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研究生: 陳淑美
Shu-Mei Chen
論文名稱: 突破困境尋獲利基─A資產管理公司
Break through the predicament and seek profit base-A asset management company
指導教授: 陳俊男
Chun-Nan Chen
口試委員: 鄭仁偉
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 67
中文關鍵詞: SWOT分析Kotter企業轉型八步驟資源基礎理論競合策略
外文關鍵詞: SWOT Analysis, Kotter’s 8 Step Change Model, Resource Based Theory, Co-Opetition Strategy
相關次數: 點閱:243下載:0
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Due to the excessive competition of the financial market in late 1980s, rapid expansion of credit led to a sharp rise in non-performing loan ratio (NPL Ratio) over financial institutions. To solve this chaos, the Ministry of Finance imported Asset Management Company (AMC) mechanism, speeding up the process of non-performing loans of financial institutions. As a result, the Executive Yuan promulgated and implemented "Financial Institution Merger Act", which became the legislative basis for the establishment of AMC.
Company A was established in 2005. Its main business was dealing with the purchase of non-performing loans in the beginning of establishment, supplemented by the management and disposal of collaterals for the bidding of foreclosures or acceptance of non-performing loans. Due to the limitation of regulations, facing a lack of sources of non-performing creditors’ rights, company A has been seeking for breakthroughs and ultimately reinvested in leasing subsidiaries of China in 2013 and established domestic leasing departments in the year 2015, even though the income was not as much as of the non-performing loans, which could realize in short term periods.
Company A has been frequently questioned by the board of directors of the financial holding company due to the low achievement of budget target recent years. Since 2010, the reimbursable expenditure business for urban renewal and reconstruction of old buildings has officially been launched, which lead to a diversified operation and increment of the company's profit.
This paper was written in the way of Harvard business case, including two parts: text of the case and teaching guide. Students are expected to learn SWOT analysis analyzing situation of competitions and learn to conceive future development strategies and directions.
Recently, due to the fierce competition in the foreclosure market that makes difficulties to obtain objects, and the shrunk of market size because of the limitation of regulations, Kotter’s 8 step change model was used to assist leaders to transform works and improve competitiveness of companies, which was also based on the Resource-Based Theory.
Not only assisting the activation of idle assets of various subsidiaries, but also enhancing customer trust with the brand and reputation of the group, the co-opetition strategy promotes alliances from various industries that creates synergy, jointly develop urban renewal or old building reconstruction projects to improve the living quality and safety for citizens. The research recommendations put forward by the conclusion of this study can be used as a reference for corporate transformation or excessive market competition.

目錄 摘要 .......................................... I ABSTRACT ...................................... II 誌謝 .......................................... III 目錄 .......................................... IV 圖目錄 ......................................... V 表目錄 ......................................... VI 第壹章 個案本文 ................................. 1 第一節 序場 ..................................... 1 第二節 AMC 產業背景及個案公司經營概況描述 .......... 2 第三節 深耕利基-發揮專業造就口碑 .................. 6 第四節 步履維艱-市場規模縮水、案源缺乏 ............. 7 第五節 承先啟後-既有業務強化,發展新種 ............. 9 第六節 博採眾長-高階策勵營會議 .................... 12 附錄 ............................................ 15 第貳章 個案討論 .................................. 22 第一節 個案總覽 .................................. 22 第二節 教學目標與適用課程 ......................... 23 第三節 學生課前討論問題 ........................... 25 第四節 個案背景 .................................. 26 第五節 個案分析 .................................. 26 課程目標一:SWOT 分析之探討........................ 28 課程目標二:Kotter 企業轉型八步驟之................. 32 課程目標三:資源基礎理論之探討 ..................... 37 課程目標四:競合策略之探討 ......................... 41 參考文獻 ......................................... 53 中文參考文獻 ..................................... 53 英文參考文獻 ..................................... 56 參考網站 ......................................... 58

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