-1競圖簡介 P64 2-2-2設計思考之演變 P70 2-2-3空間課題與探討 P72 2-3-3設計操作與實踐 P78 2-3-4設計圖面表現 P90 2-3-5附錄 2-4International Competition for MOLEWA P94 2-4-1競圖簡介 P96 2-4-2設計思考之演變 P97 2-4-3空間課題與探討 P98 2-4-4設計操作與實踐 P102 2-4-5設計圖面表現 P118 2-4-6附錄 第三章結論與反饋 P120 3-1結論 P122 3-2檢討 P122 3-3反饋 P123 3-4參考文獻 第四章 附錄 P125 4-1歷年參與之設計作品 P155 4-2獎狀

01/地方:記憶、想像與認同 Tim Creswell 2006
02/文化特性與建築設計Amos Rapoport 2004
03/環境設計概論 梁旻 2007
04/ Living in Place 黃聲遠 2015
05/ NOT ONLY:廖偉立建築作品集 廖偉立 2015
06/夢通霄:回家,尋找建築的原初 廖偉立 2015
07/本冊別冊Book Site Special Edition 本冊 2014
遠建築師作品為例 姜建宇 2007
