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研究生: 劉子齊
Tze-chi Liu
論文名稱: 理性開箱文對最新產品購買意願之影響
Rational Product Review Article’s Effect on Really New Product
指導教授: 吳克振
Cou-chen Wu
口試委員: 張琬喻
Woan-yuh Jang
Wei-ning Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 38
中文關鍵詞: 開箱文理性思考模式理性撰寫開箱文認知好處認知成本消費者創新認知新奇產品相容性最新產品
外文關鍵詞: Product review article, rational thinking, cognitive information processing mode, perceived benefit, really new product, perceived costs, perceived newness, Consumer Innovativeness
相關次數: 點閱:348下載:0
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  • 現代科技日新月異,發展快速,消費者對於商品的需求也越來越高,如果不創新產品便有可能遭到市場淘汰,蘋果與三星智慧型手機大戰即為此一例證。 許多高度競爭的產業,廠商往往以創新的產品希望能夠開拓新市場及打破市場限制創造更多的收益。然而在數百件、數千件的新產品中,僅有寥寥可數的產品突破重圍獲得消費者青睞。最新產品雖然能夠有效吸引大眾目光,但由於對產品的不了解,導致購買最新產品的不確定性過高,消費者失去實際購買的意願。然而其他消費者使用經驗的分享,如越來越流行的開箱文,能夠幫助消費者降低對最新產品的不了解,提升購買意願。本研究驗證當開箱文以越理性的方式撰寫,能夠降低消費者對於最新產品不了解的程度,進而提升購買意願。除此之外,本研究也驗證了過去研究所採用,對最新產品影響的要素,如: 消費者創新對最新產品購買意願有正面影響、認知產品新奇程度提升購買意願、認知產品好處對消費者意願有正向影響、高認知使用產品成本,降低消費者購買意願及產品相容性越高提升消費者購買意願。本研究也加入理性訊息處理模式本研究迴規模型,證明理性思考模式對於最新產品購買意願確實有顯著提升。

    Firms which encounter sales stagnation always try to use innovative product to solve the problem, attracting new customers. However, It is very likely consumers may just be attracted by the seemingly alluring advertisement but not to follow through their intention. People are inclined to think really new product (RNP) more abstractly, it causes that they might be interested in RNPs' but other factors like cost and product compatibility impede them from buying it. For firms which release new product on market, it is important to let consumers to think more concretely and rationally about really new product. We use T-test to confirm our hypothesis that product review article written in more rational way will yields higher RNPs buying intention. Moreover, this study also proves variables such as perceived benefits, perceived newness, product compatibility and Consumer Innovativeness’s positive impacts on RNPs buying intention, and perceived costs’ negative impact. We also add cognitive information processing mode in our regression model to verify our assumption used in our first hypothesis that cognitive information processing mode has positive impact on RNPs buying intention.

    目錄 摘要 III Abstract IV Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Literature Review 3 2.1 Analogical Learning 3 2.2 Mental Simulation 4 2.3 Perceived Costs and Perceived Benefits 5 2.4 Consumer Innovativeness 6 2.5 Really New Product and Incrementally New Product 8 2.7 Perceived Newness 9 2.9 Product compatibility 10 2.10 Cognitive information processing mode 11 2.11 Intention to adopt really new products 12 2.12 Product review article 13 Chapter 3 Framework and Hypothesis 15 3.1 Rational product review article’s effect on consumers buying intention. 15 3.2 Other Factors that will influence consumers’ buying intention of RNPs. 16 Chapter 4 Method 18 4.1 Overview and Design 18 4.2 Measure 18 4.4 Result 20 4.9 Summary of hypotheses 21 Chapter 5 General Discussion 22 5.1 Summary of findings 22 5.2 Managerial implication 23 5.3 Limitation and future research 24 Reference 25 Appendix (A) 29 Reliability analysis 29 Appendix (B) 30 Sample characteristics 30 Appendix (C) 31 Test of basic assumption 31

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