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研究生: 林泰利
Tai-Li Lin
論文名稱: 色彩與香味的情緒作用與關聯性
The Role of Emotion between Colours and Fragrances
指導教授: 林品章
Pin-Chang Lin
口試委員: 王韋堯
Regina W.Y. Wang
Jeng-Neng Fan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 色彩香味情緒PAD情緒量表
外文關鍵詞: colours, fragrance, emotion, PAD emotion scales
相關次數: 點閱:597下載:44
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色彩和氣味都與情緒間具有緊密的關連性。而情緒可以影響知覺、認知、動機和行為,並且對於行為有積極的作用,因此本研究以色彩與氣味的情緒作用及關聯性進行研究,並以Mehrabian and Russell (Mehrabian & Russell, 1974)所提出的「愉悅度pleasure」、「激發度arousal」、「支配度dominance」三個構面的PAD情緒量表針對色彩與香味進行評量,以期掌握色彩和香味間的交互作用及與情绪的關聯。主要研究目的有:(1)探討色彩的情緒作用。(2)探討香味的情緒作用。(3)探討色彩與香味的情緒作用與關聯。(4)探討與香味感覺適合度高之色彩屬性。(5)探討香味加上感覺適合與不適合的色彩組合在情緒作用上的差異。


Both colours and fragrances have are closely related to emotions. Emotions can affect the consciousness, cognition, motive and behaviour, and has a positive effect towards behaviours. Therefore this study focuses on the role of emotion between colours and fragrances, using the three dimensions of ‘pleasure’, ‘arousal’ and ‘dominance’ (PAD emotion scales) which was raised by Mehrabian and Russell (Mehrabian & Russell, 1974), to evaluate both colour and fragrance, in order to grasp the connection between the interaction of colour, fragrance and emotion. The main purposes of this study are: (1)To explore the emotional effect of colours. (2)To explore the emotional effect of fragrances. (3)To understand the effects and relation of colour and fragrance on emotions. (4)To examine the attributes of colour that have a higher suitability with fragrances. (5)To examine the emotional difference between combinations of suitable colours and fragrances and unsuitable matches.

The study reveals that: (1)Pleasure is the most common emotional effect aroused by colour and fragrance. (2)The three dimensions of pleasure, arousal and dominance triggered by colour and fragrance present a positive relation. (3)Pastel colours can most easily trigger emotional pleasure, Saturated colours bring more arousement and dominance. (4)Non-colours have the highest dominace and lowest arousement; pastel colours have the highest pleasure, while presenting lower arousement and dominance; saturated colours on the other hand have a more consistant pleasure, arousement and dominance relation. (5)Yellow triggers the highest pleasure and arousement, while black has the lowest index; regarding dominance, Purple has the highest effect while gray has the lowest. (6)The analysis of effect on hue indicates that Blue has a lower arousement than other hue, while Purple has a significant higher dominance index. (7)Pastel colours have a higher suitability with fragrances, while non-colours have the lowest suitability. (8)Fragrances with suitable colours combined can raise the effect of pleasure; fragrances with suitable colours combined have a higher arousement and dominance than those unsuitable. (9)Fragrance combined with suitable and unsuitable combinations have the highest effect on pleasure, then arousement, the least on dominance. (10)After combined with suitable or unsuitable colours, fragrances that originally have a lower emotional effect would have the most difference. (11)The differences between emotional effects caused by colours have a wider variety between subjects than fragrances.

摘  要 I 誌  謝 III 目  錄 IV 圖 目 錄 VII 表 目 錄 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2研究目的 2 1.3研究範圍與限制 2 1.4研究架構與流程 4 第二章 文獻探討 5 2.1色彩相關研究 5 2.1.1色彩應用的重要性 5 2.1.2色彩的跨感官作用 5 2.1.3色彩的生理作用 8 2.1.5色彩系統- NCS 12 2.2嗅覺相關研究 12 2.2.1嗅覺的特性 13 2.2.2嗅覺與視覺 13 2.2.3氣味與情緒的關聯性 14 2.2.4香調的分類 17 2.3知覺的組織性 18 2.4感官與情緒 20 2.5情緒相關研究 20 2.5.1情緒的描述與意義 21 2.5.2情緒的重要性 23 2.5.3情緒的運作過程 24 2.5.4情緒的名詞與測量方法 24 第三章 研究設計 27 3.1第一階段「量表先前測試」 28 3.2第二階段「色彩情緒作用評量」 31 3.4第四階段「色彩與香味配對適合度評量」 37 3.5第五階段「色彩與香味組合之情緒作用評量」 39 第四章 研究結果 43 4.1研究一:量表先前測試 43 4.1.1受測對象基本資料分析 43 4.1.2量表分析 44 4.2研究二:色彩的情緒作用評量 63 4.2.1受測對象基本資料分析 63 4.2.2色彩的情緒構面分析 64 4.2.3色系的情緒作用分析 66 4.2.4色相的情緒作用 68 4.2.6受測者差異 69 4.2.7研究小結 70 4.3研究三:香味情緒作用評量 71 4.3.1受測對象基本資料分析 71 4.3.2香味的情緒構面 72 4.3.3受測者差異 75 4.3.4研究小結 76 4.4研究四:色彩與香味配對適合度評量 77 4.4.1受測對象基本資料分析 77 4.4.2色系與香味配對適合度分析 78 4.4.3受測者差異 80 4.4.4研究小結 81 4.5研究五:色彩與香味組合之情緒作用評量 82 4.5.1受測對象基本資料分析 82 4.5.2色彩與香味組合之情緒作用分析 83 4.5.3受測者差異 87 4.5.4研究小結 87 第五章 結論與建議 88 5.1研究結論 88 5.2後續研究與建議 89 參考文獻 90 附錄1 量表先前測試問卷 95 附錄2 色彩情緒作用評量問卷 99 附錄3 香味情緒作用評量問卷 101 附錄4 色彩與香味配對適合度評量問卷 103 附錄5 色彩與香味組合之情緒作用評量問卷 105 附錄6 受測者基本資料問卷 107

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