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Author: 黃胤璽
Yin-Xi Huang
Thesis Title: 嵌入式數位訊號處理器應用於雙眼影像伺服三軸手臂擊球系統
Development of Binocular Vision Control of Ball Batting Robot by Digital Signal Processor on Embedded System
Advisor: 邱士軒
Shih-Hsuan Chiu
Committee: 邱顯堂
Hsien-Tang Chiu
Chang-Chiun Huang
Chyi-Yeu Lin
Che-yen Wen
Degree: 碩士
Department: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Thesis Publication Year: 2013
Graduation Academic Year: 101
Language: 英文
Pages: 70
Keywords (in Chinese): 影像伺服數位信號處理器嵌入式
Keywords (in other languages): Image Servo System, DSP, Embedded System
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過去影像伺服系統多在個人電腦基礎下開發,造成系統成本過高、設備體積龐大、效能低且不適合獨立運作,然而隨著科技進步,嵌入式數位訊號處理器(DSP: Digital Signal Processor)的功能比以往更加強大,在複雜運算上,提高準確度和效能,能滿足大部分系統在「即時性」的需求。因此,可以取代個人電腦為主的影像伺服系統。

There are a lot of image servo systems in PC-based development, affecting enormous system cost, low efficiency, not appropriate independent operation and huge size hardware. In recent years, advance development in technology increase processing speed of Digital Signal Processor (DSP) and expands its functionality. In embedded system, DSP has high accuracy and high performance processing in complex arithmetic. Therefore, it could become the most system’s requirement for real-time capability and replace PC-based in visual servo system.
In this study, TMS320DM648 and DMS320F2812 are utilized in the system. Principally, DM648 as a vision system can calculate position information of moving object and predict its value. F2812 as robot control core works based on the following sequence processes: Initially, the control commands are sent by UART to the robot control kernel. Secondly, rotation angle is got by using the inverse kinematics, and finally, the target is responded by the robot arm, i.e. hitting the target.

摘要 Abstract 致謝 Contents Figures Index Tables Index CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Literature Review 1.3 Research Motivation and Purpose 1.4 Thesis Structure CHAPTER 2 System Architecture 2.1 Summary of DSP Embedded System Development 2.2 Hardware Framework 2.3 TMS320DM648 2.4 DMS320F2812 2.5 Three-axis Robot Arm CHAPTER 3 Proposed Method 3.1 Image Processing Subsystem 3.1.1 Color Space 3.1.2 Camera Calibration 3.1.3 Codebook 3.1.4 Center Point Calculation 3.1.5 Binocular Vision System 3.1.6 Image Algorithm Performance Assessment 3.2 Motion Control Subsystem 3.2.1 Robot Kinematics 3.2.2 Trajectory Planning 3.2.3 Double Buffer System 3.2.4 Robot Arm Control Performance Assessment 3.3 Communication Module CHAPTER 4 System Implementation and Performance 4.1 Image Servo Batting System Experiment Profile 4.2 Image Servo Batting System Experimental Environment 4.3 Trajectory Prediction 4.4 Tactics 4.5 The Experimental Result CHAPTER 5 Conclusions and Future Work References

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