簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 朱昱恆
Yu-heng Chu
論文名稱: 人蔘皂苷萃取與轉化研究
Extraction and Conversion of Ginsenoside
指導教授: 李明哲
Ming-Jer Lee
口試委員: 林河木
Ho-Mu Lin
Jui-Tang Chen
Wen-Lu Weng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 83
中文關鍵詞: 人蔘皂苷人蔘二醇人蔘三醇萃取水解
外文關鍵詞: ginsenoside, Rg1, Rb1, PPT, PPD
相關次數: 點閱:268下載:2
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本研究藉由乙醇水溶液萃取從花旗蔘中提取人蔘皂苷,再以水解轉化法進一步切除人蔘皂苷上的醣基,以製得具高經濟價值的去醣人蔘二醇(PPD)與去醣人蔘三醇(PPT)。萃取方式為利用一可密閉彈匣式壓力容器進行加壓溶液萃取(pressurized hot solution extraction),以改變萃取溫度、萃取時間、萃取溶劑組成與溶劑pH值等實驗變數,藉以比較這些變數對萃取總產率(total extraction yield)、人蔘皂苷內主要成分Rg1與Rb1含量之影響。此外,本萃取研究加入了多種特定生物可相容緩衝劑,藉以調控人蔘皂苷萃取溶劑的pH值。人蔘皂苷鹼水解反應係在高溫高壓反應器內進行,由實驗結果探討水解溫度、水解時間與溶液內鹼濃度等變數對水解總產率(total yield)、水解後去醣人蔘皂苷內主要成分PPD與PPT含量之影響。分析儀器除秤重天秤外,另使用高效液相層析儀(HPLC)做萃取產物的組成分析。
實驗設計上除了傳統的逐一因素法(one factor at a time)外,也使用了部分因素實驗設計法(fractional factor design)中的直交表法(orthogonal array)來探討影響實驗的主要因素,以及使用反應曲面法(response surface methodology, RSM)尋求最適化條件。實驗結果經ANOVA分析後,推斷各因子對實驗結果影響之強弱,以及各因子的較佳操作條件。

In this study, we extracted ginsenosides from the American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) by using aqueous ethanol solutions. Then alkaline hydrolysis conversion method was used to remove sugar side-chains for producing high economic potential products, protopanaxadiol (PPD) and protopanaxatriol (PPT). A pressurized hot solution extraction method was applied to the extraction by using a cartridge-type pressure vessel. We changed the extraction temperature, extraction time, the composition of extraction solvents, and the pH value of extraction solvents to find the effects on the total extraction yield and the content of the main products, ginsenosides Rg1 and Rb1. The influences of addition of biological buffers to manipulate the pH value of solvent media are also studied. The alkaline hydrolysis of ginsenosides was conducted in an autoclave-type high temperature and high pressure reactor. The influences of the reaction temperature, reaction time, and alkaline concentration on the total yield and the content of the main products, PPD and PPT, can be found from the experimental results. During the experiments, we measured the total yield by weight, and analyzed the composition of products by using a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
The experimental design methods were adoped in this study, not only one factor at a time, but also fractional factor design and the response surface methodology (RSM). With an aid of orthogonal array design to explore the influence of main factors, response surface methodology help us to find the favorable operating conditions. Finally, ANOVA analysis was used to determine the level of the factors affect the experimental results, and the significance of the operating conditions for each factor.

摘 要 I Abstract III 致 謝 V 目錄 VII 表目錄 IX 圖目錄 XII 第一章 緒論 1 1-1 藥用植物背景 1 1-2 人蔘概述 2 1-3 萃取 4 1-3-1 高壓熱水萃取法 4 1-3-2 人蔘萃取文獻回顧 5 1-4水解轉化 7 1-5 研究重點 8 第二章 人蔘萃取研究 17 2-1藥品與儀器 17 2-2操作步驟 18 2-3 HPLC分析 19 2-4 萃取測試資料 20 2-4-1 萃取時間 20 2-4-2 溫度 21 2-4-3 溶劑 22 2-4-4 pH值 23 2-4-5緩衝劑濃度 24 2-5 直交表實驗設計 25 2-5-1 實驗設計原理 25 2-5-2 直交表法 26 2-5-3 人蔘萃取直交表實驗 28 2-6 反應曲面實驗設計 29 2-6-1 反應曲面法(response surface methodology, RSM) 29 2-6-2 中心組合設計(central composite design) 30 2-6-3 人蔘萃取反應曲面實驗 31 第三章 人蔘皂苷水解轉化研究 58 3-1藥品與儀器 58 3-2操作步驟 59 3-3 HPLC分析 60 3-4 水解轉化測試實驗 61 3-4-1 原料分析 61 3-4-2 水解轉化時間測試 61 3-5 水解轉化直交表實驗 62 第四章 結論與建議 77 4-1 結論 77 4-2 建議 78 參考文獻 80

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