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研究生: 方萍錦
Chynthia Fang
論文名稱: 網路口碑之特性對於消費者購買後行為之影響: 以印尼訂房網站為例
The Influence of eWOM Characteristics towards Customers’ Post-purchase Behavior: A Case of Online Hotel Booking in Indonesia
指導教授: 莊育娟
Yu-Chuang Chuang
口試委員: 張恩欣
An-Hsin Chang
Chin-Lun Tsai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 78
外文關鍵詞: eWOM, Online Repurchase Intention, Hotel Booking, Reviewers' Credibility, Consumer Behavior
相關次數: 點閱:83下載:11
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Recognizing the critical importance of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) in the digital age, this research thoroughly explores the impact of eWOM characteristics on customer satisfaction and online repurchase intentions within the context of Indonesia's online hotel booking industry, with a specific emphasis on how the credibility of reviewers moderates these effects. The researcher structured around two primary objectives: first, to assess the influence of eWOM characteristics (content and comprehensiveness) towards customer satisfaction and online repurchase intention; second, to explore the moderating role of reviewer credibility (identity and volume) in this dynamic. An experimental website is designed to simulate the online booking experience, therefore, giving firsthand experience to the respondents. Following the experimental website is the personal questionnaire. All of which is targeted primarily for domestic travelers in Indonesia. The researcher managed to gather approximately 400 usable data, and regression analysis is applied to the data collected. This study found that both comprehensiveness and content in eWOM influence customers' satisfaction. Different from satisfaction, content in eWOM does not influence customers’ online repurchase intention. Consequently, moderating activities of reviewers' credibility is also found in the relationship between eWOM characteristics towards satisfaction and online repurchase intention. These insights are invaluable for online platforms and hoteliers, highlighting the importance of managing eWOM effectively to enhance customer engagement and foster repeat business. This research not only contributes to the academic understanding of eWOM dynamics but also provides practical implications for digital marketing strategies and customer relationship management in the ever-evolving landscape of the online hotel booking industry.

ABSTRACT i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii LIST OF FIGURES iv LIST OF TABLES v CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Research Background and Motive 1 1.2. Research Purpose 5 1.3. Research Procedure 5 1.4. Research Outline 6 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 8 2.1. eWOM 8 2.2. Satisfaction 15 2.3. Online Repurchase Intention 16 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH MODEL AND METHODOLOGY 18 3.1. Research Framework and Hypotheses 18 3.2. Key Variables and Survey Design 19 3.3. Data Analysis Procedure 34 CHAPTER 4 DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS 37 4.1. Descriptive Statistics 37 4.2. Reliability Analysis 38 4.3. Correlation Analysis 39 4.4. Regression Analysis 43 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 59 5.1. Conclusion 59 5.2. Theoretical Implications 62 5.3. Managerial Implications 64 5.4. Research Limitations 66 5.5. Suggestions for Future Studies 66 REFERENCES 68

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