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研究生: 徐華梅
Hua-Mei Hsu
論文名稱: 應用Kano 二維品質模式探討智慧空調消費者購買行為
The Application of Kano Model on Consideration of Smart Air Conditioner Purchasing by Consumers
指導教授: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
口試委員: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
Tom M.Y. Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 55
中文關鍵詞: Kano 二維品質模式智慧空調
外文關鍵詞: Kano model, intelligent air conditioning
相關次數: 點閱:242下載:0
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隨著網際網路相關硬體建置普及,數位科技藉由物聯網(IoT)得以發展快速,在物聯網應用當中,目前最被廣泛使用的就屬智慧家庭(Smart Home),而智慧家庭可以成為主流市場的重要關鍵在於具備人工智慧之「智慧家電」。
本研究根據空調製造、銷售專家的意見及相關文獻,構建了未來智慧空調的產品屬性,應用Kano 二維品質模式探討消費者在購買智慧空調時對其產品屬性的偏好,找出消費者在作採購決策時所考量的關鍵因素。依據研究結果提出具體的建議,做為家電業者在產品開發設計及販賣通路行銷策略運用之參考依據。

With the ubiquitous establishment of Internet related hardware, digital technologies have been growing fast owing to Internet of Things (IoT).
Among the IoT applications, currently the most widespread one is for Smart Home. And “Smart Appliances” incorporating artificial intelligence functions are an essential feature for the Smart Home application to enter the mainstream market. In the trend of replacing traditional home appliances with smart home appliances, how to precisely grasp the actual needs of consumers in order to capture business opportunities inevitably becomes the focus of the business strategies for all home appliance manufacturers.
In the home appliance consumer markets, more and more technologies are integrated into products with the increasing demands of functions by customers. However, the market reality indicates it is not always the case that customers prefer products with more functions. Many people purchase home appliances with powerful capabilities at higher prices, but only actually use basic or lower-level functions and operations.Many higher-level features are then left in an idle state. There is a big gap between consumers' expectation and practical use experience.
Smart Air Conditioner is one of the important elements in the Smart Appliance family. This study proposes to exemplify the case of Samrt Air Conditioners and investigate from the cusumers’ perspectives in the exploration of the gap between the functions provided in the products and the actual uses by consumers. This is to find out the consumers’ primitive expectation and purchasing preferences toward air conditioner products, and apply them to the product function research and development, and marketing strategies for home appliance manufacturers.
This research is based on air conditioner manufacatuers’ and sale experts’ comments as well as related lieteratures, to construct the characteristics of smart air conditioner products. Kano 2-dimensional model is applied to explore the purchasing prefereances of customers toward specifici characteristics in the smart air conditioners. The goal is to find the key factors when consumers make purchase decisions and provide manufactures references and suggestions in product design, development, marketing and sales strategies.

中文摘要................................ I ABSTRACT............................... II 誌謝................................... IV 緒論................................... 1 第一節 研究背景......................... 1 第二節 研究動機......................... 2 第三節 研究目的......................... 2 第四節 研究流程......................... 3 文獻探討............................... 5 家用電器的定義及產業概況................. 5 智慧家庭、智慧家電與物聯網............... 12 產品屬性............................... 13 Kano 二維品質模式...................... 17 研究方法.............................. 22 研究架構.............................. 22 研究對象與抽樣方法...................... 22 研究變項的定義與衡量.................... 23 問卷設計............................... 25 資料處理方法........................... 26 研究結果............................... 28 樣本敍述性統計分析...................... 28 信度分析............................... 30 Kano 品質屬性與歸類表................... 31 智慧空調使用狀況及購買意願分析............ 33 結論與建議.............................. 34 研究結論............................... 34 管理意涵................................ 35 研究局限性和後續研究方向................. 36 參考文獻............................... 38 附錄-本研究問卷

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